Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Idaho considers giving more NR tags to outfitters

We talked about this on the Elk Talk Podcast this morning. To show people how easy it is to comment, I walked through the process and gave my comments while on the podcast.

I would ask you all to go and do it. It takes about one minute to give your feedback. They made it so easy as to give you the Y or N option.


and when google autofills the little tidbits of info they want about you when you start typing your first name it honestly took about 8 seconds - most of those seconds were just scrolling down to find where you select yes or no
Done. Included an e-mail.

Talking points.

The proposal moves us toward a model where those who can afford an outfitter will get a tag. This violates the 7th principle of the NAM as published by the USFWS , "The Democracy of Hunting."

NR tags are selling out in record time each year. Even though the outfitters return their unsold tags to the pool, the tags are not available to DIY hunters during the critical December tag frenzy.

These proposals usually contain some pitch that the outfitters bring x number of dollars to the Idaho economy. DIY NR hunters spend the same dollars in the economy. They may also do it more effectively since they are paying non-industry retailers directly for goods and services which the outfitters are likely providing the hunter at a markup.
Not only are they wanting more tags, in some units they want to be able to have more NR than what is now allowed. So the new rule for this year they don't want to have to fallow it either
Looks as though Idaho is set to give what the outfitters want...in some cases it will be half of the available tags for the unit or zone. Sounds like a decision will occur at a special September 1 meeting.

Details on tag quotas:

Really frustrating to watch Idaho and Montana allocate public resources the way they are with NR tags...
Looks as though Idaho is set to give what the outfitters want...in some cases it will be half of the available tags for the unit or zone. Sounds like a decision will occur at a special September 1 meeting.

Details on tag quotas:

Really frustrating to watch Idaho and Montana allocate public resources the way they are with NR tags...

Holy smokes they went full on outfitter welfare...wow
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