Kenetrek Boots

Illinois gun ban ruled "constitutional".

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I’ll get off the soap box, your points such as the law not having provisions for passing down guns to kids is a good one. Do you know if you can set up a trust and name your kids as beneficiaries? Kinda like suppressors.
You can pass a "bad" gun down to an heir in Illinois:
"After October 1, 2023 the owner must complete the endorsement affidavit and submit it to the Illinois State Police, then beginning January 1, 2024, they may transfer the assault weapon to an heir, an individual residing in another state maintaining it in another state, or a federal firearms dealer."

Suppressors are illegal in Illinois.
That's exactly the case with the gun I mentioned and why I'm calling it "hot". The serial number is completely scratched off. Why would someone do that unless they did something wrong with it?
Owning a "defaced" firearm is probably a felony. With the serial number scratched off it would be considered "defaced". At least that's my understanding. FBI don't like it.
Doug out here trying to bait Will (more of a tactician ie Sugar Ray Leonard) for a few months, decides to try Buzz (Tyson/Butterbean-style brawler).

I expect a more high-energy bout right from the start with this new pairing obviously. Not likely to go the distance though. Regardless, it should be highly entertaining.
Wllm and I both cuck to buzz
One of us does not know the actual meaning of that word, and at my age I am very ok if that someone is me😎
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Got some catchy lyrics to make a song out of that?
Chinese solar panels sitting on my roof
Lazy SOB's, they rarely ever work
Joe said to buy them
Now I'm feeling like a jerk

Rich men west of Frisco
I keep buying all their crap
Rich men west of Frisco
I'm making them mighty fat
Rich men west of Frisco
They know we're it's all at
If the dollar becomes worthless
They will have me eating cat
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