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B&C condones aerial spotting of game?

A buddy and I talked about this very thing last night.

Here's my take on it.

I personally don't care in the slightest regarding the impact the regulation will have on hunters entering animals in B&C. I really couldn't care less one way or the other, that is up to the B&C club to decide and I support their decision either way. Their club, their rules...period.

What I'm concerned about is how using aircraft/drones for scouting purposes impacts wildlife, hunting opportunity, season length, etc. I have no problem with using aircraft to access otherwise inaccessible blocks of public lands, the plane at that point is no different than using a truck to access a trailhead.

What I think is total B.S. though, is the unfair advantage that is gained from scouting from the air for specific animals. Anyone that's hunted sheep, goats, moose, etc. in AK knows that aerial scouting is a huge game changer on killing an animal, or not, and in particular trophy sized animals. If anyone tells me otherwise, they're full of B.S. and I will call them on it.

What this boils down to is how flying is impacting the resource and how it impacts hunters as a whole. IMO/E, if AK continues to allow flying and scouting at the current levels, then I see a future of all sheep hunting going limited quota there. Is being able to scout from the air more important to AK residents than being able to hunt sheep every year? That's the question that they should be asking themselves.

Its no different in the lower-48. Wyoming Non-resident hunters bitch and complain about being limited in Region G (just one example) via low tag quotas. Well, a good part of the reason is that a lot of the best bucks are being skimmed by a couple outfitters that fly extensively in that country. Its primarily NR's that are hunting with these clowns, and getting the biggest buck on the mountain, trumps ethics and limits opportunity for all...every single time.

That's exactly why WYBHA has taken the lead on getting drones banned as well as cleaning up State Statute and Regulation regarding flying to scout here in Wyoming. By this time next year, flying to scout will be illegal from August 1-January 31 in Wyoming. Personally, and as a board member of WYBHA, we feel that maintaining ethics and giving wildlife a fair chance is more important than what B&C says in regards to trophy entry. If we don't put limits on technology somewhere, hunter opportunity, season lengths, and wildlife will all two ways about it.

Well, I know one central Wyoming rancher that will say that he's looking for his cows when in reality he's looking for the whereabouts of HIS elk, and relay that information to his outfitter. Unenforceable? I think so. Try to prove it.
The guy buzzing the elk was found guilty of wildlife harassment, lost hunting/fishing privileges for one year, got a fine. The dipstick is a member of Natrona county's school board...he says he won't hang his head in shame, and that it won't affect his role on the school board. Really? Since when is piss-poor decision making a good attribute? It was in the Wyoming Tribune today.
Well, I know one central Wyoming rancher that will say that he's looking for his cows when in reality he's looking for the whereabouts of HIS elk, and relay that information to his outfitter. Unenforceable? I think so. Try to prove it.

That's exactly why I stated several times that this type of law will require voluntary compliance for the most part in hopes that it will decrease due to other legitimate reasons they can use to say why they were flying. There is just too much money involved in hunting now and I know a rancher where I hunt that does exactly what you mentioned. It's probably the biggest spread in the county and the day they prosecute him for it I'll quit hunting because the activity is well known and the guy that leases the ranch for top dollar deer and elk hunts is the biggest outfitter in Wyoming and the WYOGA Sec/Tres. Wynn Condict, who's on the WYOGA Board of Directors advertises right in their booklet that he does aerial scouting! Heck, I was slipping up on a herd of antelope to fill a doe tag one time on BLM land and that rancher came down so slow in his plane and intentionally ran the herd off that I could see the color of the red shirt he was wearing!
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Well, I know one central Wyoming rancher that will say that he's looking for his cows when in reality he's looking for the whereabouts of HIS elk, and relay that information to his outfitter. Unenforceable? I think so. Try to prove it.

We'll see what happens.

In my conversations with WYGF, they pretty well know who is doing what and when...and more importantly why.

They are going to all be put on notice and from there I would think a video camera, and tail numbers will make things uncomfortable for many that are scouting from aircraft.

A conviction may not be necessary, a visit from a warden may be all it takes.

Many of the people that hunt these areas where this is happening have got to step it up and be willing to testify.

It will stop if the pressure is applied.
I'm anxiously awaiting the press release about an asshat here in CO that was just convicted of wildlife harassment for using a helicopter to scout for deer. It's going to be a good day. :)

Does he have nice teeth?

Like this. :D

"He's a great guy that knows how to find big bucks"!

Sounds like he is not much of a lawyer though!
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We'll see what happens.

In my conversations with WYGF, they pretty well know who is doing what and when...and more importantly why.

They are going to all be put on notice and from there I would think a video camera, and tail numbers will make things uncomfortable for many that are scouting from aircraft.

A conviction may not be necessary, a visit from a warden may be all it takes.

Many of the people that hunt these areas where this is happening have got to step it up and be willing to testify.

It will stop if the pressure is applied.

You may well be correct about that and I hope you are because this crap needs to stop and just like other game law violations it will take a lot of us to help police and curb it!
Wow, I'm still surprised about Alaska!

I do think Buzz is right about enforcing Wyo regs. Once this ban on aerial scouting goes into effect, is will soon become the culture. There will be those that will still do it, but knowing that someone may be down below taking numbers or videoing will be a big deterrent.

By the way, the Youtube elk harasser is also a Boy Scout leader. This bothers me, because he is quoted as saying someone in G&F told him he could do it! That story is not holding up at the District office here in Casper. Why can't he just take his lumps, admit he was wrong and move on? That's what a good scout leader should do. He's not being a good example in my book.
Wow, I'm still surprised about Alaska!

I do think Buzz is right about enforcing Wyo regs. Once this ban on aerial scouting goes into effect, is will soon become the culture. There will be those that will still do it, but knowing that someone may be down below taking numbers or videoing will be a big deterrent.

By the way, the Youtube elk harasser is also a Boy Scout leader. This bothers me, because he is quoted as saying someone in G&F told him he could do it! That story is not holding up at the District office here in Casper. Why can't he just take his lumps, admit he was wrong and move on? That's what a good scout leader should do. He's not being a good example in my book.

Can't argue with a thing you said there Jeff!
Wow, I'm still surprised about Alaska!

I do think Buzz is right about enforcing Wyo regs. Once this ban on aerial scouting goes into effect, is will soon become the culture. There will be those that will still do it, but knowing that someone may be down below taking numbers or videoing will be a big deterrent.

By the way, the Youtube elk harasser is also a Boy Scout leader. This bothers me, because he is quoted as saying someone in G&F told him he could do it! That story is not holding up at the District office here in Casper. Why can't he just take his lumps, admit he was wrong and move on? That's what a good scout leader should do. He's not being a good example in my book.

Let's see, he's on the Natrona Co. school board, a Boy Scout leader. You'd think that like you said, he's admit what he did was wrong and learn from it. But he refuses. A real role model he is. And says the G&F said it was OK? What an ass-hat.