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Idaho Legislative Update

+1 on your comment sir! We need to meet up.

The article in bold is incorrect the bill had nothing to do with wolves. I'm much less worried about the party affiliation of a guy who no longer has a vote and more worried about up coming legislation. Hopefully JC spends as much time writing to our legislature as he spends trying to instigate partisan augments on this site.
The article in bold is incorrect the bill had nothing to do with wolves. I'm much less worried about the party affiliation of a guy who no longer has a vote and more worried about up coming legislation. Hopefully JC spends as much time writing to our legislature as he spends trying to instigate partisan augments on this site.

If it weren't for McGee having to turn in his resignation today, the Tag bill would have passed. Only because he was too busy turning in his resignation today was the vote a rare tie in the senate. (And yes, the Statesman had the wrong bill listed, but you and I both know there was only one bill that ended in a 17-17 tie today.)

Not sure how it is "partisan" to point out that hunters would have lost if McGee wasn't turned in for, allegedly, inappropriate behaviour with a senate staffer.
Not sure how it is "partisan" to point out that hunters would have lost if McGee wasn't turned in for, allegedly, inappropriate behaviour with a senate staffer.

You have an entire thread based on your partisan beliefs. I would prefer it if this didn't turn into another cut and paste fiasco that has become your m.o. This thread was intended to help draw attention to upcoming bills that could be influenced by poeple contacting the legislators who represent them. The fact is 10 GOP ers as you call them voted against the bill. If you can provide information about future legislation, updates on current legislation, contact info for legislators or organizations or anything else that would help then by all means post it. If you have nothing to provide other than slanted cut and past articles that speculate how something may have happened differently please start a new thread.
Received another email back from one of our senators and is a very pointed question.

Senator Diane Bilyeu [email protected]
8:45 AM (32 minutes ago)

to me

Thank you Larry, My question to you is when are some of the sportsmen going to run for political office so we have a chance to protect our wildlife? Diane Bilyeu
You have an entire thread based on your partisan beliefs. I would prefer it if this didn't turn into another cut and paste fiasco that has become your m.o. This thread was intended to help draw attention to upcoming bills that could be influenced by poeple contacting the legislators who represent them. The fact is 10 GOP ers as you call them voted against the bill. If you can provide information about future legislation, updates on current legislation, contact info for legislators or organizations or anything else that would help then by all means post it. If you have nothing to provide other than slanted cut and past articles that speculate how something may have happened differently please start a new thread.

How is it partisan to point out that the law failed by an extremely rare tie in the Senate, that was caused by McGee (R-Caldwell) having to resign his seat in disgrace?

Think about how close this would have passed if McGee (R-Caldwell) hadn't been forced to resign because of his actions this week, instead of next week. Just to whitewash the result and claim "victory" without knowing the context of how the law was defeated is doing a dis-service to whatever audience you are claiming to inform.

Unless McGee, the disgraced Republican Caucus leader, resigning is somehow not worthy in a thread called "Idaho Legislative Update". Watch who Otter (Republican, friend of ranchers and large landowners) appoints, you likely will see version 2 of this bill pass.
I highly doubt you would have posted this had he been a Democrat. The bill failed. Like I said before feel free to drag him through the mud all you want just do it in your own thread. He no longer has a vote and I am more concerend with the senators who do. If you find some dirt on a senator who has a vote then please share. Otherwise I don't care what could have been.

I have already sent messages to every senator expressing my concerns with the next bill they will see. Other than continuing to promote your slanted argument on here what have you done?
S 1256 The governors tag bill is on the agenda for the 3rd reading and vote today. I won't have access to the live feed so if anyone else has a chance to listen in please keep us posted.

SPECIAL BIG GAME AUCTION TAGS - Amends existing law relating to fish and game to provide for special big game auction tags designated as Governor's wildlife partnership tags.

