Illinois gun ban ruled "constitutional".

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Probably both, but I don’t think it’s “shooting sports” as in folks getting into 3 gun competitions, as much as 22 year olds who played too much call of duty buying an AR to shoot up appliances.
Interesting assessment. The last 3 people I know of who purchased a AR where a 40+ year old father of 4 who served 20 years in the army, a 23 year old EMT that just got married and easily works 60 hours a week, and a 24 year old who has a pregnant wife and one year old. Two of those three live where there is roughly a 45 minute response for any emergency services. I think the vast majority are sold to law abiding citizens who have a sense of personal accountability for their and their families safety.
Probably both, but I don’t think it’s “shooting sports” as in folks getting into 3 gun competitions, as much as 22 year olds who played too much call of duty buying an AR to shoot up appliances.
And I don’t think this is new. I remember around the late mid to late 2000s, it seemed like in my little world the demographics of gun ownership was changing, and the types of guns bought and the reasons for shooting were also changing.

I know a ton of dudes I went to school with, never did anything outdoors, never grew up shooting, and a ton of them got into playing with guns. They were focused on buying something they thought was cool…and they just went out and shot stuff to get their jollies.

I’m not saying it’s not their right to be gun owners, but I don’t necessarily think this group of gun owners is the most responsible or helpful to other gun owners either. I’ve seen it over and over again myself with a total lack of fundamental safety and a total lack of common sense with what they’re shooting and where they’re shooting it.

I don’t know that there’s a solution to this, but I do wish that it hadn’t become cool for that type of person to go out and get armed like some kind of soldier of fortune video game character.
I know a ton of dudes I went to school with, never did anything outdoors, never grew up shooting, and a ton of them got into playing with guns. They were focused on buying something they thought was cool…and they just went out and shot stuff to get their jollies.
Do they have mullet haircuts? Trying to settle at least one debate here.
And now Pritzker signed a new law which includes making it lawful to sue firearm manufacturers. 😞
I think we should save the taxpayers a ton of money by not allowing any of these anti-gun politicians to receive any kind of armed security protection. Stand behind those beliefs boys & girls
5 pages in and nothing novel so I'll present the solution that I haven't seen suggested by almost anyone else, ever.

Balkanization is the answer. For all of our problems. 3.8 million sq miles and 330 million people are too much for a single federal government to effectively manage.
5 pages in and nothing novel so I'll present the solution that I haven't seen suggested by almost anyone else, ever.

Balkanization is the answer. For all of our problems. 3.8 million sq miles and 330 million people are too much for a single federal government to effectively manage.
How are we drawing the lines??
I think the vast majority are sold to law abiding citizens who have a sense of personal accountability for their and their families safety.
Agree to disagree, I think 90% of guns are sold to people who have no business owning a firearm.

We live in a country where you have to put warning labels on bleach so folks don't drink it...

"Think of how stupid the average person is and realize.. . half the people are stupider than that!"
... cause the Balkans are great... never had any issues.
Okay, so we just have to change the terminology. Call it "confederization" or "EUnionization" or "there's-too-many-people-and-too-much-land-to-manage-ization"
Okay, so we just have to change the terminology. Call it "confederization" or "EUnionization" or "there's-too-many-people-and-too-much-land-to-manage-ization"
Do you see the irony of saying we should Balkanize the United States on a thread about Illinois gun laws… where the problem is the State law, and the Federal government has said “states rights” you figure it out…
Do you see the irony of saying we should Balkanize the United States on a thread about Illinois gun laws… where the problem is the State law, and the Federal government has said “states rights” you figure it out…
@wllm that new addition to the family is cutting into the sleep isn't it...your not your usual jovial self.
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