Favorite animal to hunt?

Elk and (how many times can I vote for Elk?)
Elk are the ONLY thing I hunt, so my hunting season only lasts two weeks (travel and hunt time). The other 50 weeks are thinking about Elk hunting and my trip to Chama.

Pretty much in that order.

Love to hunt them all but Crows will forever be my favorite.
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1. Duck hunting
2. Archery Elk

Duck hunting is fun because u can hunt and visit with your buddies
Elk hunting can be very lonely …
1. Turkeys
2. Waterfowl, doves, crows, pigeons
3. Is a tie between deer, squirrels, and pigs.
Can I ask why?

It’s a communication thing I guess more so than anything. If you know how to talk to them it’s almost weirdly personal. More so than any animal I have ever hunted and ever will. Over the years I have learned their language and they are really intelligent animals.
The answer depends on the season and what's available. I've really landed on whatever my daughter and I can hunt together - we've been in the mountains to duck blinds and I simply enjoy hunting with her. We've talked about more things than I could ever have imagined and the electronics not being there have only helped. I lose her to college this fall so my answer will likely have to change...
I am a trophy hunter, my buddy got this monster ground squirrel this weekend with his bear pistol after he charged us (i think it was a bluff charge) reguardless, my buddy took him down. We think he will make boone and crockett all time, just waiting 60 days now.
I am a trophy hunter, my buddy got this monster ground squirrel this weekend with his bear pistol after he charged us (i think it was a bluff charge) reguardless, my buddy took him down. We think he will make boone and crockett all time, just waiting 60 days now.
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What he use a 44mag or 460v?
Mule deer archery.
Elk archery.
Whitetail archery.
Mule deer rifle.
Elk rifle.
Whitetail any firearm including MZ.
It’s a communication thing I guess more so than anything. If you know how to talk to them it’s almost weirdly personal. More so than any animal I have ever hunted and ever will. Over the years I have learned their language and they are really intelligent animals.
Crows are not easy targets even if you get them in range. Very acrobatic. Not a very attractive mount and I don't know of anyone but King Cole who ever ate one. But the challenge of shooting the most intelligent non-human animal (if not the most intelligent) is quite a drawing card. They are pretty much at the top of the chain so they need to be controlled.
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I love hunting elk, but I always end up wishing they were smaller when I’m pulling out my knife. Pronghorn is a close second because it’s good type 1 fun.
1. Whitetail deer - I grew up hunting them, and there are many many memories associated with them, so I can't ever see them being topped for me
2. Shed hunting - In some ways shed hunting is my favorite, but I don't think I can quite rank it above the deer. I've learned a lot about various land pieces by shed hunting, and it's just as exciting (if not more) for me to spot an antler (or have somebody I'm with spot one) as it is to shoot an animal. I just don't have the time now with 3 young children to be able to put the miles in it takes to be real successful at this right now as I was before getting married and having kids.
3. Moose - Has always been my favorite animal, so hunting them was amazing. I would enjoy just "hunting" them with a camera from this point, though.
4. Elk - Haven't been too successful with harvests yet, but it's always a good time doing these trips with my dad
5. Pronghorn - Was an enjoyable hunt and nice to have an easy hunt seeing loads of animals.
6. Pheasants - It's a good time. I just don't do it anymore due to other hunts taking priority.
7. Turkey - Almost shouldn't even put this on the list. They are fun to hunt, but I just don't care to eat them, so it is rare for me to actually hunt them anymore.

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