Caribou Gear Tarp

Idaho fall bear

The three baits were all about 4 miles apart so as to not bait the same bear. The one with the unbelievably big sow was only 100 yards into the National Forest. The locals there and where I camped all have feeders going 24/7/365. Turkey every ten feet during the day, whitetails every ten feet at night and lots of bears day and night. They all said the really big bears are completely nocturnal and only come out at night. I talked to everyone I met and they all just gave me information they thought might be helpful without me even asking for it once they figured out what I was doing up there.

That one ranks as my number one hunt so far and I have had a few doozies. Got mauled by a big sow pig while I was tying her baby up with a bandana and got attacked by an alligator twice (2 different trips).
Sounds like a great trip! I have been hunting montana the past couple springs but with my experience baiting here at home I had been debating going to Idaho. Might just have to give it a shot.
Wow, sounds like a fun and adventurous bear hunt. Keep after it next time and maybe bring some spray for a close encounter like that. Some of the best memories of bear hunts are the ones where you get stuck up a tree half the night or end up eyeball to eyeball.
I’m planning to hunt bear this fall and was going to stick to spot and stalk. But after reading your report might look at trying a bait or two as something a bit different (for me anyway!). Will do some research as I’ll have to buy everything when I fly in.
Amazing adventure and amazing restraint not shooting to kill that big sow.

I would have been very apprehensive the entire rest of my trip if my car had mysteriously stopped and then started the next day as if nothing had happened.
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