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Illinois gun ban ruled "constitutional".

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Do you see the irony of saying we should Balkanize the United States on a thread about Illinois gun laws… where the problem is the State law, and the Federal government has said “states rights” you figure it out…
I'm just doing my part to offer sensible solutions to common problems
Agree to disagree, I think 90% of guns are sold to people who have no business owning a firearm.

We live in a country where you have to put warning labels on bleach so folks don't drink it...

"Think of how stupid the average person is and realize.. . half the people are stupider than that!"
Gotta admit, this terminology makes me nervous. There are not many people I trust to be the decider about who has business owning a firearm. To devolve into "your darn commie!" style arguments, I wonder if the British would have felt that the Colonists had business owning a firearm. Or in real internet style,

"You don't have any business owning a firearm!"

-Adolf Hitler, to the Jews, probably (or not, whatever)

Having a right and being too stupid to enjoy said right safely are not mutually exclusive.
Agree to disagree, I think 90% of guns are sold to people who have no business owning a firearm.

We live in a country where you have to put warning labels on bleach so folks don't drink it...

"Think of how stupid the average person is and realize.. . half the people are stupider than that!"
If you really believe that the great majority of gun owners shouldn’t own guns then that means that you believe that the majority of the members of this forum shouldn’t own guns.

I’ve grown tired of your “I’m smarter than you” post. I bid you adieu.
Agree to disagree, I think 90% of guns are sold to people who have no business owning a firearm.

We live in a country where you have to put warning labels on bleach so folks don't drink it...

"Think of how stupid the average person is and realize.. . half the people are stupider than that!"
If that's truly what you believe we're going to have to agree to WAY disagree. If 9 out the last 10 people you know who purchased a firearm have no business owning one you need new friends.
I’m sure 90% was a bit of hyperbole, but it is an interesting question. What % of gun sales are to people who “have no business” owning a gun. You have to first define if you are talking about legal sales or back-alley stuff. Then you have to define “no business”. Is that legally or just on principle?

Gun sales jumped from 1m per month to 2m. I’m sure a large number of new purchasers had zero training in firearm safety, so “no business”? That is a personal opinion. I’m sure the rest were just HT’ers burning Covid cash Uncle Sam was handing out.

Most interesting to me (I.e, the number that would jack up the “no business” % from a legal standpoint), is section 11 question E of the 4473 form. Given the tax rev surplus in MT, I’m think a few people might be less than 100% honest in their answer.

Agree to disagree, I think 90% of guns are sold to people who have no business owning a firearm.

We live in a country where you have to put warning labels on bleach so folks don't drink it...

"Think of how stupid the average person is and realize.. . half the people are stupider than that!"
Yikes. Who decides what people make it into the 10% that are worthy of exercising their constitutional right? Pretty condescending angle. I don't dispute that there are some guns sold to people who have no business owning firearms but I wouldn't put it anywhere close to 90%. Maybe increase gun safety training across the states. Just because some is stupid doesn't make them violent.
Makes you think about what happens when this or any law like it is in effect and then there are some more shootings. Is it tinfoil hat thinking that maybe they actually MAY force you to turn in those guns? Right now it's illegal to even possess a single 50cal. round! I don't know for sure yet what those people are supposed to do with what they have. Can they even keep their rifle? It's been a while since this first came out so I may have missed it. Yes, it surely is up to us to vote for the people who have more sense than the others but it sure is hard to figure out who some of them are!
Agree to disagree, I think 90% of guns are sold to people who have no business owning a firearm.

We live in a country where you have to put warning labels on bleach so folks don't drink it...

"Think of how stupid the average person is and realize.. . half the people are stupider than that!"
Sounds like the average person is smart enough to read labels.
Gotta admit, this terminology makes me nervous. There are not many people I trust to be the decider about who has business owning a firearm. To devolve into "your darn commie!" style arguments, I wonder if the British would have felt that the Colonists had business owning a firearm. Or in real internet style,

"You don't have any business owning a firearm!"

-Adolf Hitler, to the Jews, probably (or not, whatever)

Having a right and being too stupid to enjoy said right safely are not mutually exclusive.
I never said shouldn’t be allowed, we have a second amendment it’s everyone’s right to own a gun, just like it’s a right to say things I don’t agree with or vote for people I don’t like.

But back to my shoot quietly point, I don’t think we should encourage everyone to own a gun. That’s a huge difference. No one should decide anyone can’t exercise a right.

If you really believe that the great majority of gun owners shouldn’t own guns then that means that you believe that the majority of the members of this forum shouldn’t own guns.

