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Injuns lose in Boise!!


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2000
Mesa, AZ
Hey Moosie, What's up with this??

BOISE, Idaho (AP) -- A member of a punk clique scalped another member apparently as punishment for her disrespectful behavior toward women, police said. The victim, a 16-year-old girl whose hair was cut in a mohawk, survived.

Authorities are searching for Marianne Dahle, 26, who allegedly tied the teen up and used a 4-inch knife to cut away the crown and back portion of her scalp. A felony arrest warrant accuses Dahle of aggravated battery, which carries a maximum sentence of 14 years.

Dahle was visiting Kirkham Hot Springs in central Idaho with the girl and a friend when the attack occurred January 18. The teen spent two weeks in the hospital and is now recovering at home. Authorities did not release the girl's name, though she identified herself as Sheila to Boise TV station KTVB.

"When I say this gal was scalped, she was truly scalped," said Bill Braddock, chief deputy of Boise County. "The top of her head, her hair, was completely cut off. The motive, as near as we've been told by witnesses, was retaliation for acting in a way that the adult perceived as being offensive to women as a gender."

Braddock said the victim, Dahle and another teenage girl who witnessed the attack were long-term acquaintances who belonged to the same clique. The victim's mohawk hair cut may have played a role in the assault, he said.

"In their punk group, wearing a mohawk is a sign of being a punker, and according to their creed if you disrespect women you are not allowed to wear a mohawk," he said. "But I don't think the victim had any idea in the world she was going to be scalped."

Sheila, who is from Nampa, near Boise, told KTVB that she thought the woman was going to cut her hair.

I seen her on TV last nite, they have had to do several skin grafts but it still looked pretty nasty....yup she got scalped indian style, thats the first reports I have heard anything about her having a mohawk or part of a punk group though, the sheriff interviewed had other motives for it.
Thats just plain sick!!! It does not matter if she was part of a group with mohawks or not!!! the woman that did that should have some one do that to her!!!See of she likes it!! The girl that was scalped went through torcher, thats why the indians did that!!!
i know i responded huh where did it go anyway she needs be scalped same way see how she likes it dang predijuice evil woman :BLEEP:
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