Idaho Group Wins Victory over Salt Lake BLM in order to IMPROVE Hunting


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
What an interesting idea.... The BLM should STUDY their land before they turn cows out on it to destroy habitat for Deer, Elk, and Fish. Another win in court for the pro-Hunting Groups!!!!

BLM will appraise impact of grazingNorthern Utah lands: The study settles an environmental group's lawsuit; the agency must also prepare a land-use plan

An Idaho group has forced the Bureau of Land Management to do a significant environmental study of the impact of grazing on public lands in northern Utah.
The settlement of a lawsuit brought by the Hailey, Idaho-based Western Watersheds Project also requires the BLM to identity lands that are not to be used for future grazing.
"We're trying to get accountability into the process so that wildlife habitant is measured, and so that it is restored if it's degraded," said John Carter, Western Watersheds Utah director. "So much of degradation of soil and other natural habitats are attributable to livestock grazing. We need to get things in balance."
The settlement also requires BLM to prepare a land-use plan for 3.5 million acres under the jurisdiction of the agency's Salt Lake City office.
Western Watersheds filed the lawsuit in federal court in 2003 over the BLM's decision to renew over 140 grazing permits on nearly 1.5 million acres of land in three Utah counties - Box Elder, Rich and Tooele. The suit said the agency first needed to measure the effect of decades of grazing on soil and other natural resources, including wildlife.
"Grazing permits are renewed without sufficient monitoring and data," but the settlement will require those studies to take place, Carter said. "We have yet to see a grazing system that adequately provides for the restoration of the native plant community, and that restores watersheds. This will help do that."
Under the accord, BLM also will establish livestock grazing standards on various shrub species.
Beginning this year, the agency will begin mapping and cataloguing the health of high-vegetation areas and, if necessary, begin restoration efforts. Grazed and ungrazed areas will be analyzed and compared to see the impacts of both.
Salt Lake City BLM Field Office Manager Glenn Carpenter said the cost of the studies could exceed $1 million.
"We've been involved with negotiations and discussions for a long time and we feel very good about the settlement," he said.
Carpenter said the agency will seek public involvement in the studies.
"We have no intention to exclude the public as we move forward," he said. "We're looking forward to being able to accomplish what has been identified in the settlement."

Looks like our favorite GS-4 will be keeping busy...... ;)
Looks like our favorite GS-4 will be keeping busy......
Maybe he will get his 11 out of the deal and get the hell out of Utah. :D

By the way, where has that scumbug been hanging out lately. I think he still has my Kodiak deposit. ;)
Funny how a settlement becomes a win... :D. I guess the BLM can consider it a win as well (see below). Wonder why this one didn't got to court?!?! :confused: Actually, I haven't heard/read the settlement terms yet, but I do know that WWP didn't get everything the wanted and neither did the ranchers. Besides, the cows will still be out there this year... :p As long as it keeps me out of the office and in the field it's not all bad.

PS- I'm not a GS-4, but thanks for the compliment!

miller- I've been busy, VERY busy. My deposit check got cashed, didn't yours??? Guess I'll have an extra bunk! ;)
So, you're going to go count weeds, is that it. Take notes, you could sell people coordinates for sightings of big ass elk and stuff like that. Are there any there? You do that kind of stuff, i.e. count the different weeds?
Tom- 'Counting weeds' is a part of my job as I do keep an eye out for new colonies of noxious weeds. Selling the location of animals sightings would probably be against the law as I don't have a guides licence. I'm in the Range Program, which involves the administration of grazing; check on the livestock, collect range vegetation data, develop range improvement projects, write/comment on NEPA documents, send out grazing bills, etc.

There aren't any elk on this allotment (not elk habitat), except for the occasional one in the winter.
Pretty neat. Guide's liscence, good point there. So, how do you tell if its overgrazed? Is there a web page guideline? I guess it depends on the area, the time of year, but if I don't ask, I won't know.
First, one has to find out what the level of utilization is for the allotment. All of the allotments that I work on have a 50% utilzation max for a target. Utilization is a measure of the amount of current year's production (by weight) removed by animals. This data is collected, if possible, at the after both the growing season and grazing season has ended. Differences in area will mostly only change the key species that are monitored for utilization. Though I've never looked, I'd bet that the BLM's website has some information. We have some free booklets at the office on rangeland health, that if you would send me your address I would mail to you. This gives a brief synopsis.
mtmiller said:
So what does that leave for wildlife?

I was kind of wondering about that....

