I'd love to hear the opinions on this video...

Put one ski in the air and brrrrp- problem solved.
It is unfortunate that they didn't give him some sort of harassing wildlife ticket just to say "hey stupid, when a moose pins its ears back and walks towards you leave!"
Crappy situation. Hindsight is 20/20, and I doubt the guy would do the same thing again. After the Moose jumped on his sled that first time, everything after that is fight or flight on a snowmobile with no reverse.

I wonder how effective Bear Spray would be on a moose? I have a feeling it would work.

What a waste.
In cases like this I feel like this should have been a wildlife harassment if nothing else. I also feel like I saw this video from the view of the second rider. Defiantly the rider's fault and the moose shoulda whacked him better the first time.
I've since seen other snowmobile/moose encounters on youtube, etc. Some of the other riders have fired warning shots and the moose have left.

I like the bear spray idea, although I think this guy would do the same thing again and again.
This incident, according to a WY game warden, happened a few years back in Colo.
The idiot was not charged. To say that the snowmobiler handled that situation wrong is an understatement.

Most certainly happened here in CO - handling the situation wrong, not charging anyone. Sounds par for the course.

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