Illinois gun ban ruled "constitutional".

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I have multiple friends and family who are LE. LE is a broad term. It’s like if you’re out chasing a trophy mule deer and come across a pond with a couple guys shooting coots, just because you’re all hunters don’t mean you’re gonna shoot coots with em. Their opinions on one another vary, and some are the first to be critical of the public trust lost due to others. It’s circumstantial.
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At some point, someone along the way has to say enough is enough... Not sure where that point is, but I respect them for saying that it's getting ridiculous.
Sure, but I refer you back to post #239 where it was pointed out that we are representative democracy. If we have some "representative" overstepping their legal obligation because they think something is "ridiculous" it creates a bit of a mess. Yes, Presidential Exec orders included. Let's disregard whether or not we agree or disagree with the action. LEs swear an oath to uphold the law/constitution. There are is no footnote in that allowing them to wave the requirement for things they think are ridiculous. There lies our current problem, regardless of topic. We can't find middle ground on anything and we easily justify bending or breaking of rules if it gets us what we think we are due. Everyone feels "righteous".

I wish I could be more optimistic, but America is a dead-man walking if we can't have legitimate debates on complex topics. HT shines like a beacon of hope in many ways, but don't peak in on 24hrCF or a dozen other places.
So do Sheriffs count as LEOs or politicians? Apparently some think they are constitutional judges too. Slippery slope.

Maybe the judges should have to do some enforcing of their own
Well if it really is the person and not the gun, then someone has to take the gun from them. I'm sure every time a LEO has to do it they wished they had gone to law school.
Right. But my point is that gun ownership in America has always been and will always be an issue that some citizens are passionate about. And it seems like our country is starting to put the LEOs into an untenable situation. I agree that somebody has to do it with a criminal, but I'm questioning whether this ruling is helpful and useful or just putting our LEOs at risk unnecessarily
Here is what the rhetoric and ridiculous meme's create. How about some honest dialogue instead of boiling things down to bumper stickers and meme's? Oh, that's right, that would require some effort and some thinking.

People on the edge of stability due to mental health issues don't need the extra stupidity of comparing red coats to ATF in childish memes...if only obviously, even to the most casual of observers with more than a couple firing brain cells.

Homie made a few jokes on the ar forum and wllm called in a favor on that ass.
Don't be giving crazy ideas to anyone, Ken. Illinois will have to ban knives next.

The Meme Police, the're coming to arrest you
Oh Nooo!
Kinda interesting how folks don't give a crap about knives and swords... the original "arms"

Lots of laws making them illegal around the country.

Couldn't find it but I thought it was a state law in IL that it was illegal to carry in public any knife longer than 3 inches.


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