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I've about had enough

With as much personal knowledge I have of people being garbage, stuff like this still surprises me. You go out of your way to provide folks with all the knowledge and resources they need to get out there and get after it. I don't think I can ever thank you enough for opening this door for me and my family. Every time I ever turned on the sportsman or outdoor channels back in the day, what I was looking for were shows like yours. Until I stumbled on your gutless method YouTube video last year I never found that. There are many of us that are extremely grateful for the content you and your team create. What I am trying to say is that I understand your frustration, but don't let the scumbags get you down. I'm pretty sure if those losers had the gumption to strait follow you out on your hunts (and I don't believe they are motivated enough) they still wouldn't be able to close the deal.
That's interesting, Randy. I deal with FOIA's frequently and directly involved in redacting PII, etc. I imagine you've spoken with your attorney and maybe there are differences between gov foia vs business though seems very odd to provide such info. Privacy Act 552a is applicable without regard to either though... ?

As for your filming permits / locations I don't have any direct understanding of such though PII...

Pretty crappy all around though foia is one of our greatest values for transparency... It's a bummer to see it abused in this fashion.

Best to you.
Holy crap Randy, I can't even believe what a hassle that has to be. I'm sorry you have to deal with that kind of crap. As others have stated, I'm pretty sure you're one of the few that follow all of the permitting rules and I for one appreciate your honesty and doing things the "right" way. I like to show my scout troop your videos and one of the main reasons is I know you and your crew are always on the up and up. I hope that you're able to continue to make this work. The hunting community needs a person like you in these crazy times.
Randy, at 51 years old I have very few heroes. You sir, are one of the few. I drove 2 hours after work one day to meet you at the Nashville BHA pint night, then 2 hours back home after and on to work the next morning. I really can't think of any one else I would have done that for. I love the outdoors, hunting, fishing, camping, hiking and most especially DIY. You are a champion for all those things I love so dearly and one we all need so badly. Just know you are appreciated and respected. The world is full of assholes and I hope you can find a way to deal with them while continuing your good work. Thanks for everything.
As for anyone accessing your account, this is why I prefer two-factor authentication. Sure, can be hacked and reset but requires more skill to defeat than single factor.

I second the idea that a proxy be set up to apply for the permits. Perhaps is a lawyer acting on behalf of a client or a C-Corp then they provide the permit for their team of which you are a member. Does National Geographic actually have an individual apply for their permits? I would think there is a workaround to limit the exposure of your information. Although, may be too late to close the barn door on all prior permit applications so may not help you much in reality at this point.

Sorry this crap is going on. I expect foul play from antis but to have active hunters involved is very disappointing. When you said Utah, I thought....hmmmm, the state that wink wink nods nods a lot to the insiders so may the apparent account hacking not even be related to FOIA.
PII should not be FOIAble, and using personal data to access your account on a government system is illegal in most states. I hope you are consulting your attorney. But damn, I can’t believe the low-lifes out there.
Wow.. A GPS tracker would be easier.... What a bunch of jackasses who are too lazy to do any research on their own. If they were not such jackasses maybe people would help them out but who would help out anyone like that.
You would think your identifiers would be required to be redacted from any such foia request. I am really really surprised in today's age that isn't a must do for any government agency. What a real POS this ass is. His day will come.
Send them a bill for all the free advertising you give them!!!
I guarantee you and your show have contributed significantly to the popularity of public land hunting, and have added much to the pocketbooks of game agencies. I, for one would probably never have taken the plunge into western hunting if not for your show. I always wanted to, but was scared poopless I would unintentionally break a law or cross a line. I regret it took me 57 years to finally experience great western hunting.
Thank you Randy... ten times over, for what you do. I am sorry you have to succumb to the unorthodix red tape that all levels of government seem to infect upon our heritage and way of life.
Keep the fight alive brother!
Sorry to hear. Those that mentioned legal options are on track - I am no FOIA expert by have had items redacted for my clients in the past - and unlawful access of most online systems is a crime under federal CFAA (and most states have similar laws) seems like those login in with your credentials could have some real legal trouble if you pushed.
Wow... What a fricken loser. Karma always comes around in the end and she is a nasty bitch.
That is an impressive level of stalking. Sucks that people suck!
To follow up with Randy's post, I am the friend that got turned in for illegal outfitting. I have to say the phone call was something else and one that honestly I was expecting considering the accusations that were being thrown around by Jim Sebastian on the thread about our elk hunt in Wyoming. Some people are just flat low-lifes, no way to sugar coat it, so I won't.

It also comes as no shock to me that Randy's information is being hacked, its happens to me a lot. People hack my draw information every year because they think the "secret" to being successful is the tags a person draws. I would guess that anyone that is so inept as a hunter that feels they have to hack someone else's draw information, would probably find it somewhere between challenging and impossible to sneak up on a glass of water. I've said it a lot, give a good hunter the worst tag in the State, they'll find above average success. Give the worst hunter the best tags, they'll still find a way to blow it.

The jealously that follows hunting is staggering and the lows people will stoop to is really quite sad. Its not just in the hunting world where this is common, its common in occupational success, athletics, you name it.

Ironically enough, I got a phone call just today from one of my closest work associates/partners that the GF had contacted him regarding the elk hunt that I enjoyed with Randy, Marcus, and Matthew. It didn't end there either, they asked about that hunt and how it is that I find success on public lands so often. I just have to be doing something wrong to be that successful...kind of sad the GF thinks that way too.

I would say those that are so sure I must be doing something wrong because I have success on public lands, probably would be shocked at the amount of hours, days, months, and years that its taken me to find any kind of success. Its knowledge that I've gained through a metric shit ton of NOT finding success, unselfish help from many friends, family members, etc. that have helped immensely over the years. I can assure anyone, that there are many, many people that are much more lucky than me, much better hunters, much better shots, much better at glassing, in much better shape, etc.

So, for whoever the numb-nuts are that seem to want to hinder either Randy or anyone else that finds success, good luck with that. You'll be as successful at that endeavor as they are at hunting, not worth a shit.
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