Caribou Gear Tarp

Idaho Legislative Update

Its getting hard to keep up SCR 121 went through in less than a week. I'm quickly losing hope.
Here ya go.

Any time you want to see what a bill is doing go here:

Then just click on the bill you are interested in.


Does this mean that Docket Number 13-0104-1102 is dead for this session and can't be ressurected again by the House or the Senate? I didn't attend any of the IDFG open house session this year pertaining Big Game so these Incentive Tags were news to me. Sounds like a really bad idea for sportsmen in Idaho.

Sounds like a really bad idea for sportsmen in Idaho.

It is. There are members of our current legislature who are attempting to circumvent the F&G commission by establishing laws to benefit themselves. It's bad and getting worse.
It is. There are members of our current legislature who are attempting to circumvent the F&G commission by establishing laws to benefit themselves. It's bad and getting worse.


You didn't answer my original question above: Does this mean that Docket Number 13-0104-1102 is dead for this session and can't be ressurected again by the House or the Senate?

I realize that SB1282-83 were drafted by self-serving senators but wasn't this docket drafted, proposed, and presented to the legislature by the IDFG commission. I'm trying to get a heads up on what's going on. Also, SCR121 was stricken but I can't find any information as to why or by whom and more importantly whether it will rise again.


You didn't answer my original question above: Does this mean that Docket Number 13-0104-1102 is dead for this session and can't be ressurected again by the House or the Senate?

I realize that SB1282-83 were drafted by self-serving senators but wasn't this docket drafted, proposed, and presented to the legislature by the IDFG commission. I'm trying to get a heads up on what's going on. Also, SCR121 was stricken but I can't find any information as to why or by whom and more importantly whether it will rise again.


Sorry I didn't have much time yesterday I'll try to clarify but I don't have a ton of information either. From what I can gather from the F&G web site above they are not for SCR121 as it removes their rules pertaining to Land Owner Tags. SCR121 dealing with Docket Number 13-0104-1102 has yet to actually pass so as of yet nothing has changed. Once SCR121 passes then it would take affect. It is currently in committee in the house.

If I have more time later I'll try to get cought up with everything headed our way this week.
S 1282 Was heard by the committee today. ID F&G testified in favor of the bill given their ability to be the actual seller of the tag once a land owner had reached an agreement with a tag buyer, their ability to weigh the awarded access given by the land owner toward it's actual value and the ammount of oversite they would retain. Jack Oiler (?) from the Twin Falls area spoke as a committee member for SFW Idaho and also spoke in favor of S1282.

The bill passed and is headed to the floor.
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HB496 Allowing veterans to acquire Idaho hunting licenses without attending Idaho hunters ed passed the house.
Simpson's reply back to my email that I received today:

Thank you for contacting me regarding legislation proposed in the Idaho State Senate regarding wolf management. I appreciate hearing from you and having the opportunity to respond.

Idaho Senator Jeff Siddoway proposed legislation that would allow ranchers to get permits to kill wolves by a number of means, including using night scopes, shooting them from airplanes, and baiting them. Recently Senator Siddoway decided to withdraw his proposal.

I understand Senator Siddoway’s concerns about the impact of wolf populations in Idaho, and his experience losing livestock to wolves is one echoed by many ranchers in Idaho. However, I remain concerned that, should this legislation pass, it would violate Idaho’s wolf management plan, leaving the plan vulnerable to lawsuits and ultimately resulting in wolves being placed back on the endangered species list.

Putting wolves back on the endangered species list is in no one’s best interest but those who benefit from ongoing litigation. I believe that Idaho’s plan provides a long-term solution to the management of these animals that serves the interest of the state, the federal agencies, ranchers and hunters, and those whose true goal is a sustainable wolf population in the Rocky Mountain West. This is why I crafted language in 2011 that directed the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to reissue its determination to delist wolves in states with approved management plans in place.

The recovery of the gray wolf should be considered a success under the ESA, and I am bothered that some people persist in perceiving that the end goal in this process is to simply keep wolves on the endangered species list instead of recover the species so that it can be properly managed. The Idaho Department of Fish and Game is well prepared to manage this species through legalized hunts and other forms of predator control, and I believe it would be wise to leave this issue in the hands of the state.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to contact me with your concerns. As your representative in the United States Congress, your thoughts and opinions are very important to me. I also encourage you to visit my website at to sign up for my e-newsletter and to read more about my views on a variety of issues.

Mike Simpson
Member of Congress

I bet that conversation was interesting.

Good to see most of these bills not making it, just a few more to hopefully kill off.

About half way down in the email.

Michelle Stennett [email protected]
4:46 PM (18 hours ago)

Good Afternoon, I am grateful for the time you’ve taken out of your day to write me a note regarding LAP tags! S1283 would have allowed private landowners to auction big-game hunting tags to the highest bidder without addressing public access. It failed on a rare tie vote, 17-17, on the Senate floor. I voted no. S1282 is a similar bill in that landowner appreciation tags could be sold, but 1282 would allow “reasonable” access. It will be debated in Senate Resources & Environment this afternoon. This bill would create an elitist class of hunters able to purchase many tags, many times, which most hunters take a lifetime to draw. A third bill, S1256, passed the Senate today on a vote of 17-16. This bill would establish new "Governor's big game auction tags" to be auctioned off in support of Fish & Game programs. Sounds like a worthy enterprise but the constituents who contacted me, sportsman's groups, and the Idaho Fish & Game Commission all opposed the legislation which made it impossible for me to support the bill. Thank you once again for contacting me and communicating your interest on this issue. The information and commentary you provided were quite helpful during the debate and voting processes. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at [email protected], or call (208) 332-1353.
S1282 was held and may be voted on today, SCR 117 is on the house calendar again today but it has been for a few days and still remains at the bottom it may still get voted on today though.
It's been awhile since anyone posted, any updates on 1256 and 1282? Session is nearing a close I believe. NOW, is the time to call your congressmen and let your views be known.

I have been pretty busy lately and I'm actually killing time in the hospital right now waiting for my son to arrive. As far as I know 1256 is headed to the house floor for a vote possibly later in the week. 1282 is waiting for amendments before being voted on by the Senate. If you haven't sent a message to Boise yet you are running out of time.
S1256 is on the calendar for its second reading today. S1321 SCR117 and SCR121 are listed to go to a vote today but the last two have been on the list every day for a while. S1321 that would limit the way F&G is allowed to use winter feeding funds has a chance to go to a vote however.

The Senate Resources an Enviornment Committee is scheduled to hear H542 the ATV bill and H458 the wolf tag in the sportsmans package bill.

The senate calendar still lists S1282 in the ammending order and it may or may not see anything today.

With any luck I will be home in bed asleep when this happens.

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