
I’m on my 2nd winter in a town that doubles in size in Winter from retirees.

It isn’t millennials that can’t figure out how to check out at a grocery store, go through a 4 way stop, use a roundabout, get the hell out of the left lane when going 20 under. I never hear millennials complain about how hard it is to pay a power bill over the phone or online. I have definitely never heard a millennial get angry at a Mexican in a Mexican restaurant for speaking Spanish.

Boomers don’t get near the hard time they deserve in my opinion. 70 years to figure out how the world works and they’re still lost as a toddler and that’s before getting dementia.
I've never had the gram. Not sure if that's socially acceptable at my age or not.
But anyways every generation has produced dumbasses. The younger ones just have the unfortunate capabilities to put their dumbassedness all over the internet for the world to see in an instant.
My generation and everyone that follows should be called the "look at me love me generation 1" 2....3...and so on.

I laughed. Who needs twittering or instant graming to use the interwebs to be entertained by people being funny when you can stay right here?

This post ran for several days with a few guys saying they have no use for tweet and instant gram and their comments went mostly un-noticed or replied to. Then I said I see no use for either of those platforms since they have zero value and the usual clique of "always triggered" souls lept to their keyboards and got all emotional and upset for having read my words on their screen. (despite their mouse having a scroll wheel and this chat room having an ignore feature)






So relax fellas. dont let me have such power and control over your emotions. You claim my threads are ignored but you dont seem to have the capacity to actually do that. If my opinion of certain social media formats cuts you to the core, I think you need to re-evaluate some things. For your mental wellness, I strongly encourage the use of the ignore feature. If you dont, I will take that to mean you seek to be offended and that you insist on reading my words on your screen and that you wait anxiously for me to post so you can be upset. Dont be that guy (or in this case, small group of guys)

I offer you this advice and solution but I cant force you to follow it. Your replies to follow will be good indication though (and additional entertainment for me. (Who needs tweetering and instangraming?)

Now go out and make it a great day. Im going to be working on a new invention for a nifty bowhunting product and then do some shed hunting. I can promise I wont be posting about it on tweet and instant. :ROFLMAO: :D:ROFLMAO::LOL:
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agreed. thats why I set those guys straight. Their constant belly aching wrecks lots of threads. Who has time for that bs? hopefully they will get their minds right and stop with the whining in every thread.
agreed. thats why I set those guys straight. Their constant belly aching wrecks lots of threads. Who has time for that bs? hopefully they will get their minds right and stop with the whining in every thread.

But you came in a thread about something and a said how U don’t like that thing and now ur surprised at the response u got?

Imagine a thread about the miserable Green Bay packers made by a packers fan and someone comes in and says “well the packers suck who cares”. That person is 100% right, the packers do suck and nobody should care about that awful sports team, but they shouldn’t be surprised when they get a negative response.

No dis tho.
But you came in a thread about something and a said how U don’t like that thing and now ur surprised at the response u got?

Imagine a thread about the miserable Green Bay packers made by a packers fan and someone comes in and says “well the packers suck who cares”. That person is 100% right, the packers do suck and nobody should care about that awful sports team, but they shouldn’t be surprised when they get a negative response.

No dis tho.

The thread starter asked a question in his opening post it was

"Just got talked into signing up for it the othe day with @Moosie and @Mallard365, anyone else use it?"

I (and several others) posted that we dont use it or see the value in it. So your premise is flawed and not as you describe it. Others also said they dont use it or see the need for it and they did not get the "clique" all worked up for sharing their views on the subject. That was the point I made but you missed. My comment was on the "Selective outrage" by a few souls here that haven't figured out the ignore feature or the mouse scroll button.

I found the humor in the tender group that would fly off the handle if I said I dont use it or care for it all while others said the same thing and the mean girls did not react to those comments by others. Its funny (funny sad and funny haha at the same time) Its my own version of tweeter or instantgram since I get to watch people entertaining me on the web.
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