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If you could ask 1 question?


New member
Jan 22, 2003
If you were on national TV and could ask one question of the nine democrats and GW Bush, what would you ask them? Mine would be that>>>>>>Despite every poll on immigration that shows over 70% of the american people do not want "amnesty" and want illegal immigration stopped. Why is it that none of you candidates for president of the United States will not do what the "will" of the people clearly suggest?
Damn good question with many applications and the answer my friend is this; "Because I can't get enough votes to get elected/reelected if i tick off too many special interest groups because I am more concerned about having a job and looking pretty than doing what is best for our nation." Our officials should be selected at random from our citizens with their salaries continuing from their current employer at their current levels with only business expenses provided by the federal purse Then it will be healed.
At random, come on! I know a boat load of people I wouldn't want in any office, is that really what you meant?
I suppose it would be some type of spelling question, and I'd start with the 'bout "misunderestimate"?

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-12-2004 16:12: Message edited by: Yukon Hunter ]</font>
What do you wish to do as president and what do expect to do if president and what do you think the best president would do?

3 parts, eh, the best, the wish list, and the reality check. What would they do? That's it for just one question.
i think only the president should be an elected office. all other positions should be on a hiring/ firing basis. that way it wouldn't take an act of god to get rid of people like kennedy,badin{sp} or any other useless official. that is a job and should be treated as such.they work for us and we should be able to fire them if they can't/won't do their jobs. we now must return to the real world, thank you for visiting fantasy land
Treavor, move to AZ if you want that, they give the govenor a fast ticket out of office every chance they get!!!.........I would ask if you plan on negotiating with Canada on the surge of illegals from this country. Like can I move there after Bush gets relected and will I be able to get my citizenship?
It amazes me the so many politicains kow-tow to the hispanic imigrant/actavist vote. They really don't have that much power. Look at the Califorina re-call vote. In a state with well over 50% hispanic population and well over half democrat, Cruze Bustamonte got slaughtered, didn't even hold a candle to Arnold.
Sorry, A-con...
I just had to check those numbers when I saw them.
"Whites were 57 percent of the population in 1990, and were 51 percent of the population in 1999. The Hispanic population has increased from 26 percent in 1990 to 30 percent of the population in 1999."
From the web site
Also (and note, this figure was BEFORE the recall), the Democrats actually comprise 44% of registered California voters, with the GOP garnering 35%. I'd suspect that figure for the Dems will have dropped significantly since the recall.
Sorry, I should have said that democrats are the largest political party, maby not over 50%, but way larger than any other party.
Your numbers are from 1999, five years ago. What we are hearing now is the population IS over 50% hispanic, if you count the illeagls. And after all the "Cruz for Gov." ralleys and protests against Arnold, they still could'nt come up with many votes.
Cruz got 32% of the vote (I think ) and that was inculding all the other democrats i.e. labor unions, gays, enviro-wakos ect. ect.
Clearly, the hispanic political organazations like MAPA, LA-RAZA and the U.F.W. have almost no power.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-18-2004 15:00: Message edited by: A-con ]</font>

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