Zinke grants industry wish list while shutting out the public

Nobody is being forced to read any posts by mfb99. If you already know you're not going to like what he's saying or how he says it don't click on it.
Nobody is being forced to read any posts by mfb99. If you already know you're not going to like what he's saying or how he says it don't click on it.

You speak as if that stops yourself... Haha! As worded before, bullshit! Nice hypocrisy...
I agree with shoots-straight. Two wrongs don't make a right.

In other news, my barber says I need a haircut.
100% factual and totally unbiased drivel coming from one of the best logging PR guys around. Come on man! To be fair though neither was the information coming from the OP.

Here is a presentation by one of the fire ecologists Peterson is referring to. If you care about the future of our Western forests, take about 14 minutes and watch this. Then we can have an intelligent discussion Robert.

I’ve discovered that I like beets and have been eating kale, beet, goat cheese salads with a balsamic on it
If you’re unfamiliar with ‘beeturia’ look it up. I thought I was dying the other day. If that happened, I’d never get to chase those 200”+ deer that thrive in AZ where that awful chaining took place.

I almost went to the emergency room after trying beets for the firs time a few years ago. Turns out I'm one of the small fraction of people who pee red after eating beets.
Here is a presentation by one of the fire ecologists Peterson is referring to. If you care about the future of our Western forests, take about 14 minutes and watch this. Then we can have an intelligent discussion Robert.


After living here for 56 years, and hearing about past forest stands from when my family after they moved here in 1868, what is it that you think I don't know about our forests?

[FONT=&quot] [/FONT][FONT=&quot]But there is no future without lots of fire and lots of smoke.[/FONT]
Truer words have never been spoken by one of your experts. He's pretty much on line though.
Reading bhr second hand reminds me I took a slab of elk neck, salted and peppered it, covered in a few strips of bacon so it wouldn’t dry out, and cooked covered tightly for about four hours at 325. The last hour I added 1/2 cup chokecherry jelly. Not bad for a liberal hack meal.
People understand Shoots, I believe that Marks tone and constant bashing of Zinke has turned most people off from the true message he tries to bring.

Yep, and that's why I finally put him on ignore after reading this post he put up. He never comes back after starting a thread and I agree with Cushman. He's a troll and after the warnings by Big Fin I'm surprised he's still able to post on this site.
With Marks posting style of throwing up some content and never positively engaging in the thread that he has started or any others pertaining to Hunttalk, I think he could use this as his avatar: I hope his future is brighter then the man in the picture though.
I almost went to the emergency room after trying beets for the firs time a few years ago. Turns out I'm one of the small fraction of people who pee red after eating beets.

HA, that would sure get your attention! Good to know, not sure I've ever actually eaten a beet though. Does Mark eat beets? If he ever posted more than once on the threads he starts, maybe we could find out...
While Mark's anti-Zinke rants do get old...the topics he brings up are certainly important to hunting, fishing, conservation. Someone asked if he even hunts, based on what he brings up I would say he does, or at least views conservation as very important. NEPA is important for conserving our fish and wildlife and the ecosystems they live. I would say that is pretty much essential to the future of hunting. There is development at any cost, no development, and responsible development. This administration is definitely pushing for the development at any cost end of the spectrum.

Usually this forum engages in intelligent discussion, so it is disappointing to see how this thread has gone, even if Mark's opening rants do get old. But if this is how we are gonna go, I had some deep fried crappies tonight. In the process of pickling some pike right now
I won't argue that NEPA isn't important. I could argue, and for a long time, that current interpretation of NEPA implementation goes beyond what is needed and necessary.
While Mark's anti-Zinke rants do get old...the topics he brings up are certainly important to hunting, fishing, conservation. Someone asked if he even hunts, based on what he brings up I would say he does, or at least views conservation as very important. NEPA is important for conserving our fish and wildlife and the ecosystems they live. I would say that is pretty much essential to the future of hunting. There is development at any cost, no development, and responsible development. This administration is definitely pushing for the development at any cost end of the spectrum.

Usually this forum engages in intelligent discussion, so it is disappointing to see how this thread has gone, even if Mark's opening rants do get old. But if this is how we are gonna go, I had some deep fried crappies tonight. In the process of pickling some pike right now

Mark cut and pasted an editorial from the Western Watershed Project. They are an anti hunting, anti grazing, serial litigation organization. To be fair to Mark, I doubt he even knows who WWP are.

Here's an example of what they stand for.......

Mark cut and pasted an editorial from the Western Watershed Project. They are an anti hunting, anti grazing, serial litigation organization. To be fair to Mark, I doubt he even knows who WWP are.

Here's an example of what they stand for.......


Whaaa? An "environmental group" that holds a, "not in m country" type mentality on domestic extraction opportunities for the tools Mark uses to copy / paste his "opinions"?

I'm shocked! :D
I won't argue that NEPA isn't important. I could argue, and for a long time, that current interpretation of NEPA implementation goes beyond what is needed and necessary.

And many could argue, for a long time, that NEPA's application has been haphazard and inconsistent when it comes to actually conserving wildlife while politicians look to weaken the public's voice in land management decisions.

And you'd both be right.
I almost went to the emergency room after trying beets for the firs time a few years ago. Turns out I'm one of the small fraction of people who pee red after eating beets.

I'm definitely in the small fraction as well... although I thought everyone did... no? Also I'm always blown away by how almost instantaneous it is... like I can eat a beet, drink a glass of water, and in 2 min... red pee... small price to pay for the deliciousness that are beets.

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