Caribou Gear

If you only wanted one animal mounted, what would you choose?

My wife and family have always coaxed me to have a foam and fur shoulder mount of elk or whitetail...but I'm in the euro camp for presentation and space preference.

We were in Canton TX for First Monday a couple years ago & came across a very well taxi'd turned Elk shoulder. It had beautiful white tips...a symmetrical 330'ish six by, and the price was better than ok. My wife could not understand why I wouldn't buy it. Doubt I'd have to explain it to anyone here . . .
you would only have to explain around here if you bought it...but you are from Texas! LOL
My wife and family have always coaxed me to have a foam and fur shoulder mount of elk or whitetail...but I'm in the euro camp for presentation and space preference.

We were in Canton TX for First Monday a couple years ago & came across a very well taxi'd turned Elk shoulder. It had beautiful white tips...a symmetrical 330'ish six by, and the price was better than ok. My wife could not understand why I wouldn't buy it. Doubt I'd have to explain it to anyone here . . .
I have NEVER understood how folks could buy and display taxi of others peoples animals.....I just don't get it.
Initially I was thinking a life-sized bald eagle. However, if we're talking internationally, it would be a toss up between a European mount of a mountain gorilla or javan rhino.
So would this count as one mount?



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So would this count as one mount?

That only counts as 1/2 of a mount. Pedestal mounts require no wall space so they don’t count as 1 whole mount only a half. I was just explaining that to my wife she doesn’t seem to get it
A full body javelina mount would be cool. The only mount I have right now is a shoulder-mounted hog and a turkey fan and wings on my shelf that are waiting to be mounted with borax on them.....
The only real mount I have is a small colored phase black bear hanging from a branch. It mounts up nice on the wall.
Those full body mountain goats are striking. I was going to rug one if I ever drew the tag. Now I’m firmly in the full body camp.
While I really appreciate the moose I have, most of my fondest memories are hunts I have shared with my dad at our home property. If I could only have one mount, I would choose one of the whitetails from these hunts since it represents more memories than anything else. They are all special to me, and the mount helps remember the experience. I would probably pick this one since it is one of the better bucks and is also the only one we've gotten so far that had a double throat patch. Even though I enjoy all the mounts I have, if I had to choose between the mounts and the pictures I have with me and my dad and uncle (and soon to be pics with my son!), I'd toss all the mounts and keep the pictures.
The only non-euro mount I have is a long-tailed duck. Beautiful, and small!

Fortunately I like the look of euros. Shoulder mounts can be striking, but they just dominate a space and since I have a regular old house it just isn’t realistic to have many. But if I ever had a chance at a mountain caribou or any species of sheep, I would think hard about a shoulder mount.

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