Yeti GOBOX Collection


Easily the best page on the internet. A true outdoorsman-

How can this, the donnie vincent style stuff, and the piles of other instagram crap not put a smile on somebody's face? This stuff is straight up hilarious.
How can this, the donnie vincent style stuff, and the piles of other instagram crap not put a smile on somebody's face? This stuff is straight up hilarious.
Good lord who is the poor soul taking those photos.
How can this, the donnie vincent style stuff, and the piles of other instagram crap not put a smile on somebody's face? This stuff is straight up hilarious.

Well it's hard to smile when I'm retching my guts out. Sorta nauseating at first, and then it gets worse. Never had a stomach for the Chippendales either, but hey, that's just me :)
Easily the best page on the internet. A true outdoorsman-

Holy crap. Reality is indiscernible from satire.

A very big reason I have become a bit jaded toward instagram, and definitely many of those whose instagrams revolve around the outdoors and even things I value greatly, is that it seems every post is grandiose. I am a cheesy guy myself, but the constant signaling of "deepness" of thought seems contrived when repeated ad nauseam. Does everything have to be so damn lofty?
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Some of these Instagram accounts that are being posted are like a cross between Urban Outfitter and hunting gear ads from the 90's-2000's. I expect that there is a makeup artist and pastry table on set. Sorry, Dink, I don't think either of us are going to be on the cover of GQ.
Easily the best page on the internet. A true outdoorsman-

That is gold. That SOB has R3 locked up for us, I'd say we're set.
A few more good for laughs

Zero interest in tweetering and instantgraming and the bulk of that sort of stuff. I see zero worth or value in it.
Easily the best page on the internet. A true outdoorsman-

Completely forgot about this guy.
Zero interest in tweetering and instantgraming and the bulk of that sort of stuff. I see zero worth or value in it.
We touched a nerve guys.

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