
Fall black bear in CO


Feb 9, 2022
I really have desires to go black bear hunting in CO in the fall at some point soon. I have stupidly been paying for points for bears over the years even though that was essentially a waste of money lol. What unit do you guys like for a beginner bear hunter? I have read that the Gunnison region is a good place to start, but there really is not much info out there. Any thoughts?
You wont get unit advice here or anywhere else on the internet, unfortunately. Just a product of people doing this that have invested too much time/money to share and too many spots getting "burned."

Good luck to you - i suggest studying up on bears and what they do and when and give it your best shot.
If I was a single man with no kids that lived in Colorado, it would be that easy.
I run a business and have a kids as well. I hunt out of states in units I have no idea about. I figure it out when I get there. Bear hunting in the fall is not easy, there really is no beginner bear hunt. Find an area you want to hunt and give it a shot. You can look at harvest data to see where the highest harvest percentages happen. That would be where I would start.
lot's of bears, lots of tags, beautiful scenery. pick a high tag number unit and go, it'll be sweet trip.

there are also countless 0 point or leftover first rifle elk tags that can be doubled up with an otc bear tag. go hunt elk and learn a little about a unit with bears in it with a tag in hand. two birds one stone and all that.
lot's of bears, lots of tags, beautiful scenery. pick a high tag number unit and go, it'll be sweet trip.

there are also countless 0 point or leftover first rifle elk tags that can be doubled up with an otc bear tag. go hunt elk and learn a little about a unit with bears in it with a tag in hand. two birds one stone and all that.
These are literally my hunting plans for 2024. Already have the Bear tag acquired
I have never seen a bear in CO with a bear tag in my pocket, but when I don't have a tag I find them.
Isn’t that the truth. I’ve seen Volkswagen bug sized bears on multiple opening days for first elk season. I’ve never seen one when I have a tag.
There are bears in all different types of habitat. They act a little different in each, but generally you’re looking for more remote, steep drainages with water in the bottom.
That sounds like a lot of Colorado… but as far as alpine bear hunts I’m talking about “V” type drainages near treeline with creeks or water that are at least a couple miles from a road (which is farther than it sounds).

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