PEAX Equipment

I've about had enough

In years past you could just walk in top the G&F office in Cheyenne and look at the list of licenses and who drew them. Now you have to pay I believe but the information is public knowledge. I know I have looked at the license list in the past.
JM77 do you know if this is still true?
I'm completely shocked at the level of losers out there. Well you know you're doing something right when you have haters so congrats on that.

Haters gonna hate
Appreciate the calls and perspectives some of you have given today; helpful stuff. Some of the counsel provided, both personal and legal counsel, has made me laugh at the comedy of the situation where people are so bored/worried that they will go to such lengths to try learn where we are hunting or chase barstool rumors about our activities. Maybe I should just start listing the units in our videos and posts, eliminating the need for folks to bother state and federal agencies for such.

I will again contact UT DWR tomorrow and see if I can get through the "touch pad firewalls" that let me speak to someone who will actually know how to change my information in their system. I believe they are the only remaining state that allows access via SSN and DOB.

And when I think about it further, who knows how many people have my SSN. The IRS used to make CPAs put their SSN on every tax return we signed. A few years back, Experian called and said some dude with a funky sounding name was applying for credit under my SSN. I've had data breaches with just about every financial institution I've ever worked with, probably some of which gave my SSN to the Russians. Given all that, I really don't worry about futility that comes with protecting my personal information from every possible breach ..... until a flurry of FOIAs and other requests comes across my desk

Some of these film permit applications have Marcus' information, as he is our licensed drone pilot registered with the FAA. I will be bummed if some of his info gets out there; he doesn't get paid enough to deal with that headache. I see in the most recent FOIA, none of his name, DOB, height, weight, or other information was redacted from his FAA licensing documents.

Thanks again for the support and encouragement. When I draw my Montana sheep tag this year, the unit I draw will be no secret that requires a FOIA request; starts with a 6, ends with a 0, and has an 8 in the middle.

If nothing else, I've probably scared off every Hunt Talker from ever again wanting to apply with us for a filmed hunt.
This is like the kids in class who do twice the amount of work just to avoid doing what they’re supposed to. I just can’t fathom going through all that bs to get the sneak on someone else’s hunting spots. It’s gross. Sorry you’re dealing with all this, Fin. I hope you give these guys hell.
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This really sucks. You take a person( Randy) who has a dream to share how to be an ethical hunter and how to be successful on public lands. Someone that is out to help show that not all hunters are bad and all the work that goes into being a successful hunter. Someone who is trying to inspire good hunting practices with all the good times and hardships. You throw in a jealous not as successful dousche bagger who wants nothing more than to ruin one of the few inspirational and selfless hunters i have ever seen add a few tree hugging activists and you get an instant mess.
Randy, you sir are an inspiration and motivate me to be an honest and ethical sportsman. I really do hope this doesn't stop you from all your hard work. The woods are better with people like you around. I know it's hard but you know when your the best, all the haters will go to any length to try to prove you to be less than you really are.
Keep fighting the good fight Professor Newberg.
Yes, It is fraud and computer crimes which can be a misdemeanor or felony depending on your state and the value of information.

Big fin, I had shoulder surgery this January and your shows were the only thing that kept me sane while I was stuck cooped up in the house waiting for my rotator cuff to heal. You made the six weeks in a sling bearable. I enjoy the podcast as I drive around at work. Keep up the great work and thank you for being such an honorable advocate for our way of life.
This is a very troubling. It would be interesting to find out if others in the industry (meat eater, eastmans, etc) are being targeted by these hair balls. Folks, this is not just an attack on someone who works very hard to provide a quality product but also works very hard for preservation of our public lands for our hunting sports. The Wyoming and Utah Game and Fish benefit a great deal by what is presented on Randy's shows. We all benefit by his shows and others. It is now time to step up and let both organization understand that we will not tolerate this FOIA abuse. First, cards and letter to the commissions and second, if that does not get the results we want; vote with your wallet next year and let them know why.
This is not someone or a group of people who want to find out where Randy hunts, this is outright hunter harassment. We have laws against that crap. There is a very well organized group of people who want our hunting sports to go away. They are well funded by others (most don't work) and understand the way our government agencies work or don't work. As facts become available I will start writing the agencies with some very pointed questions and specific recommendations. We the hunters and fishermen pay for these bureaucrats salary with our licenses fees. The anti-hunting folks pay for nothing other than the rubber bands for their respective man-buns. Actually, they probably get rubber bands from their parents. Ok scratch the last two sentences. I am pissed and I just want to hopefully leave my grand kids with public lands that we can hunt.
In years past you could just walk in top the G&F office in Cheyenne and look at the list of licenses and who drew them. Now you have to pay I believe but the information is public knowledge. I know I have looked at the license list in the past.
JM77 do you know if this is still true?

