Upland hunting hearing protection

I just started running the Decibulls also. I can’t hear much with out my hearing aids but I’ll still pick up on a close flushing rooster, or a bull bugling fairly close by, but not that beautiful wing whistle of mallards coming over from behind.
I have been using the Otto Noizebarrier Micro. They come in their own case about the size of a pack of cigarettes and are rechargeable. The case acts as the charger. They have two audio levels, normal and enhanced. They are all day comfortable and at the end of the day, just drop them in the charger/case and they recharge. You can recharge them about 20 times before you need to recharge the case with a USB connector. They come with silicone and foam earpieces. I have been using them four years, and they protect my ears from the muzzle blast of my braked .340 Weatherby. Otto offers first responder/military discount.
I went through my insurance and was able to pick up some SoundGear Phantoms. They are awesome and were very reasonable through ins.
I went through my insurance and was able to pick up some SoundGear Phantoms. They are awesome and were very reasonable through ins.
Utah, can you charge those off of the case, or do they need to be plugged into an outlet to charge? How long does a charge last?

Did you try any other kinds before these that you can compare them to, and how well does the wind management work?

Thanks, Neil
These are what a guy at work had (I am in law enforcement and he had them on the range and told me about the coverage). They have lasted over 6 hours in a tree stand. I believe you can charge them off of the case but I haven’t tried. They work so well I got some for my son. He loves them as well. There are three amplification setting and a mute and active to suppress all sound at the shot.
Ive been wearing the Otto Noizebarriers for the last few years. I really like them, they've held up well, good battery life and use generic replaceable foam ear tips. The I usually just run them in the normal mode.
Got the Otto Noizebarriers earllier this year and have been wearing them for sporting clays, rifle range, and hunting. They are a game changer for me. The charge lasts long on the ear pieces and the charger hasn't gotten below 80%. Last year I shot a ground hog with my 357 and no protection and had ringing for days. Ordered the Noizebarriers shortly after. I tried to use Walker Game Ear muffs, but the wind noise and not being able to easily recognize direction was too much to overcome while deer hunting. No issue with the new ones.
I just confirmed they will charge from the case. The case will hold a charge and you can charge them from the unplugged case…hope that makes sense.
I ordered a set from Classic Upland Supply. They had the best deal I could find - $1300 and they reimbursed you for the ear impressions.

I was really hesitant due to the cost, but after using them several times now I’m impressed. They work great, I can actually hear better when they’re in, and they’re very comfortable. My son and I went to a neighbors farm a few days after I got them to manage their pigeon population. I could easily hear and talk to him and almost forgot I had them in until I got back to the car.
I’ve since used them with some rifle shooting prone and from sitting position and they worked well. Very happy and thanks for the recommendation and answering my questions.
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