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I’m not big on social media but I do like Instagram. There are some phenomenal photographers that I like following. It’s the primary way I stay up to date with my brothers and my nieces and nephews. Some artist friends post some of their stuff that is pretty cool to see too. I just like pictures. I never got on board with Facebook. Didn’t appeal to me at all.
Hunt talk is my only social media and I don't even post alot here. I do really enjoy reading and getting to see and hear those who do contribute. The young apprentices at work show me there instabook and facegram stuff looks interesting. I spend to much time here, on gohunt, and on onx to pick up another habit.
I quit keeping up with my fb page years ago and got on IG. I was on it all the time, too much time in fact. I used to absolutely love IG, Its a good platform. However, I weaned myself off and now haven’t posted there in a year. I think the reason I lost interest is it all started looking the same. I followed 95% hunting related pages. Guides, outfitters, hunting personalities, and other people doing the things that I wish I could be doing. Every post ended up being big antlers and people only telling the highlight and good part of the story. It all started feeling fake and boring for some reason. Since we have had a kid my social media time has plummeted, and that’s a good thing!
Nothing brightens my day more than a pic of my grand kids' shenanigans & I love you's. FB is fine if you ignore the crap and stay in your lane.
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I use FB alone. Mostly to talk geography and greasy food.

I tried twitter as well as insta, but there's too many damn things out there. Many times I have thought of exporting all of my photos, maps, and essays out of Facebook, and abandoning all social media. Problem is I have cultivated a news feed over the last decade that provides me with news and information I see as valuable.

And here's another thing,I predict that within the next 10 years Facebook and Instagram will merge into the same damn thing. Because they essentially are the same thing, just different UIs.
I'm bias because it's my home state, but I have come to love this page since moving to Nebraska.

I like IG much more than Facebook. Lots of good stuff to follow out there along with some ridiculous stuff to laugh at especially with hunting "influencers". I do enjoy following other HTer's and like minded outdoorsman.
I have no option these days other than have a Facebook page for my fly fishing business, but I'm not a fan, but like others I do like Instagram, but as far as privacy goes, Facebook owns Instagram, so there goes your privacy!
hunting influencers..

I started about a year ago, to keep my college aged son and his buddies and nieces/nephews entertained with my MT adventures, I keep it very private with a WHOPPING 21 followers, family and close friends only! LOL

I also enjoy following other hunter/fishing personalities
I’m not going to lie... I joined Instagram and enjoyed it a lot. Instagram was way different than Facebook. But after looking at it daily for a few months I noticed I was not getting as much satisfaction, almost depressed, from my own outdoor experiences because I was not having epic, life changing adventures everyday like I was seeing the Instastars having every single day. I made myself quit looking at instagram for several months and now check it out once a month or so to see what pictures my wife has taken of the kids.

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