illegal`s and big game tag`s


New member
Jan 22, 2003
well our new lesbian governor is going to give driver`s licence`s to illegal`s[mostly from mexico] she should be deporting the illegal felon scum! instead she embraces them what`s to prevent them from getting big game tag`s? is your state next?
Welcome to Hunttalk cjcj
What state is it that you are from???
Hey whats up cj.

ELKSCHSR he is from AZ. Arent we the only ones with a liberal lesbian governor?
In UT illegals can get driver's lisences and get to pay in-state tuition at the state sponsored colleges. I too dislike illegals. Politicians won't go after them, the legal Mexican Hispanic population is getting too big and what would many Western States do without the cheap labor force?
in oklahoma you don't need a big game tag to harvest illegals...they are considered feral.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-23-2003 18:02: Message edited by: pipedreams ]</font>
LMAO dreamer.

Tyler, they are no longer the cheap labor force in Jackson as they were years ago, The make the same amount of money as everyone else here, and some make even more if they speak english.
LMAO Pipedream... We need a law like that down here it would be like a prarie dog shoot in some areas.
Hey, You guys remember that Liberal lesbian governor you're all complaining about....She's the only one I know of who has come out and publically called for more enforcement of existing gun laws rather than more gun laws to effect law abiding citizens. Don't be to fast to jump... You may not like her life style and you may not agree with her looks, but give the woman a chance and let's see where she goes before we condemn her..

This goes to show that women shouldnt be allowed in office, hell Jane D. Hull really messed this state up.... Problem with women in office is that compassion gets in the way of bussiness.... However I will say that you very rarely see a women accepting a bribe.....

this is the same women who wont allow a x-mas tree at the attorny generals office. wont let x-mas decorations either wether is be on someones desk or in the corner of a room.....

This is also the same women that will be raising your tax's in a few months.....Mostly to pay for the illegals to get a drivers licence..... Its absolute bull shit, does she really think that since they have a drivers licence they will get insurance? This is a insurance requiered state....

illegals getting a drivers licence will lead to more problems, Next she will be giving them SS#'s.... It will be also easier for an illegale to vote, claim they are a citizen, buy a house, open a checking acount etc.....

Not to mention get a job... now this is going to be a tricky one since a business can get a heavy fine for hiring illegals, Then you got the insurance scam that will follow after......

Boot her ass out of the office and get Fife or Mecham back or at least someone to speak there mind....

Elkhunter, what about less 'ritzy' areas? A local fence builder here in UT can get nothing but Mexicans to work for him. Any area dependent on manual labor for agriculture depends on them. The few times I've been to Jackson the lady cleaning my hotel room has been Mexican.

America is what it is today because it was for the most part built on the backs of cheap labor. Just look at the railway systems.
DArren he will be back....

Tyler I have nothing against the illegals as far as work ethics, they have more than most americans. These people are hard working....

The problem I have is that they come to this country illegally and are giving anything and everything by our polititions.... Not to mention if ones dies while crossing the boarder there family sue's the USA...

They dont carry car insurance but yet still drive. so my insurance rates go up...
Michael Archery gear in town for the safety of real citizens of course. Out in the desert when they are crossing I would say a 50 cal should work.

Delw you may get hung by the women for that but before you do I have to admit I agree 100%....

Dan I believe I did see her say something to that effect when asked her stance on gun control in an interview. I have also seen statements that she has made which are contradictory. I will see if I can find any of the articles I was reading a couple months back. Truthfully she could be pro gun pro hunting all the way and I would still hate the bitch. I would just still think she is garbage based on her stance on illegal immigration, gay rights and a couple other issues I have seen her stance on. I also read that she pardoned a homosexual child molestor because she felt the jury was biased due to the fact that he was gay. I mean the guy freaking molests children regardless of his sexuality, he basically got off because he is a fag and the dyke had some soft spot for him..... Please tell me you did not vote for her.
Seems you've seen a bunch of stuff from or about her that I haven't seen or read. I've read some things that other people have written about her, but those were little more than opinions and I'm sure you know about opinions.. If she pardoned a convicted child molester for what ever reason.. then she was wrong. As to her attitude regarding gays, I have no comment on that because opinions have little place when it comes to rule of law. Anything I could offer would only be opinion. So.. all fo that being said, no I did not vote for her. Not because she's gay (a supposition not a fact in evidence) or because she's a lawyer. I didn't vote for her because she's a Democrat and I don't trust Democrats.

