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Illinois gun ban ruled "constitutional".

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It's all good but where do you draw the line? Apparently I'm a mullet sporting wackjob because of where I drew my line. Which is fine, at least I have line. If you draw your line at when they try and actually ban firearms your gonna be to late. If that ever happens.
I’m sure 90% was a bit of hyperbole, but it is an interesting question. What % of gun sales are to people who “have no business” owning a gun. You have to first define if you are talking about legal sales or back-alley stuff. Then you have to define “no business”. Is that legally or just on principle?

Gun sales jumped from 1m per month to 2m. I’m sure a large number of new purchasers had zero training in firearm safety, so “no business”? That is a personal opinion. I’m sure the rest were just HT’ers burning Covid cash Uncle Sam was handing out.

Most interesting to me (I.e, the number that would jack up the “no business” % from a legal standpoint), is section 11 question E of the 4473 form. Given the tax rev surplus in MT, I’m think a few people might be less than 100% honest in their answer.

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I always answer that question in my head like the lawyer who wrote it.

I'm not a user nor am i addicted to blah blah blah.......at the time of this transaction

It's all good but where do you draw the line? Apparently I'm a mullet sporting wackjob because of where I drew my line. Which is fine, at least I have line. If you draw your line at when they try and actually ban firearms your gonna be to late. If that ever happens.
Where did you draw your line?
We have regulations on almost everything. Most opioids, including fentanyl, have legitimate medical uses. Pseudoephedrine is found in cold medicine and there are laws in most states on how much you can purchase each month to try to prevent Walter White wannabes. I doubt you had the same outrage on that law. Not sure why you think me asking about explosives is ridiculous, but it shows you have drawn a line somewhere.

Most of the other points are just pseudo outrage. You don't have to buy an electric car, you can still buy incandescent light bulbs, etc.

I think we agree on the ridiculousness of the law in the OP, I just don't buy into the "government oppression" argument. Gun owners have been living large for decades. Find another item that kills about 50,000 people per year that doesn't have a slate of bills ready for more regulation. One House bill last year wanted to make fentanyl a WMD. I never heard anyone say "it's the person at fault, not the drug."
I think the Drug issue you keep alluding to is a perfect example of why people argue that we have enough gun control and don't need anymore legislation screwing things up while not actuallyhaving any positive change. Look how much legislation has been enacted for the war on drugs including some really crappy ones. Is the drug problem solved? In my estimation not only is it worse but I'd say we've lost the war. If I thought a gun control law would have meaningful change I would of course support it. I haven't seen that just a bunch of yahoo's on both sides trying to either rile people up or make them afraid so they can get a few votes and retreat back to their gated communities with their armed bodyguards.
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....is it too soon to inquire the thoughts on U.S. v Rahimi going to SCOTUS?

...I mean, shall not be infringed and all...
See this is why the gun conversation gets dumb, I would love someone to cite one case, ever, where any police force has knocked on a door about a gun.
oh man... I just read al 11 pages and this has been a fascinating thread.

As usual:

1. Anyone even dare questioning anything about guns gets reamed and ability to deliberate spirals out of control
2. @DouglasR goes after @wllm... crickets in response, chaos ensues
3. Lots of use of the word commie
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oh man... I just read al 11 pages and this has been a fascinating thread.

As usual:

1. Anyone even dare questioning anything about guns gets reamed and ability to deliberate spirals out of control
2. @DouglasR goes after @wllm... crickets in response, chaos ensues
3. Lots of use of the words commie
So basically classic off-season HT? Sept 1 is coming!
oh man... I just read al 11 pages and this has been a fascinating thread.

As usual:

1. Anyone even dare questioning anything about guns gets reamed and ability to deliberate spirals out of control
2. @DouglasR goes after @wllm... crickets in response, chaos ensues
3. Lots of use of the word commie
Classic FIB
The federal court challenge to the Illinois state 'Assault Weapons Ban' (four cases combined) is currently awaiting a ruling following Oral Arguments being heard on June 29th, IIRC. The three judge panel: Frank H. Easterbrook, Circuit Judge; Diane P. Wood, Circuit Judge and Michael B. Brennan, Circuit Judge. The second amendment briefs included a submission by Paul Clement and Erin Murphy. Erin also argued on behalf of some plaintiff(s). In particular, Judge Wood and Judge Easterbrook, based upon questions asked and comments made, sound not to be ready to fully apply the guidance provided in Bruen and Heller. I.E., 'Text, History and Tradition' based upon the time period when the second amendment was written (1791-1792). Some court watchers are suggesting that a ruling might be expected in the September/October time frame.
....is it too soon to inquire the thoughts on U.S. v Rahimi going to SCOTUS?
Would the analysis of a constitutional attorney, member of the United States Supreme Court Bar, and law professor answer some of your question(s)?

The Four Boxes Diner | Mark Smith's Analysis

2A DANGER: In USA v. Rahimi in US Supreme Court, the Department of Justice filed its brief defending the constitutionality of 18 USC 922g concerning Prohibited Persons who may not possess firearms.

oh man... I just read al 11 pages and this has been a fascinating thread.

As usual:

1. Anyone even dare questioning anything about guns gets reamed and ability to deliberate spirals out of control
2. @DouglasR goes after @wllm... crickets in response, chaos ensues
3. Lots of use of the word commie
You don’t like the brass knuckle butt plugs?
Would the analysis of a constitutional attorney, member of the United States Supreme Court Bar, and law professor answer some of your question(s)?

The Four Boxes Diner | Mark Smith's Analysis

2A DANGER: In USA v. Rahimi in US Supreme Court, the Department of Justice filed its brief defending the constitutionality of 18 USC 922g concerning Prohibited Persons who may not possess firearms.

Hmm, I'll check that out. Only been reading about it here and there and such. Both sides of it, I'm of the camp that's like, yea, I mean, it says what it says and I may not like an exception, it meant what it said, same as I'm on the side of old school deep throat shit and all for 1a top to bottom ESPECIALLY if they lower the penalty for smacking an idiot or drunk upside the head too..

But anyway, where we sidetracked to?
Hyperbole first off…

Second all of the folks I know who bought guns hunt/ shoot competitively etc., you mentioned one of your friends was a Vet. These aren’t the folks I’m talking about, our “communities” (activities) mean that we kinda live in a bubble about this issue, I’m assuming neither of us would choose to associate with folks who are the issue.

F-150 is the most popular truck in the US, I don’t know anyone who owns one… same kinda thing

Neither of us is hanging out in the burbs of Denver/Atlanta/Cincinnati or wherever.
You need to get out of your bubble and meet some people with F-150s. If you stick with home projects, they might come in handy. Plywood on top of a Corolla is a bad idea.
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