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IDBugler and Moosie's 2020 Epic Goat Hunt

This looks like its going to be the thread of the year.

With only 2k views so far, We aren't even top 10 pages yet......(Page 13, I looked) Although, we haven't even started posting about the Goat hunt yet either.

I'm not one to brag, I just state the facts. When I do something, it's always BIG. When I went to Paris I climbed the Eiffel tower carrying someone on my back all the way up. When I went to the Grand Canyon I hopped the fence and did a handstand on the edge. In college I bungee jumped.... feet first instead of the swan dive ;)

And when it wass time to do the Ice bucket challenge >>!>!>!

.....................OG !!!

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What do I know. I thought OG stood for old guy. Some of the young guys I have worked with call me a FOG. Nice guys. Moosie and Bugler have to be getting close to FOG status. Trophy pics with a cain would be in order for this old goat hunt. ;)
I started venturing out of my cave last week. Running/walking to the end of my driveway. Stepping up from the road to the 6" curb. You know, HUGE distances and elevations for us FOG's. Next week I hope to run to my neighbors mail box... Some real distance ;)

You think I saved money on the giraffe mount, Look at my full body Moose mount next to my Monitor ;)

the goat mount (The same unit IDB will hunt his in) full body mount cost me a pretty penny as well. But I love looking at it every day !!

Might have to tell the story of the Desert Big horn hunt last year if IDB doesn't pop in here to tell it. We have to get that out of the way to start the goat story.

Notice the Camo.
In the first picture the sleeve is a Hawaiian tribal ink ;)
In the others it's the QL-M2 From #CRCamo



Well. In addition to Idaho goat.... Looks like him and me will be in Wyoming chasing Big Bucks as well.

Here was the Buck I got last time we went to Wyoming. I didn't hold out like IDB but I was happy with him.

2012-wyoming deer.jpg

I think IDB is heading to Nevada for deer as well. Some critters will be in trouble this year.

Well, My Middle boy Parker just drew a good Idaho Elk tag......... These hunts are over lappin' now big time . 1st world redneck problems I guess !!!

Couple years ago when he first started hunting (I think he was 12) he drew the same tag. We sure weren't picky. We got there on Friday evening.Dumped the tent off had 1 hour to scout. I found a bull, But we couldn't get closer than 800 yards. that night the weather and rain came in and an elk was Bugling right behind our tent. In the morning, Parker wanted to sleep in. It was wet and cold. I gave him the option to get up of sleep. He said he wanted to sleep. I said "thats nice" and I got him up. I was mean that way.....

The first hour was hard to see then over a ridge from the night before I found the elk again. we got within 400 yards of it and he put it down.

Here's the Bull he got :


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