I’ve grown tired of your “I’m smarter than you” post. I bid you adieu.
That’s your prerogative, I’ve grown tired of responsible people turning a blind eye to things they know are wrong because of knee jerk politics.

Last ten or so years we had shit like Alex Jones saying people who had their kids murdered were paid actors and their kids didn’t exist.
Pendulum has swung too far, my opinion.

We have had a couple of threads where people strongly believe in person hunters safety should come back, yet those same folks take issue with the idea that first time firearm buyers should take a basic safety class?

That’s absurd. Period.

People get on the gun topic and their normal thoughtful common sense leaves the door.
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I’ve grown tired of your “I’m smarter than you” post. I bid you adieu.
I’d actually put myself at 21 in the shouldn’t own a gun camp. I didn’t grow up with them and I had no business just walking into a story and buying one.

Luckily I had great in-laws the mentored me, then I took hunters safety, and in last couple decades have had the chance to shoot with lots of very knowledgeable folks who taught me stuff, LEOs, veterans… I had to go back to basics with Ben and BrentD when they taught me about doubles.

But that’s the difference lot of folks don’t have these experiences.
I think some of the issues are the way society is now:

1) Everyone is more interested in standing back and filming things on their phone when something happens whether it's good/bad, "police brutality", old woman getting robbed on the street. Which is a shame all in itself. Then people make their opinions about what should have been done vs what was done instead of actually helping when they can. I am not affiliated with any police nor have I been one but they get paid a dirt rate, have shitty hours they work and have to do everything perfectly by the book in moments that may take a split second to make a decision with lives at stake. People want to take their funding away but who is the first person they will call if someone breaks into their house and they don't have a gun to protect themselves??

2) Anyone that isn't a felon can own a gun due to the Amendments we have in place (which is not an issue) but some people that buy guns think they know exactly how they work and how to use them because they play video games or they saw how they do it on a movie. Do they know about weapons safety? Do they know how to unload/load, how to put it on safe/fire, how to clear a malfunction? I know some of my relatives that don't hunt but have a gun and say yea I bought a gun. Ok, do you shoot it every once in a while? Are you proficient?

3) Finally, people are really dumb now a days.
I never said shouldn’t be allowed, we have a second amendment it’s everyone’s right to own a gun, just like it’s a right to say things I don’t agree with or vote for people I don’t like.

But back to my shoot quietly point, I don’t think we should encourage everyone to own a gun. That’s a huge difference. No one should decide anyone can’t exercise a right.

That’s your prerogative, I’ve grown tired of responsible people turning a blind eye to things they know are wrong because of knee jerk politics.

Last ten or so years we had shit like Alex Jones saying people who had their kids murdered were paid actors and their kids didn’t exist.
Pendulum has swung too far, my opinion.
cnn’s got you scared to death.
If that's truly what you believe we're going to have to agree to WAY disagree. If 9 out the last 10 people you know who purchased a firearm have no business owning one you need new friends.
Hyperbole first off…

Second all of the folks I know who bought guns hunt/ shoot competitively etc., you mentioned one of your friends was a Vet. These aren’t the folks I’m talking about, our “communities” (activities) mean that we kinda live in a bubble about this issue, I’m assuming neither of us would choose to associate with folks who are the issue.

F-150 is the most popular truck in the US, I don’t know anyone who owns one… same kinda thing

Neither of us is hanging out in the burbs of Denver/Atlanta/Cincinnati or wherever.
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I can't imagine that being a bad idea. But I'll take your word for it.
I know I sound grumpy, but I’ve posted a ton on why registration/ licensing etc is a whole headache and maybe impossible, I stand by those posts… but at the same time I do take issue with criticism of those ideas that have nothing to do with mechanics but rather nazis… every republic president in the last 100 years would be labelled a Nazi gun grabber by todays gun community.

Sorry @Dave N for the derailment, you’re actually doing what I’m preaching by pointing out problems with how the law is is written/ flaws in the thinking.

I’ll get off the soap box, your points such as the law not having provisions for passing down guns to kids is a good one. Do you know if you can set up a trust and name your kids as beneficiaries? Kinda like suppressors.

We have had a couple of threads where people strongly believe in person hunters safety should come back, yet those same folks take issue with the idea that first time firearm buyers should take a basic safety class?

That’s absurd. Period.

People get on the gun topic and their normal thoughtful common sense leaves the door.
Have you ever thought about looking in the mirror?
Like when everyone else disagrees with you.
Maybe you’re the one drinking the koolaid.
And mixing it...
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