I live where theres more serious snow than what you get. But theres many city people who have moved up here into the mtns and they are already programmed (CA) to go for electric everything. It's funny in a sad way to watch them struggle and fail. Im not opposed to electric once the batteries can last a lot longer both per charge and lifetime.
If it were me Id get a gas one with electric start. My red craftsman is pushing 15 years old and just hums along. It struggles on our worst days with 3-4' of snow, but a foot is easy. It will always be worth something to resell, cant say that about anything electric yet. That said, you have a gas one for the worst days already, just not electric start. Maybe add a corded electric to the quiver for the lesser snow days?
Sadly I probably still shovel more snow than most people snow-blow in a year. See my truck?? Hahaha

If it were me Id get a gas one with electric start. My red craftsman is pushing 15 years old and just hums along. It struggles on our worst days with 3-4' of snow, but a foot is easy. It will always be worth something to resell, cant say that about anything electric yet. That said, you have a gas one for the worst days already, just not electric start. Maybe add a corded electric to the quiver for the lesser snow days?
Sadly I probably still shovel more snow than most people snow-blow in a year. See my truck?? Hahaha