PEAX Equipment

Ideas for Podcasts

Idea for a podcast - what states would you *retire* to for hunting opportunities, what would the top 5 or 10 be and why? A lot of podcasts deal with which states to hunt as a non-resident - which states make you go "dang, wish I lived there" from a hunting point of view? I suspect the usual suspects would be on the list (WY,CO,AZ,MT,ID) but perhaps it would be different if you were a resident. Just an idea...
“Randy’s Rules of Thumb”

Weather, clothing selection, choosing units with xx% public land, etc. I’ve picked up nuggets through all the years listening to you but I’m sure you have some Randy principles that you haven’t discussed yet.
What about something with dealing with private land owners trying to claim public lands are owned property or public roads closed or trying to run public land hunters off. How to deal with situations what’s the proper authorities if necessary to contact. Also what is the persons legal power if a road is blocked with an object that you know the roads is supposed to be open. I’ve seen more and more horror stories of this happening and having a little knowledge of how to respond, talk to and what to say to first diffuse situation while not being someone that backs down and drives away further strengthening their feelings this is the best way to do things. I just feel like if every person they tried to runoff said the same exact line of “ ive confirmed this is a public road and land and I have every right to be on it” and keep on trucking. What do you do if they try to block your passage things like that. I think this would be a great topic to cover on all platforms.
You should bring on a guest who has his own podcast, then circle jerk each other about what great hunters you are. Then you will be like every other hunting podcast and that must be what the people want because there are hundreds of them. Can’t wait to not listen.
You should bring on a guest who has his own podcast, then circle jerk each other about what great hunters you are. Then you will be like every other hunting podcast and that must be what the people want because there are hundreds of them. Can’t wait to not listen.
Ideas.. lookn for ideas...
Listened to the most recent episode w Hayes, and towards the end the topic of Patreon comes up briefly. So how about an episode where Newberg interviews someone from Patreon or asks other hunting personalities in-depth questions about using these newer ways of supporting yourself without relying on YouTube or Amazon or Facebook etc. There’s only so much you can take home with a tip jar on Twitter.
Hello Everyone
Been following this site for some time but don't post much. I don't think theirs another forum out there thats better.

Anyway i have a question i hope Randy or somebody on here can answer. I'd like to know who sings the version of " This land is your land " on Randys podcast. I can't seem to find it on Spotify.

Thanks Randy or whoever may answer this!
Do a podcast on why its important not to give out specific unit and location information (like specific roads and creeks) on podcasts and public venues.
Hello Everyone
Been following this site for some time but don't post much. I don't think theirs another forum out there thats better.

Anyway i have a question i hope Randy or somebody on here can answer. I'd like to know who sings the version of " This land is your land " on Randys podcast. I can't seem to find it on Spotify.

Thanks Randy or whoever may answer this!
Yesss... I first came to the forums this morning looking for the link to this song. The girl singing that version is soo good. Randy said they have the rights to the song during the Clay Hayes interview but never told us how to get it. After binging the last few podcasts on my last road trip, I've been pleasantly frustrated about not being able to find the full song myself. :)

After listening to your interview of Clay, you need to go ahead and schedule the next one since he had to be mum on so much spoiler alert information.

Then, another one for when Hayes' book comes out.
-Evolution of gear since you were growing up in Big Falls
-I may have missed one but for all the elk hunting content 90% is RM focused and occasionally a bit on Roosevelt elk. Would be cool to have a dedicated Tule podcast, perhaps have a local on who is involved in the restoration work
-the trapping stuff is always fun. from an archival perspective, it’s great to capture stories from the great fur boom 💥
I’m doing a project on coping skills, grounding techniques, and mindfulness exercises hunters can use during the hunting year, and I wonder if the fresh tracks team would be interested in sharing their own tips/skills for keeping your cool, perspective, and calm while hunting. For example, using breathing exercises when needing to reduce your heart rate before a shot, or maintaining perspective when you have a difficult day (or stalk) in the field, or practices/routines we use when keeping (or finding) our focus. The more I talk to people, the more I see either the use of these skills or the opportunity for them to help all of us during our hunts. Just a thought from a nerdy psychiatrist who loves to hunt.
It'd be great to hear you have a Grizzly bear management specialist on. I'd like to hear about where they're expanding and showing up. Jamie Jonkel at FWP seems like he would be a good guest if he was wiling to come on.
It'd be great to hear you have a Grizzly bear management specialist on. I'd like to hear about where they're expanding and showing up. Jamie Jonkel at FWP seems like he would be a good guest if he was wiling to come on.
Working on that. Chris Servheen, 40 years leading GB research, has agreed to be on the podcast. We're working on a date.
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