Idaho Group Wins Victory over Salt Lake BLM in order to IMPROVE Hunting


I agree, but the deal is this.

WWP is taking the States and Feds to court and winning big-time. The WWP demands accountability and that the various agencies follow the laws THEY ARE REQUIRED to. The BLM is notorious for not following directives, laws, and regulations demanded by the taxpayers...for that they deserve to have their asses sued.

If the results of that litigation is better for MY public lands and MY public wildlife...then I support and appreciate their efforts.
Understood, my point is: if that is what WWP is doing and succeeding then Jose should simply say: "The WWP wins again, BLM is wrong", instead of implying that WWP is doing this to help hunters, when the truth is they are, at the very least, neutral on hunting and from all the appearances I have seen are most likely anti hunting. I subscribed to their newletter and read extensively about their leadership and studied their mission statements and looked at their idea of the proper use of litigation. I have read each board members bio and some of their personal views are frankly frightening.

Jon Marvel and the WWP give two shits about hunters or hunting rights nor private property rights. They want the west to be the buffalo commons. Go read it for yourself it is all there.


I agree that they arent in business for hunters or hunters rights (but why should they be?) They arent a hunting organization. But a pretty darn good spin-off undoubtedly helps particular because most of their litigation is in regard to improving PUBLIC lands habitats.

Think about this many times have you heard HUNTERS use the arguement that license dollars support BOTH game and non-game species as a justification for pro-hunting stances? Do you really think joe six-pack cares about non-game species?

Isnt what Jose is doing the same type of thing????
Think about this many times have you heard HUNTERS use the arguement that license dollars support BOTH game and non-game species as a justification for pro-hunting stances? Do you really think joe six-pack cares about non-game species?

Isnt what Jose is doing the same type of thing????

No joe six-pack doesn't care about non game animals but then again hairy legged, tofu eating, evironmental elitistist don't care about hunting. When I have an issue that needs to be brought up I have never relied on Joe six-pack because he is apathetic. I also don't give up my rights or compromise my views by supporting anti hunting organizations, habitat improvement or not. Just my view. To disclose this I did make a small donation to WWP so I could get more info on them but that is a one time deal

Better quality habitat is good but I am not willing to give my money and time to an organizations whose members want to return to "60 million bison roaming from Yellowstone to North Dakota to Oklahoma, with their complement of wolves, antelope, sage grouse and prairie hens" because that means none of us, in the west, (you and me included) would be living where we do.

So you can view them as a positive I view WWP with deep concern and suspicion.


You're way too smart to believe that WWP will ever get that pipe-dream passed...maybe they're simply using some of Jose's methods to get a few of those hairy-legged tofu eaters to send them $35....
Can you point me to a "Pro-Hunting" organization that is as effective at producing results in getting the BLM to clean up their act? I will take an effective "neutral" organization that moves my agenda along over an impotent organization any day.

I have always made it clear to the guys winning these suits that I am a hunter, and they are cashing my check for the benefit of hunting. And I think we hunters have the opportunity to join these groups and influence them to improve and move forward our agenda. (Granted, your agenda and my agenda will always be different as it relates to Public Land grazing due to our personal circumstances).

And, I did have permission to access public ground for hunting across Greenfire. :D
miller & Jose, I said utilization, I didn't say forage allocated to livestock. Utilization and allocation are quit different. Utilization doesn' distinguish between animals, allocation does.

I still haven't heard all the terms of the settlement, so I won't comment any more on if this is a 'win' or not. I do know that part of the settlement is that the office does a new RMP when funds are made available from Washington. This was slated before the appeal anyway. Monitoring is a big part of the settlement, but I don't know of what or to what extent.
Nemont,very good points.
Its nice to see someone that has taken the time to check out the WWP and give it some real thought.
I get the feeling from Josecuervo that he might be to close to the WWP and his support of them stem's more from what gets put in his bank account then from looking at the over all big picture of where they want to take this .


You're way too smart to believe that WWP will ever get that pipe-dream passed...maybe they're simply using some of Jose's methods to get a few of those hairy-legged tofu eaters to send them $35...."