Let me understand. In Year A, the range grows 20 units of feed, so cows eat 10 units and we leave 10 units for deer/elk which sustain the herd. :cool:

Then, in Year B, the range grows 8 units of feed, the cows take their 50%, leaving 4 units for deer/elk, which is 40% of the wildlife's requirements. The result is massive starvation/winterkill/ and reduced hunter opportunity for years to come. :(

Wouldn't it be better that the deer/elk always get 10 units, and if there is a surplus, the cows might get to eat it? :eek:
So, how do you tell if its overgrazed? Is there a web page guideline? I guess it depends on the area, the time of year, but if I don't ask, I won't know.

Tom, good question . It all depends on who you ask and what side of the fence they sit.
Keep an open mind as to what end result the group is after.
Are they really after good sound managment ---or do they share the Western Watershed Projects view ?

You have to remember how the WWP was started and what they are working towards .
To really understand that you need to do your homework on Jon Marvel !!!!

The only good thing I have to say about Jon Marvel and his gang ,is that they are a tough son of a guns ---any lesser men would of died from suffocation by now what with there heads buried so far up they backsides.
Please MD,

Why don't you share your vast knowledge of WWP and explain their view and their goals. Or do you just want to spread more lies?

Do you advocate that the BLM not study their ground before turning cows out on Public Lands? How is that position of WWP a bad idea???
Glad to see you back Debbie...
There have been some asking where you disappeared to.. :)

Why don't you share your vast knowledge of WWP and explain their view and their goals. Or do you just want to spread more lies?

guner/sybil, you are so full of yourself and your supposed self worth, you wouldn't know the truth if it was sitting on your head giving you kisses...

Do you advocate that the BLM not study their ground before turning cows out on Public Lands? How is that position of WWP a bad idea???

I know she has been away from this board for awhile and probably doesn't know, but no one here owes you any answers to any thing you ask until you can answer valid questions posed to you over a year ago and still are skirting around because you think your to good and above the law so to speak, but unfortunately for you, there are those here that hold your feet to the fire as you think you have the right to do to others, but won't hold yourself to the same standards. You have no business even asking until you come clean with answers first... :rolleyes: ;)

You ask....

"Why don't you share your vast knowledge of WWP and explain their view and their goals. Or do you just want to spread more lies?"

This topic has been thoroughly discussed and with the exception of a few agenda driven weasels, consensous says Jon Marvel and WWP are POS's. If you disagree, please feel free to defend them.
Hey Paul,
Put down the TJ Swann and sober up. The topic is about a Win by WWP that will help hunters. How come you can't acknowledge the victory FOR hunters by WWP?

I heard the Utards don't like non residents hunting there anyway, so what's in it for me? Cheaper T bones and ribeyes from Utard beef would be better than letting a bunch of selfish elitist SFW Utards go on a big rack hunt, don't you think?

And somehow I don't believe WWP is FOR hunters. Maybe I'm wrong.
"Please MD,

Why don't you share your vast knowledge of WWP and explain their view and their goals. Or do you just want to spread more lies?

Do you advocate that the BLM not study their ground before turning cows out on Public Lands? How is that position of WWP a bad idea???"

Josecuervo???? Slow down big fellow ,do I know you ?
I havent been around here for a while,but Im happy to know my skill for smelling out a Jon Marvel butt kisser is still good. LOL

BLM doing studys on there ground ,like any study can be a good thing .
Buttttttttt--------Jon Marvel has one agenda and only one and he isnt intrested in having studys done that could support the fact that grazing can be good if done right.
I dont pretend to have any VAST KNOWLEDGE -----I have read Marvels own web site and I try to follow some of his stunts ----my conclusion is that he is an ass.

To support my views on the Marvel gang let me quote something from the rangenet 2004 conference , this is From George Wuerthner .
"Courtney deserves to be congratulated for his courage in coming here,"wuerthner says."He wants us to understand that there is a human factor that can be successful in good managment of grazing. But he doesnt understand that I dont want better range managemnet . I want grazing eliminted."
"White's "radical center" meant to encourage new techniques of rotation and fencing and feed on grazing ground is not at all interesting to Wuerthner."I want it simply to end,"He barks."and I dont really care how much better the techniqe can be.I want it to be over"

Let me point out that George Wuerthner is the activist and auther of "Welfare Ranching" who Marvel recognized two years ago with the first of his "Edward Abbey Memorial" awards."
WWP President:
Debra Ellers

Three Wishes for the Planet

That people would turn off their TVs and go for a walk; that humans would respect and treat animals as living beings with feelings; that humans would develop sustainable economic systems that don't involve destruction and exploitation of people, animals and the earth.

This is taken directly from WWP website and Debra is the President of WWP. "Respect and treat animals as living beings with feelings" doesn't scream to you that WWP is NOT a prohunting organization and more closely believes in the values organizations like PETA or the Fund for Animals?

They are not a pro hunting organization. Never have been and never will be. How much hunting is allowed on their Greenfire "ranch"?

To keep saying that WWP is saving hunting is not accurate.


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