This is still true, that information is public and yes, if you want a paper list of license holders, they charge a small fee. What baffles me is them doing a search on a particular sportsman and handing that over like it was nothing.
what kind of lazy low life pos would ever bother with doing this? If you're that worthless you can't scout out your own spot its a guarantee you won't kill anything even if you had GPS coordinates. if some mouth breather used my personal info and logged into my accounts and then emailed me like that, i would have no problem making his name and email public information. Turn about is fair play. What a dick skinner
Sorry to hear this Randy. Pathetic that somebody would use this avenue to find a hunting spot and then try to mock you with your personal information.

FOIA has its place, but it seems to be used more and more by people who misuse the information or who cannot properly interpret the information.
This is just disappointing to hear. There's always been plenty of asshats in the world, the internet just brought them together and gave them a playground.
I would write your sponsors and see if they have any admin people who would be willing to assist you with getting film permits. Explain to them your circumstances and the amount of time required to do this work. Perhaps it could be work that is passed through your hands just for a signature?
Very sorry to read all of this Randy, but it definitely makes me appreciate all that you do much more. Keep your chin up, you're definitely living the better life compared to those willing to cause you all of this ruckus.
I'm not sure, if it were me, I'd have the stomach to put up with that....probably not.

But, if it means anything to you, Fresh Tracks and Meat Eater are 2 shows that rekindled my interest in the outdoors after many years of dormancy.

Its odd, but now I can't think about much else!

Thanks for that and hopefully knowing you have a multiplying effect on folks like me is enough to keep you at it (that and of course making a living out of it).

Cockroaches like those you mention unfortunately are part of life. You just squash them and move on!
If nothing else, I've probably scared off every Hunt Talker from ever again wanting to apply with us for a filmed hunt.
I highly doubt it. :cool:

We have all wondered where you're hunting. Some would give a little toe for your Waypoints. Any of us could have gone through this same rigmarole to go behind your back to find out. BUT the question has to come up: "Would Randy want me to be doing this?" And we all know the answer is no. The thing that makes a person do it anyway is what separates a decent human being from a douchebag who feels entitled. . . . I hope he reads this thread and it clicks in his head that what he's done and how he's going about it is not acceptable. There's always a difference between what you can do and what you should do.

Randy, I am another who has gotten so much from you and what you share, and appreciate all that it takes behind the scenes to put it out there.
Randy, you might consider requesting an FOIA on yourself or your partners just to see what information is, in fact, being given out.

It is a sad world out there. Hunting is a way for me to escape it, unfortunately, it hasn't worked out that way for you.
Anyone that knows you realizes you are extremely generous with advice on hunting locations and tag information. They don’t need to resort to such disgusting behavior, just politely ask. This whole thing with Buzz is amazing to me. People are so jealous of success they try to make someone out to be a criminal. If you think it’s wrong for your friends to help with a hunt it’s probably because you don’t have any. Keep up the good work Randy.
I'm completely bummed out that we have lowlifes like this in the hunting community, but not shocked. I hate that this type of crap happens to anyone, and that the level of jealousy exists in our sport. My dad always said that nothing brings out the jealousy, hatred and cowardice in people like someone harvesting a trophy animal. He had to face a lot of this many years ago when he was routinely harvesting large whitetail with a bow in the days before food plots and trail cams. Many allegations where made against us as a hunting family because dad was so successful. They didn't look at all the time and effort that went into the hunts at all. Just the fact that dad harvested larger deer than they could dream about and it made them cowards behind their words. It totally turned him off of whitetail the point that for several years he didn't hunt much and I didn't either. If you can take some solace in what you have to deal with take it in the fact that, like others have mentioned, many of us wouldn't be enjoying our great public lands without you introducing us to them. I've enjoyed several hunts with my 73 year old father out west now, after years of talking about it but not doing it, because of your influence and the knowledge you have selflessly shared. I'm very grateful of that.
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