01/24 Senate intro - 1st rdg - to printing

01/25 Rpt prt - to Res/Env

02/21 Rpt out - rec d/p - to 2nd rdg

02/22 2nd rdg - to 3rd rdg

02/24 3rd rdg - PASSED - 17-16-1
AYES -- Andreason, Bair, Brackett, Broadsword, Cameron, Darrington, Davis, Fulcher, Heider, Hill, Keough, Lodge, McKague, McKenzie, Siddoway, Smyser, Winder
NAYS -- Bilyeu, Bock, Corder, Goedde, Johnson, LeFavour, Malepeai, Mortimer, Nuxoll, Pearce, Schmidt, Stennett, Tippets, Toryanski, Vick, Werk
Absent and excused -- Hammond
[District 10 seat temporarily vacant]
Floor Sponsor - Bair
Title apvd - to House

S 1256 passed with a vote of 17-16 now it's headed to the house.
Not exactly pulled but referred back to committee. Hopefully the comittee realizes it's not worth taking the gamble and they don't push it back out later.

S1282 Will probably be heard by the Senate Resources and Environment Committee by the end of this week or the first part of next week. If you haven't sent them your thoughts now is the time.
Just got this email as well

From: Deirdre Howell [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of David Allen
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 4:02 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: RMEF - Idaho Senate Bill 1305
Importance: High

To Governor Otter and Idaho Legislators,

The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation fully supports all legitimate and approved means of managing and controlling wolves that may be prescribed by the Idaho Fish & Game Department. However, we feel strongly that Idaho should avoid measures that are not science based, prescribed by professionals or included in the state's wolf management plan approved in 2009 by the USFWS. Such actions would only create a negative overall result for managing and controlling wolves in Idaho.

As a result we cannot support the proposed Senate Bill 1305 and ask that the Idaho legislature not to support it.

Great caution must be applied to not violate Idaho’s approved wolf management plan. Animal rights and environmental activists are looking for openings to file more legal challenges in federal court. Their goal is halting or disrupting wolf management and control practices currently in place. Much effort has gone into the federal legislation that currently allows both Idaho and Montana to manage wolves through biologically and socially acceptable practices. We look forward all states getting this same ability to manage and control predators.

Thank you for your consideration.



M. David Allen | President & CEO

Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation
406.523.0294 phone | 406.523.0224 fax
[email protected] |
The House Resources and Conservation Committee will be hearing HO542 The bill would add the text below to the existing law and basically remove the ID F&G ability to restrict atv travel on federal land.

New Text
Restriction on Rulemaking and Policy. Other than the specific limitations imposed by the express language of this section relating to motorized vehicles, neither the commission nor the department may impose, pursuant to administrative rule, policy or otherwise, restrictions on the use of motorized vehicles on trails or roads on federally managed lands. This paragraph specifically prohibits the commission and department from restricting the use of motorized vehicles on trails and roads that are otherwise open to motorized vehicle use.

Tomorrow the Senate Resources and Environment Committee will hear S1282 allowing land owners to sell their LAP tags at any price for personal gain. Unlike S1283 this bill does require them to allow some kind of access but the law is very vague as to where and how much access must be granted in exchange.
Tomorrow the Senate Resources and Environment Committee will hear S1282 allowing land owners to sell their LAP tags at any price for personal gain. Unlike S1283 this bill does require them to allow some kind of access but the law is very vague as to where and how much access must be granted in exchange.

The original Landowner Preference Permit LPP later evolving into an Landowner Appreciation Permit LAP also had a vague access provision included in it that was later stricken to not allow an access provision. It is not in their interest to allow the general sportsmen access. The access provision is provided initially to attempt to make the legislation more pallitable. Then I believe it would go away as the access provision in the LAP aggreement has. The goal is, and make no mistake about it, to privatize and control hunting in Idaho on private land. Incremental changes over time through IDFG and the legislator is the plan and it seems to be working; that is if Idaho sportsmen let it.
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