Israel and iran...

Will Israel/Iran conflict result in a larger war?

  • Yes

    Votes: 23 56.1%
  • No

    Votes: 18 43.9%

  • Total voters
Iran failed miserably with their Walmart weapons. Israel on the other hand if true, launched these drone from within Iranian territory demonstrating their spec ops reach. If the drones were launched from Israel proper just demonstrated that Arab countries are aligned with Israel as it would have required permission to use their airspace.

Iran has some serious thinking to do. If they do retaliate it will probably be by proxy.
Iran ain’t gonna do much else. They got punched in the nose like often happens to bullies and their return salvo of missiles was to save face. Same thing when we drone striked that one general. To quote Connor McGregor “you’ll do fookin nuttin”

Not a huge fan of Israel but Iran sucks.

I’m just a guy commenting on a message board tho I really am just speculating.
It getting more and more clear to me that part of the world will never see real peace in my lifetime. I was born in 1962. The middle east has seen conflict all my life.
Being involved there has been expensive for the US in both money and lives. They will not make peace with each other. I cant begin to unwrap the complicated issues.
I’m no fan of Israel but I never saw them screaming death to America. Its another two bad dogs in a fight situation. If you reach in to try and separate them you will get bit by one or maybe both.
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Our “leader of the free world” president is hiding in his beach bunker eating ice cream.
'Don't care which tribe you belong to ... some of us Vets would like to instill a bit of respect in you prior to de-certifying your citizenship in the greatest "free world" nation.
However, we respect your right to free speech in ranting derogatory remarks about whomever you wish. Realize disrespect reflects back on you multifold.
Back to question at hand ... hopefully the latest discussions worldwide will allow calmer heads of nations to prevent the escalation by reining in both sides of the latest attacks.

So my answer is NO, based on that hope.
I doubt it, but anything is possible. Look at Hezbollah ... "invades" Israel kills and kidnaps X number of innocent people and Israel then "invades" Gaza and kills 100X people. The sophistication of Israel's weapons (actually the U.S.'s weapons) if much better than most of the world. Right now, it's just a "slap fight". Too much history ... going all the way back to when Israel became a country after the Holocaust.
'Don't care which tribe you belong to ... some of us Vets would like to instill a bit of respect in you prior to de-certifying your citizenship in the greatest "free world" nation.
However, we respect your right to free speech in ranting derogatory remarks about whomever you wish. Realize disrespect reflects back on you multifold.
Of course it will! There are plenty of congress people who have been just waiting for an opportunity to bulldoze Iran. Doesn't hurt that a bunch of them get rich(er) off the deal. Biden essentially said in a recent OpEd that we should pass military aid because it is good for the economy. We got out of Afghanistan, what 2 years ago? I hope we learned something from that but I don't think we did...

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