ID F&G Survey

Take it from a guy who is a resident in a state with arguably the worst draw system in the nation, you Idaho folks DO NOT want to change anything, except maybe a waiting period. Can anyone point to any preference/bonus point system that has been a fabulous success? Don't screw the pooch. Resist the temptation for short term selfish gains and think about the impact of those yet to come. Every tag in your state should be available to every applicant, because the people own the game. Bonus points, even squaring them, only invites more people to get in the 'points game' and your odds will go down. The whole points game thing is an industry to itself, and it corrupts the whole deal. You Idahoans have the FAIREST system. KEEP IT!!!!!
Don't go for it. Train wreck in the making. If you don't get points from the get go. You are behind the 8 ball.
Idaho has a far draw for all. Preference points have made many states out of reach for the young hunter.
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Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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