As for the illegal immigration question goes, I don't believe they deserve the rights of regular citizens, but I can't fault a man or woman for trying to make a better life for their family. If we were born on the other side of the border, how many of us would be doing the same thing? How many of us would simply be too lazy or to scared to make the attempt? I can't fault a man for trying to make a better life for is family. I've been enough places where people starve to death on a daily basis to be angry at someone for trying. Everyone deserves a chance. Besides, without the illegals, who is going to pick the stawberries for your summer shortcake or the blueberries for your pancakes......?????

there was a bunch of stuff on the news for about 2 days then they quit reporting it... most of it you will find on KFYI radio station both in there news and by there host barry young etc.....

OK I have a bad memory she didnt pardon a child molestor she actually blocked a search warrant and refused to prosecute a serial child molestor who had over 200 victims. They went to Rick Romley and got the warrant signed and the guy ended up getting convicted. I could not find anything except an article from the liberal republic basically defending her position...

"Despite the fact that James Moore had sexually molested 200 boys, then-U.S. Attorney Janet Napolitano refused to get even a search warrant. . . . Janet, this isn't about the rights of child abusers, this is about protecting our children."

"The television commercial uses an ABC 20/20 report from 1996 as its source and claims Napolitano refused to sign a search warrant because she felt a U.S. Postal Inspection Unit investigation into child pornography was targeting homosexuals. "

"Napolitano said her office never intended to let Moore go free but that then-Deputy U.S. Attorney Mary Murgia wanted more evidence to show probable cause of a crime before signing the warrant. Postal investigator Karyn Cassatt was upset by the refusal and went to Romley's office, which granted the search warrant."

She also wants to make homsexuality a protected class which is bullshit.

Janet Napolitano has lobbied the state legislature to expand civil rights laws to include homosexuals. Do you think the State of Arizona should ban discrimination based on sexual orientation in the same way it has banned discrimination based on race or sex (i.e., for employment, health benefits, housing, and education)? Should the State of Arizona extend health insurance coverage for its employees to cover "domestic partners" in addition to family members, as is proposed in legislation currently before the legislature?
Andrew Thomas

I strongly oppose both of these measures. I am the only candidate with a record of standing up to the bullies in the homosexual lobby. When Reggie White, the former Green Bay Packers’ football star and Christian minister, criticized the homosexual rights movement for comparing itself to the civil rights movement, the homosexual lobby and liberal media assailed him and cost him multimillion-dollar contracts and endorsements. I defended Reggie and his remarks in an article in the Wall Street Journal (an article which, according to Reggie’s agent, helped to shut down the criticism). Reggie and I later became friends and wrote a book together.

Both of my Republican opponents refused to answer these questions when I raised them in a prior debate, and when a reporter with the Arizona Daily Star subsequently asked them. I hope they will answer them now.

Foster Robberson

I support families and will oppose measures that undermine marriage. "Sexual orientation" is not a protected class under the federal civil rights laws and I believe Arizona should not go beyond the federal law. While I do not personally favor "domestic partners" legislation (it’s very expensive for the employer), that gets into policy-making better left to our legislators. AG candidates should remember that our role is legal and that most policy making should be left to the people’s elected representatives (i.e., the legislature).

John Greene

No. We need less, not more government.

Without knowing the specific details of the bill you refer to, my answer is yes on the general question of health insurance coverage for domestic partners and their dependents. Private businesses and government employers should have the ability to provide health insurance to all of their employees and dependents regardless of their sexual preference.
I also can not fault someone for wanting to make a better life for their family. However they could always do it the legal way and I would have no problem with it. Also many of the illegals are not wanting to make a better life for anyone, they just come here and screw stuff up. One of the biggest reasons I am against the illegals is because of the destruction they cause in southern AZ. I will post a couple articles I have on it. Another big reason is the crime they cause. Remember the story about the car that hit the policemans squad car and he ended up burned him from head to tow? I believe that was an illegal alien with no insurance who had been stopped on 2 other recent occassions and was released. If he had been deported the whole thing would have never happened....
Well, you've certainly picked some objective references. This is one of those situations where finding objective and impartial studies will be difficult if not impossible. It's a devisive issue that causes logic and common sense to vacate in favor of opinion and prejudice.

I guess the only way to find out what's really going to happne is to watch and see.
