
Illinois gun ban ruled "constitutional".

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Apple to oranges.
I trust wildlife biologists to make those decisions for me. I don't trust government to make decisions on the 2nd amendment anymore.
You missed the point which was you have a nuanced view of hunting laws that isn’t all or nothing, it was a metaphor not literal.
Do you think fentanyl and other opioids should be legal for all? How about explosives? Or does your rule about "someone else deciding" just apply to guns? We live in a society with all kinds of rules. The government tests people for minimum capabilities in operating an automobile and knowing the rules before giving them a drivers license. I just think the same should be done for a weapon. But I agree that any type of "ban" at this point is meaningless and done mostly for political points.
No. Any drugs (illegal drugs) that have no medical purpose for a treatment other than to "get high" should remain illegal. My opinion only and I don't want to hear any what-abouts! Explosives? Really? Kind of extreme there.

There are many more examples besides guns that the powers that be have said they know better. And in my opinion most of that is hearing about something tragic and trying to get some airtime to help get reelected. Gas stoves are now a health problem? We have to switch over to electric cars? No, you can't use those old incandescent light bulbs. Even the "wear a mask"!

There are many laws on the books that cover pretty much everything needed. One more really won't make a difference in the long run. Enforcement and proper prosecution have been watered down by lawyers and activists and by the political system being hamstrung by those groups. We the people have gradually lost control of how much power those in charge have. Vote them out? Easier said than done. Even standing up to a school board can get you labeled as an extremist.
"You support OTC elk hunting but then want limited on goats, populations of almost every species are declining but you still support hunting, you seem to have different opinions based on the state/species and region are you just too weak to stand for something"
Apple to oranges.
I trust wildlife biologists to make those decisions for me. I don't trust government to make decisions on the 2nd amendment anymore.
You mention a pretty extreme example about a GPS tracker on the gun and needing to call police for using said gun
I mention this extreme example that I thought up in my head to find the line. Where do people finally say enough is enough. People are dying yet you keep proposing new laws. To be honest these laws affect me zero. I haven't pulled a gun from my safe in over 2 years, but I know what it means to whittle away at something to the point where it does affect me.

My line is set and I support no more gun control of any kind. If that makes me a mullet sporting extremist I accept this fate.
You missed the point which was you have a nuanced view of hunting laws that isn’t all or nothing, it was a metaphor not literal.
If I trust the biologists to make those decisions how is my view on hunting laws nuanced. They know more than I do when it comes to healthy populations. When they tell me don't shoot that goat I listen. When government tells me don't shoot that human I listen. When government says I must do this or that with my gun I don't trust them but I still listen. Others don't and the law does nothing to stop death, but they whittled away a little more in the mean time. And the masses feel good about it until the next kid dies and outrage ensues again and the whittler is back to work.
If I trust the biologists to make those decisions how is my view on hunting laws nuanced. They know more than I do when it comes to healthy populations. When they tell me don't shoot that goat I listen. When government tells me don't shoot that human I listen. When government says I must do this or that with my gun I don't trust them but I still listen. Others don't and the law does nothing to stop death, but they whittled away a little more in the mean time. And the masses feel good about it until the next kid dies and outrage ensues again and the whittler is back to work.
Honestly, people who still believe the government wants what's best for the people are way out of touch. They don't want what's best for the people, they want what's best for their pocketbook.
Rich men west of frisco
Lawd knows they all just wanna have total control
Wanna know what you think
Wanna screw who you screw
And they act last they dont
But we know that they do
Cause their dollar ain’t chit
It’s done been taxed to all hell
And every time liberals speak
A bunch of farts I do smell

Living in the new world!
As a cuck-old!!!
Joe's bag man, he blew it all
He didn't pay the taxes
If I point that out, the experts say
You don't know what the facts is
Then I get the lecture from the potus with that creepy stare
As he whispers in my ear, listen to me son
Pay your fair share

The rich men west of Frisco
Laugh at my naivety
Hey dumb cuck
Your potus done suck
We own him exclusively
Joe's bag man, he blew it all
He didn't pay the taxes
If I point that out, the experts say
You don't know what the facts is
Then I get the lecture from the potus with that creepy stare
As he whispers in my ear, listen to me son
Pay your fair share

The rich men west of Frisco
Laugh at my naivety
Hey dumb cuck
Your potus done suck
We own him exclusively
It’s a damn shame!
What hunting gotten to!
Our best damned guy went to liberal arts school!
If I trust the biologists to make those decisions how is my view on hunting laws nuanced. They know more than I do when it comes to healthy populations.
I'm not aware of a state where biologists make fish and game regs, they make recommendations and then the commission or politicians or ballot measures make all the rules... which essentially is the subject of 1/3 the threads on HT.

To draw a parallel the CDC and American Academy of Pediatrics have made lots of recommendations about safe gun storage to protect kids... and then folks call it a gun grab and we largely don't have safe storage laws.
No. Any drugs (illegal drugs) that have no medical purpose for a treatment other than to "get high" should remain illegal. My opinion only and I don't want to hear any what-abouts! Explosives? Really? Kind of extreme there.

There are many more examples besides guns that the powers that be have said they know better. And in my opinion most of that is hearing about something tragic and trying to get some airtime to help get reelected. Gas stoves are now a health problem? We have to switch over to electric cars? No, you can't use those old incandescent light bulbs. Even the "wear a mask"!

There are many laws on the books that cover pretty much everything needed. One more really won't make a difference in the long run. Enforcement and proper prosecution have been watered down by lawyers and activists and by the political system being hamstrung by those groups. We the people have gradually lost control of how much power those in charge have. Vote them out? Easier said than done. Even standing up to a school board can get you labeled as an extremist.
We have regulations on almost everything. Most opioids, including fentanyl, have legitimate medical uses. Pseudoephedrine is found in cold medicine and there are laws in most states on how much you can purchase each month to try to prevent Walter White wannabes. I doubt you had the same outrage on that law. Not sure why you think me asking about explosives is ridiculous, but it shows you have drawn a line somewhere.

Most of the other points are just pseudo outrage. You don't have to buy an electric car, you can still buy incandescent light bulbs, etc.

I think we agree on the ridiculousness of the law in the OP, I just don't buy into the "government oppression" argument. Gun owners have been living large for decades. Find another item that kills about 50,000 people per year that doesn't have a slate of bills ready for more regulation. One House bill last year wanted to make fentanyl a WMD. I never heard anyone say "it's the person at fault, not the drug."
There were multiple lawsuits against the bill. The one based on the second amendment has not been ruled on yet. So there is still hope. I really liked shooting my AR. I used it several times hunting coyotes. Many times I would call in multiple yotes so having a quick follow shot was handy. Looking at getting a browning bar to replace the AR.
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