Favorite animal to hunt?

Huh? Last thing ever expected to see on HT. Do you hunt big game? To each his own but…really turkey above the many mammal choices?
Haha this guy has killed more big game than almost anyone on this site. I think he even legally killed a Montana grizz when he was a kid
3. Mule Deer
4. Squirrel
5. Rabbit

I feel like once I hunt Coues deer and Pronghorn they will shake up the list.
I have an elk problem, I'd put my list at:
1. archery elk
2: late-season post-rut elk
3: all the in-between elk
I rarely have time to hunt much else with the amount of time I put into chasing elk, if forced to pick a non-elk favorite Coues whitetail and Mountain Goat, I'd assume that if I can ever get a sheep tag that will probably jump up pretty high on the list...
I also like moose as a favorite because of the calling aspect and the eating aspect.
We don't have a gobbler season in Alaska, so Sept. moose calling is a good replacement.
Moose meat is my wife's favorite also. The shoulders are big enough that carving out flatiron steaks are worth it!
Over the years the answer to the question would probably change about as often as the wind changes direction, but now I would say archery elk hunting. Because September is a really nice month to go camping and my elk hunting trips now days are mostly just relaxing camping trips where I just happen to have my bow with me.

A close second is whitetails. I find treestand hunting way more challenging than spotting and stalking.
Can hunt them year-round in most states with little to no license fees. Can hunt them over bait, day time calling, night time calling with thermal optics, moon light calling, run em with our hounds. Can enter coyote hunting tournaments all fall/winter long. Can sell the pelts and make damn good money some years. Very easy to get on permission to hunt on private land. Very little competition from other hunters..... DO I NEED TO CONTINUE ?
I enjoy moose hunting the best. Calling can be lots of fun and figuring out which calls and when, how to use them.
And if done good enough I've had wolves come in.
I have been told that I cheated in my first response on this thread by naming my favorite on three different continents. Fair enough but you probably wont like this response any better ;)
I am not sure i have a favorite animal to hunt. What is important to me is the quality of the hunt. Quality must include adventure, which is enhanced by exotic new environment, tough terrain, great stalks, matching wits with worthy quarry, test of my physical and mental capabilities. All ending with clean kills at reasonable range.
This ! When all is said and done most of my favorite hunts, and memorable hunts, are those when I was "challenged" by the weather, terrain, animal or all three.

To answer a couple others : I do like hunting the Bongo. tough hunt ! but it can only be done in CAR, Cameroon or the Congo, so unfortunately you cannot hunt them in the same location as the Kudu, Gemsbok and other plains game.

If I was going back today ? All things being equal it is hard to beat Tanzania, in my opinion. I like Namibia, but it is a small country and the "large" herds are not there, but it is the only country where you can hunt all the dangerous seven as well as the cheetah . South Africa, Zimbabwe, Mozambique are all good hunting destinations. The folks Salmonchaser used are very good people and run a good operation, with one caveat, take your own gun ;) He just got back, so if your thinking about going, contact him.
Huh? Last thing ever expected to see on HT. Do you hunt big game? To each his own but…really turkey above the many mammal choices?
I am surprised Brent hasn't posted with "squirrels" or did he and I missed it :)

"ELK" won I believe and why not. Good hunt. We have some great elk herds on the reservations in AZ. The tribes charge a pretty penny for the opportunity to hunt them, but they have some beautiful animals for sure.
Well you have to make a list, because us hunters can't just pick our all time favorites....

  1. Pronghorn
  2. Mule Deer spot and stalk
  3. Tie, whitetail and Elk. Only because I rarely get to hunt elk, but get to hunt whitetail all the time, so its tough to decide!

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