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Idaho Trophy Draws are up!

Yeah, that effing Basqo... ;) I don't know the number, just know that it's in Bruneau Canyon. I think I've got things smoothed over with "the mail order bride" enough to possibly swing it. It's pretty close to where he's living so I'm guessing he'll be doing some scouting.

He was just on Kodiak in April and also drew a ewe/immature ibex tag in NM (he's already got a billy mounted), so he's got a pretty full plate for this fall and the draws aren't even over yet!
Congrats!! Helped a friend in there with his sheep tag. An unforgettable trip.

The same friend drew a Calif. Bighorn tag this year. Hoping I can swing a plane ticket to help him with it. I didn't get to help with his moose, but have been there for his mtn goat and rocky bighorn. He's now drawn all OIL tags in Idaho since '06. Lucky bastich.

If memory serves you have to wait a year once you pull a tag so he's batting a 1.000 on the trophy species. With that kind of luck he had better buy some lotto tickets too :)

A person can draw back to back Idaho big 3, they just need to be different species. 2006/2007 I drew sheep/goat respectively.

No luck since:)

A person can draw back to back Idaho big 3, they just need to be different species. 2006/2007 I drew sheep/goat respectively.

No luck since:)

Unfortunately I'm at the other end of the spectrum to help validate the law of averages. :( Mostly I feel lucky to pull one of the tags from an unlimited draw unit.
Congrats!! Helped a friend in there with his sheep tag. An unforgettable trip.

The same friend drew a Calif. Bighorn tag this year. Hoping I can swing a plane ticket to help him with it. I didn't get to help with his moose, but have been there for his mtn goat and rocky bighorn. He's now drawn all OIL tags in Idaho since '06. Lucky bastich.

Wow! Lucky Man...

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