How many "hairy-legged tofu eaters "does it take to take over the aganda of any group and run with it??????
I think you are missing the point---WWP is already full of and being run by more of the hairy-legged tofu eaters then you might think.
Go check out the board members and the other groups that they are in bed with.
WWP sounds like PETA on the Range to me. No wonder IT, Gunner, and Buzzard support them spiritually and financially. George Wuerthner is a dork. I have no use for him.
MD4m , Good to see you back! The idiot team needs reinforcement. :D After I get a few laughs outta your conspiracy theories and other lunacies for a few days you'll go on the "Ignore" list. You were smart to stay away for awhile. The simpletons have been getting their asses kicked real bad. :D
Glad to see you weren't able to come up with any "Pro-Hunting" groups who are making the BLM follow the law..... Just how much in-breeding are you the result of?
"After I get a few laughs outta your conspiracy theories and other lunacies for a few days you'll go on the "Ignore" list"

Ithaca,thanks for the warm welcome back.
You have the right to Ignore anyone or anything you want .
While your putting the world on your Ignore list some of us will be checking out the web sites of all the groups that are counting on that type response from there members and supporters so they can keep there dream alive.

I dont see it as "conspiracy theories " what I do see are groups that had a vision and are working hard at making it happen.
While I believe we need to protect our land & animals I see no reason to embrace these org. that are calling for such radical strategys .
I have seen through checking out these so called "good org." that many of them are working towards the same goal in the end .

"Although the Wildlands Project's call for restoring keystone species and connectivity was met, at first, with amusement, these goals have now been embraced broadly as the only realistic strategy for enduring the extinction crisis.

Paul Ehrlich
Bing Professor of Population Studies Stanford, University"

We got Pointer on point. I think we can let HIM do the job he was hired for. The pro-hunting groups resources are better spent on things like habitat and battling anti-hunting groups like PETA and the Humane Society.

But there are also several hunting groups that are battling high fences on blm, state and forest service lands. Would this count as making the BLM follow the law. I understand we have already won a major case in Wyoming. Now if we can only get Ted Turner to comply here in Montana......he's one welfare rancher that thinks the "laws" apply to everyone but him. One welfare rancher at a time, sooner or later we'll get them to respect the law. You think WWP could help us out on Ted's fence problem? You know, a little colaboration amungst organizations with similar goals?
Do you really think Pointer can make the BLM follow the law??? When Dubya issues orders to approve all gas permit applications as quickly as possible, do you think some guy in a field office can stop that destruction? The BLM is now issuing drilling permits faster than the industry can drill them. There aren't even enough drill rigs to drill them.

And thanks for showing how out of touch you are with reality if you think PETA and the USHUS are the biggest threats to hunting. You are as clueless as the Cheese. Dubya does more in a month to stop hunting than PETA does in a decade. Wake up!!!

And if you want to see collaboration, read up on the history of the Owyhee Bombing Range where FNAWS, IRU, ICL and WWP fought the Air Force and won a victory for wild sheep lambs and ewes. But let me guess, you think FNAWS is an Anti-Hunting group??? Maybe the Montana FNAWS where they kill wild sheep so that domestic sheep can run around on Public Lands, but in Idaho, FNAWS actually PUTS SHEEP ON THE MOUNTAIN!
BigHornRam said:

If you have such a beef with "Dubya", why did you vote for him. Not very smart if you ask me.
If you care about hunting, why did you vote for him? You worry about PETA??? LMAO!!!

Still unable to name any pro-Hunting groups as effective as WWP for helping out Hunters???

BHR is getting spanked!
Lemme' guess, you didn't understand the topic of this thread, and when actually asked to put up, you had no answers???

Bottom line, you are as big of Anti-Hunter as anybody in PETA, you just have trouble with it because you like to hang with hunters.

Lemme guess, you pull your head and were amazed at how bright cheery red your ass has become this morning. So then you ramble on about some worthless babble. Stop getting your ass whooped on this thread, and go get some baby powder to take care of your sore ass.
How come your fetish/fascination with my ass has prevented you from being able to discuss this topic? You can't name a group more effective in forcing the BLM to improve hunting.

But you can name the Anti-Hunting forces like Dubya and yourself.

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