
Inspector Generals office to scrutinize Zinke's connection to Halliburton


Sep 30, 2016
I know, I know, what does this have to do with Public Lands!!!

Oh Mark...

It has everything to do with demonstrating that Zinke is in the pocket of the Extraction Industry. When the Secretary of the Interior smokes cigars in the boardroom with the suits from Oil Services companies, that is a HUGE problem.

How can Zinke be looking out for the best interest of Public Land owners like us, when his allegance is to the Drill baby Drill crew? Well, he can't.

Here is the meat of the article from Politico, you can see the entire article on their website:

WHITEFISH, Mont. — Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke made no secret of his dream of opening a microbrewery in his hometown of Whitefish.

Now, the department’s inspector general will be asking whether he colluded to have the chairman of Halliburton, one of the leading companies with business before the department, build him one.

In Whitefish, brewers and city officials told POLITICO that Zinke has long sought to build a microbrewery of his own, a project that over six years led him to submit plans to the City Council, discuss the move with other business leaders and personally join in a review process to change local zoning laws to make them more hospitable to such a business.

Meanwhile, a planned development in Whitefish backed by David Lesar, the chairman of Halliburton — the nation’s largest oil services company, which would be one of the biggest winners in the Interior Department’s drive to roll back regulations — includes plans for just such a microbrewery.

The Interior Department IG's office announced in late July that it is investigating Zinke’s dealings with Lesar, a purview that ethics specialists say will include questions about the brewery. Ethics rules bar officials from using their official contacts to set up “nests” for their post-government lives, and the microbrewery was a focus of both the ethics watchdogs and the House Democrats who requested the investigation after POLITICO first reported on Zinke’s links to Lesar.

Moreover, there is evidence that the microbrewery in the plans for the Lesar-backed development is the same as the one Zinke has planned since at least 2012...

Vote Public Lands in November - (Vote the rascals out)



Ye Shall Be Free To Raom.....
....................another useless post.. how many zinke/halliburton posts can you make
I don't mind the posts, it's the lack of interaction afterward that is starting to bother me.
I don't mind the posts, it's the lack of interaction afterward that is starting to bother me.

Because in some far stretch of reality this partisan hack based alleged Halliburton relation is able to hold direct content to Hunt Talk's - "Public Land Issues". Wait... I get it, if anyone holds stock with a big bad oil company, it is public land related... Ah, gotcha. ;)
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Because in some far stretch of reality this partisan hack based alleged Halliburton relation is able to hold direct content to Hunt Talk's - "Public Land Issues". Wait... I get it, if anyone holds stock with a big bad oil company, it is public land related... Ah, gotcha. ;)

It's theCEO of Haliburton, one of the largest O&G companies on the planet, and if that CEO is purposefully building a microbrewery for the Secretary of the Interior, or it even looks like some kind of political payback, then it deserves to be investigated. I'd say the same thing if it was Randy Newberg, Secretary of the Interior, getting buttered up by being handed his own DQ franchise.
It's theCEO of Haliburton, one of the largest O&G companies on the planet, and if that CEO is purposefully building a microbrewery for the Secretary of the Interior, or it even looks like some kind of political payback, then it deserves to be investigated. I'd say the same thing if it was Randy Newberg, Secretary of the Interior, getting buttered up by being handed his own DQ franchise.

Stretching for an *allegation to reach Hunt Talk's, "Public Land Issues"...

Hey, if he does get a microbrew rolling, maybe BHA will have a pint night and tack some storytelling in with it. :)
Now that's funny. :)

He's the Secretary of the Interior and is the steward of our public lands, national parks, wildlife refuges and our mineral wealth. If he's being unduly influenced with perks like this from an industry that is gleefully pushing for the rollback of things like mitigation policy, emissions standards, etc, then I think it fits pretty well within the scope of the forum. Rampant energy development and bargain basement leases w/little in terms of stipulations to protect wildlife and absolutely important to hunters.
Fracking IPA?
Wilderless Pale Ale?
Burt'n-burp'n Stout?

Have at it... We all have our opinions. I bet we could tie anything to public land, if enough koolAid's served.
Collusion Kolsch
Political Payback Pilsner
Everybody does it Amber (Also not a bad stripper name)
Private Jet Porter

I like this game. :)

Charles, two very simple questions:

Does the Secretary of the Interior oversee management of the Bureau of Land Management, US Fish & Wildlife Service, National Parks Service and Wildlife Refuge system?

Does the energy industry lobby the SOI to increase their profit margins and reduce regulatory impediments to drilling?
Collusion Kolsch
Political Payback Pilsner
Everybody does it Amber (Also not a bad stripper name)
Private Jet Porter

I like this game. :)

Charles, two very simple questions:

Does the Secretary of the Interior oversee management of the Bureau of Land Management, US Fish & Wildlife Service, National Parks Service and Wildlife Refuge system?

Does the energy industry lobby the SOI to increase their profit margins and reduce regulatory impediments to drilling?

Yes & yes. Serious note: I'm all in favor of "Watchdog" organizations - even ones I dislike. IMO, it is the civic duty of Americans to hold our Gov't accountable. I'm all in favor of OIG's doing their obligated duty to objectively investigate areas of interest.

Whitefish is not L.A. with its population of roughly 7,500 Zinke has been and I imagine will continue to be a figure within - of that my family holds 3 and we enjoy it. :)
Zinke Liked, disliked... It's extremely divisive with Hillary's loss and Whitefish is a leaning D of the Flathead area and with that comes the instant guilt by some. However, it's a further fetch to conjure the "if" of ifs as anything may accompany an if or few... The imagination will roll the "ifs" off the devil's tongue of politics.


Secretary's Spit Dopplebock
Zinc Spilled Stout

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