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Idaho won't recognize Record book Ram killed by Tribal Hunter

And little background on the record $480,000 bid and shenanigans that followed.

Now that brings new meaning towards transparency of infidelity. 😂
If hunting this animal was within this persons rights and it was a legal hunt for him, it really does not matter if anyone likes it. There are many things in life that are not fair. The Idaho Fish and Game should recognize the kill as a record, period. They should observe, honor, and respect the rights of other people. Just because the Fish and Game did not "control", "manage", or "regulate" the hunt is of no consequence. That's how I see it...
I wonder who the other 1 or 2 tribes who have treaties with similar wording are.
The Shohsone Bannocks in SE Idaho is one of them...they were the Tribe who lost in the Race Horse case in late 1800's which WY argued precluded the Supreme Court from deciding the Herrera case (as the exact issue had already been addressed).

I suspect you will see them hunting a whole lot more of their 'unoccupied' ancestral lands in the near future.
The Shohsone Bannocks in SE Idaho is one of them...they were the Tribe who lost in the Race Horse case in late 1800's which WY argued precluded the Supreme Court from deciding the Herrera case (as the exact issue had already been addressed).

I suspect you will see them hunting a whole lot more of their 'unoccupied' ancestral lands in the near future.
Would be really interesting if parts of YNP or RMNP would qualify as unoccupied. May be better hunting there than on the other government land. NWR, National Monuments, National Parks, etc would all be great spots for a hunt.
Would be really interesting if parts of YNP or RMNP would qualify as unoccupied. May be better hunting there than on the other government land. NWR, National Monuments, National Parks, etc would all be great spots for a hunt.
Based on prior case law I don't think they will qualify as unoccupied...but who knows. A national park that explicitly excludes hunting - I believe via legislation creating the park - is a much higher bar than multi-purpose federal and state lands when it comes to unoccupied status. Not to mention...I don't know if a Tribe really wants to be in the news killing animals in a park.
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