I've about had enough

A While back I thought I read where somebody had proposed some legislation to amend the permitting process, and create exemptions. Do you know anything about that, Randy? And if you do, did it ever gain any traction?
Man that is some ugly stuff. Pretty unfortunate that folks like Randy and Buzz that work so hard promoting hunting and public lands have to deal with the scum suckers of the earth. For what it is worth you guys have been an inspiration to me to be a more vocal advocate.
Hey Randy and Buzz, if they find out I let Randy use my sawzall on Matthew's elk, they'll probably throw up some roadblocks on my street until they can question me!!

In all seriousness, this is a bunch of bull(no pun intended), sorry you guys have to put up with it!
So exactly how does that feel buzzard?? to be unjustly accused of wrong doing/illegal acts? based on jealousy..., gossip... stir in a little innuendo... Oh to be a stellar jay sitting outside of the tent flap...
Lot’s of *sshats out there - too bad to see it showing up in the cozy confines of hunting circles - but such is the nature of the world these days I guess. But for what its worth, I have appreciated all I have learned from BigFin (and Buzz) so hope you guys keep doing what you are doing.
99% of FOIA requests are made with mischievous intent. It's another consequence of well-meaning people with good ideas and poor execution. It's time we revisit FOIA.
I can’t believe that it’s even a possibility that someone would be provided documents from the government that have your SSN on them.

I had a job in State Government where I had to provide data to people but we always had to white out things like Social Security numbers and bank info and scan the cleaned up data before we fulfilled the request.

I’m really sorry you have to deal with this and wouldn’t blame you one bit if it made you quit. Either way I value the stories you’ve told.
"Subsequently we sent a public information request to the Wyoming Game & Fish Department asking for your license draw success since 2008."
Above is from a different, but similar, BS inquiry last month, advanced by a group of guys I had never met or talked to, supposedly representing a non-profit organization. That quote is taken verbatim from an email they sent to me that made some pretty serious accusations, all of which turned out to be horse shit. With nothing to hide or worry about, I asked them for a phone call to find out what the hell this was all about. Not that I need their "seal of approval to hunt Wyoming with my Uncle and other close friends." ...... but they said they would stop whatever it was they were pursuing.

Not sure what WY G&F gave them, or under what state statute Wyoming agencies are required to provide such information to anyone who asks, but these guys had all of my draw results since 2008. I was not notified by WY that such request was made of my information. Advance notice is given under FOIA requests, but evidently not under WY statute.

Not sure what personal information was included in that information dump, either. Hopefully none.

Point being, if you want to keep any secrets, don't apply with me ....... And, if you want to know where I hunt in Wyoming, evidently WY G&F is required to give it to you if you ask.
wow, there are some people who must have amazing amounts of free time in this world. that is some next level stalking there, kinda scary.

Randy and Buzz seem to be stand up guys. keep fighting the good fight when it comes to public lands and our fish and wildlife resources. you are appreciated
Dang, I had no idea the permit process was so complicated and time consuming. Then having all of the fallout from the FOIA stuff just seems insane.

Hope you are able to keep doing the good work, we appreciate it. Also hope the A-holes get their just rewards.
Sorry Randy that you have to put up with such BS from some low life people. This site and all the content you put out is what pushed me to finally plan my first true western diy hunt a handful of years back and I truly thank you for that!
Sucks for both you guys. Buzz got to say it doesnt suprise me about GF officers leading that you must be doing something wrong. I mean just seems investigating is almost presumed guilty nowadays.
Everything but your id number is available from wygf with an email. Your ssn hasn’t been used for a while now.
Randy, the hard work and headaches you go through to create content to promote public land access and hunting is unrivaled by anyone. So many lives have been improved by the hours of legwork, navigating incompetent government bureaucracy, and time afield. The cost is obviously great - harassment, identity theft, thousands of dollars lost on aborted hunting trips, it blows my mind.

You put yourself out there like a giant blaze target for all the haters to screw with. I wonder who these people are? Anti-hunters, people from the outfitter industry, locals who want to protect "their" public land honey holes, political enemies? I'm just guessing here. It makes no sense to me at all.

Your sacrifice is something we all benefit from. 99% of public land hunters are out there quietly enjoying the great American resource of self-guided public land hunting and rarely have to deal with this kind of crap. But your effort does not go unnoticed or unappreciated. I really hope you stick with it and continue to champion these noble causes. Even if you do decide to hang it up, your existing body of work leaves an amazing and enduring legacy. I hope it has still been worth it to you having put yourself out there despite all the garbage and frustrations.
Sorry about the troubles you have with the permits and some people but always remember the end game. Its great to see someone with a passion for conservation, hunting, and public lands on "television". Keep up the good work!
Redaction seems a must when it comes to personal information. SSN divulgement seems a critical error on the releasing entity.

At this point it seems that the damage has been done. It seems intuitive that continuing to use your personal info has to be illegal on a certain level. I hope that a sharply worded letter from an attorney would cause the info thieves to cease and desist. (Dreaming I know, but a law abiding hunter can dream, can't he?)
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