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Idaho Sheep.... Game on !!

Dang.. As I sit here eating a 8" sandwitch, a 64oz Coke, and a Bowl of Chili with some Cookies and some chips for desert, I'm remembering how good just flavored water is when you're in the back country :)

T-bone.. Shoot me your Email addy at [email protected]

Dinner at my place Tuesday July 25th. I already invited Warren.
Warren told me that you're 85% there.... I decided I "ate" and am 5% there too ;)

We switched the Dinner to the 26th for ya......

I thnik I might go on a Little Hike next week with the Boyscouts ..... I'll let you know if I die :D
Don't die Moose. Keep on the exercise routine. Vic asked me to pressure you to suck some weight :)

The month of August I'll kick up the physical prep up a notch. Focus more on cardio and core strength.

Tried out the Kifaru tipi and wood stove. Very cool system. Even if it hits 20 below that stove will keep the tent warm. No need to spoon.

Can't find my rain shell anywhere. The move to SD ate it. Can I borrow your iditarod parka?

I noticed there were 0 rams killed in the unit last year. There's gonna be some fatty rams in there.
The Boyscouts are Doing a 50 Miler next week. I'm gonig to try to slip out but have a Very Busy Schedule. With jobs backing up and Feeding the Missionaries Monday, Snake River Stampede Tuesday, Wylee dinner Wed, I have 2 rentals to work on 2 Sets of Sprinklers to fix, Finish Rino Lining the Back of my truck (YAH, I started a New Project today :) ) designing a Cabin by Next Sunday, (Meeting with a Contractor and the Neighborhood meeting, I'm trying to Buy some of the Road System from the city and Need everyone to sign a Paper saying it's OK, wish me luck :D), We're in the Pioneer Parade this Sat too, I have no Idea how I get roped into these things but Heck, I keep telling myself I'm getting some Browny points from someone :) OHH yah, my 12 year aniversary is this weekend too...... Geesh !

So that leaves me Thursday and Friday to do a 50 Miler and catch up with them..... I guess I could do it, It would kill the Average man, but I'm no Average man !!!! :p I'll let you know if I pull it off with time...........
Good luck on your hunt in that area. I was in there last year and talked to you for advice before I went. Those pictures make me want to pack up and go up there again. Amazing how a year makes you forget what packing in there is like. I'll be up in Alaska chasing Caribou while you guys are packing in and hoping I get to test my new Ebelerstock pack by hauling out the 'bou meat 5 miles back to the haul road. Hope you have a great hunt and the fires don't get you.
Today is August 1st! One month from today, I hit the road.


All the gear and supplies are here, it just needs organized.

Need to put some more trigger time. I'll get out and smoke some bunnies and p-dogs in the next few weeks.

For the month of August the physical (cardio) conditioning will step up a notch.

It's gonna be an adventure.
For the month of August the physical (cardio) conditioning will step up a notch.

I agree, I decided to run today to start getting in shape. I stepped outside and it was COOLer then it has been. The chill was in the air !!! I warmed up quick and when I took my first break I was sweating so hard It was even colder !!! I rested at my mailbox and then Ran back to the house !!!
Didn't you like your Eberlestock pack? Did you ever do a review on it?

It was an OK pack. But after using it on a Meat packout trip I decided it wasn't the pack for me. I jsut bought a new pack though for the sheep trip.... Someday I'll find one I like ;)
Ten Bears, that looks like a Northern Idaho Malitia Site :) Gas MAsks and food supplies....

Tbone, I went for a Hike Yesterday..... I'm surprised I'm not dead. Hiking Sux, I'm gonigto Die. The Sheep hunt will kill me, I suck, Backpacks suck. 92 deg heat sucks, blisters suck, sore backs,feet and shoulders suck.

OK, I'm done bitchin about it, I'll be ready in < 4 weeks :D
3 weeks!

Physically, I'm ready. I declare myself strong as a horse-llama cross breed. Gear is all there, just needs organized and assembled.

Had a dilema with the boots, but I have a back-up pair ready to roll if needed. ***For those with Meindel boots, don't dry them in the direct sun** They will shrink down like a piece of jerky.

Keep hitting the training hard Oscar. It's go-time.

For superstitious luck charms I chose to go with the pink Energizer batteries. It supports breast cancer research and is sure to be good mojo for a big ram. big breasts=big ram ?

I'm questioning the logic in each of us having spotting scopes. What's your thought?
as long as the papa moose man carries both I see no reason why not--really though if it was me I'd like to have my spotter there even as a sherpa---chris
I've been slacking.. In Everything.. Bummer year for me. But I'll make it. I jsut looked at my list Sunday. It's Amaising what taking the Hunting out of the hunt eliminates from your Pack. Probably close to 20#. I'm gonig to need that :)

I think having a Scope is important. I hope to do alot of Glassing for you and I feel that scoping is the Best way. MAybe we can get lucky again by seeing a Flash of horn with the Nekis eye but the couple pounds it weighs I'd asune carry one. Let me know though.

If you're capable of packing in your Stuff I'll be able to carry in mine. I'm guessing your 20# heavier (In pack weight) and I'm 30 #' heavier in belly weight :) So it should work.

Sept 9th is my first Soccer game so We should plan to Move in Sept 2nd. busty a Ram on the 6th at the latest and Pack up and Leave so I can make it back. HEll we took less time on my hunt and we didn't have the "A" game plan ;)

3 weeks.... holy crap. I better get my Ninja Chizz ready. I'm going to be ready to Kick some "A" !!!! HIIIiiiiiii YAH !
moosie... can you dig up that old post you made before your sheep hunt that listed all the contents of your pack and weight? A few of us are working on a trip next year and I recall you having some awesome info that you gathered in prep for your hunt.

not quite the list I was looking for.... I'm not in that good of shape to carry all that.

I want to recall you had everything laying on the table for photos and then had a detailed list. Any content of the bag or list that might stick out for a search?

maybe I was drinking that night when I read it and have it all wrong...

cmc, I have a List, I origionally got it from a guy from Texas that was hutning AK. In AK flying in there is a max 90# I think that you can bring in for the drop camp. Seems like alot but it's actually hard to do for a 9-10 day moose hunt. most people show up with 200# + worth of stuff. I saw it first hand. One group that flew out the Day before us had to leave 2/3 of their stuff at the dock. I don't know how they decided, they had chit spreaded out looking over it figureing out what they needed and didn't. Even with the BIG BOLD letters telling us the max weight limit !!! Hell we spent months finalizing the list and had a hard time.

I took that list and broke it down for my Sheep hunt. Everyone has their own needs and wants but this list is a good starting point. Breaking things down by #'s and oz. seems a bit extreem but it shows you that everything adds up. Lots of items I took the Manufatures weight and I also hav a little Scale that I weighed it on. I was within a # or so I think when I put it all together. plus or minus 2-3#'s isnt s big deal.

Remember that water weighs a LOT !!!!!Always camp were you have access to water. Our sheep hunt was in the Mountains but w knew were little bodies of water were and We knew what mile markers more or less contained water. It's amaising how your Focus shifts real quick from hunting to Water when you get low :D

Take a look at this one, It's in Excel and If you want it in that form PM me your Email addy... :


That's exactly what I'm in search of... Thank a bunch.

email sent pops...
