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Idaho Caribou are no more

just sad i know bc tried to do its part but ID WA acted like they were already gone
We lost a native species of ungulate and things are dead silent. Foreign genetic strands of wolves are celebrated and federally protected. It is a sad day.
It really is sad.

The amazing thing to me is how little publicity this issue ever got. There was probably something else, the the only thing I ever remember seeing about the plight of these struggling animals was a short article in Bugle magazine. I sure hate its come to this.maybe they can be reintroduced at some point from other woodland herds, but I understand that was tried already. One way or another, that herd that was probably there since the last ice age (or thereabouts) is irrevocably lost. That sucks. And I think very few people ever even new there were caribou in the lower 48.
This was discussed quite a bit on here a couple weeks ago. I have seen quite a few articles over the years about these caribou in Mt and ID newspapers as well as the Montana Outdoors Magazine that FWP puts out. Pretty sad deal, but when you have a species that has adapted to survive in a very specific niche environment and humans drastically change that environment, you can't expect them to last very long.

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