I160, what are your thoughts


Active member
Sep 26, 2006
Kalispell/Helena, MT
So the word is I160 is going to get on the ballot. You guys think this is going to pass? I can see the ads already, ain't gonna be pretty.

I am not a trapper, but I sure feel this is one of the greatest assaults on sportsmen that we have seen. If this passes, will they go after bowhunting too? Bowhunting has the same bad connotations as trapping to the uninformed.

I would like to think that if hunters alone in this state get out with their wives and voting age kids this trapping ban would go down in flames, but I don't have much hope in the apathy of hunters. If the same fervor over wolves were directed at this initiative it would surely wouldn't pass.
I watched trapping go down in flames here in Washington when I first moved from Montana, so don't let it happen over there guys. Believe it or not I listened to several guys at an archery shop talk about how they don't trap and it really wouldn't affect them, now that foxes and Yote's are untrappable those same guys are bitchin about the pheasant population being down, duh? They will just chip away and chip away hitting the area's of our sport which have lower participation numbers until they have eroded the core. Make sure everyone you know get's out and votes against this bill. Good luck.
"By the placement of tens of thousands of concealed traps on public land, trapping directly endangers adults, children, and pets".

Nice wording there. You guys are screwed.

Are there really enough trappers in MT to put out "tens of thousands of concealed traps"?
The frustrating part of this is that it is getting on the ballot soley from the counties in the western part of the state. They didn't even bother with Eastern Montana. So now to preserve our ability to trap on public lands we have to fight against the people over west who think this is a good idea. Guaranteed this idea didn't hatch on the flat side of the state.

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What a friggin' joke. Feel free to use this site for any communication that would help against this stupidity.
(6) Trapping creates wanton waste. For every wild furbearer killed, many more non-targeted wild and domestic animals are killed and discarded, in violation of hunting and outdoors ethics.

(10) Trapping contributes little to the Montana economy. In Fiscal Year 2008, trapping brought in a total of $94,000 in revenue to the State of Montana. In comparison, over the same fiscal year, hunting generated direct revenue to the State of $45 million and fishing generated direct revenue to the State of $20 million. Federal studies show that wildlife watching brought $376 million into Montana in 2006.

I would like to see some data to back both of these up. I don't quite buy that wildlife watching brought almost $400 million to Montana in one year.

(11) Trapping adversely affects aquifer levels crucial to Montana’s agriculture and communities. Trapping beaver in upstream publicly owned forests and drainages directly reduces water retention and storage critical for agricultural irrigation, wildlife and fish habitat, public recreation, and drinking water. The natural water storage activities of beavers are nature’s way of sustaining healthy watersheds and wetlands. Beaver ponds also act as firebreaks, a critical contribution given the increased wildfire activities in recent years.

This seems like an almost worthless point to me...

(12) Traps are cruel. Scientific studies show animals caught in traps suffer from fear, anxiety and physical pain for prolonged lengths of time. Traps cause dehydration, starvation, severe swelling, lacerations, dislocated joints, broken bones, and even amputation. Some animals chew off their own limbs in order to escape traps. Animals still alive upon the trappers’ return are strangled, clubbed or stomped to death, or shot. The most commonly used trap, the steel-jaw leg-hold trap, is condemned as inhumane by The American Veterinary Medical Association, the American Animal Hospital Association, the World Veterinary Association, and the National Animal Control Association.

And here we find what the real motivation for the bill is.

The reasons for this started with "keep your kids and pets safe" and transformed into "trappers are cruel human beings"
What a friggin' joke. Feel free to use this site for any communication that would help against this stupidity.

oops! Sorry Fin, I've really never asked to use this site for exactly that. I use many media outlets, guess I should ask for permission huh?:eek:.

This thing has barely made it in. We need all sportsman and woman to join with us on this.
The frustrating part of this is that it is getting on the ballot soley from the counties in the western part of the state. They didn't even bother with Eastern Montana. So now to preserve our ability to trap on public lands we have to fight against the people over west who think this is a good idea. Guaranteed this idea didn't hatch on the flat side of the state.


Well that is kind of my point in starting this. Do you think there are enough people on the flat side to over-ride this insanity? I am seriously worried about this. To me, I can truly see this being baby steps to sort of test the waters. If it passes, they will be going "that was easy", lets try...... um.... bowhunting. I am sure they find enough pics of arrows through animals that aren't dead or in some city park to get a good campaign going. The same bunch of nitwits that signed on to this will sign on against bowhunting. IMHO.

I can't tell you how many hunters I have started talking to about this. The apathy needs to end and end now!!
If 5% of the voters in each of 34 legislative representative districts sign this petition and the total number of voters signing this petition is 24,337, this initiative will appear on the next general election ballot. If a majority of voters vote for this initiative at that election, it will become law.

Curious, what supporting info leads some to believe this was not petitioned in the East? I don't support this legislation though would like to understand other than pulling out of the air the idea this was a western only petition?
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(11) Trapping adversely affects aquifer levels crucial to Montana’s agriculture and communities. Trapping beaver in upstream publicly owned forests and drainages directly reduces water retention and storage critical for agricultural irrigation, wildlife and fish habitat, public recreation, and drinking water. The natural water storage activities of beavers are nature’s way of sustaining healthy watersheds and wetlands. Beaver ponds also act as firebreaks, a critical contribution given the increased wildfire activities in recent years.

This seems like an almost worthless point to me...

I always thought that beavers that dam up your trout streams were bad for trout.It stops the water flow and thus warms the water thus harming the trout.Especially if its big enough to serve as a fire break.Keep up the fight.
Curious, what supporting info leads some to believe this was not petitioned in the East? I don't support this legislation though would like to understand other than pulling out of the air the idea this was a western only petition?

You need to go read about how this gets put on the ballot. It is not just 5% in each district.

They did not spend any time anywhere east of Great Falls, Go look at where the signature were gathered and which towns in this state the bulk of the signature came from. You can't hide from the truth, western Montana and Eastern Montana share only the name, nothing anymore in the way of values.

Ballot Issue #7 I-160 (Status current as of 7/7/2010)
Subject: Prohibit recreational and commercial trapping of animals by private individuals on public lands
Sponsor: Timothy Provow, M.D., Footloose Montana
Type: Statutory amendment by initiative
Received by SOS: July 15, 2009
Status: Petition has been approved for signature gathering.
Next Step: Sponsor may gather petition signatures and submit them to county election offices.
Total signatures received and tallied by SOS: Total signatures received and tallied by SOS: 18,687 signatures, 26 qualified house districts.

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The Montana constitution states:
Section 7. Preservation of harvest heritage. The opportunity to harvest wild fish and wild game animals is a heritage that shall forever be preserved to the individual citizens of the state

This initiative seems to violate this part of Montana's constitution.
By everything here - Seems we do not need to worry about this on the 2010 ballot. Correct me if I am wrong though using Nemont's quoted info on the qty of signatures and the # of house districts - I would say we WON this round... This by law will NOT be on a ballot- least this year. Anyone see this differently?
The petition drive deadline to submit signatures for ballot consideration was June 18, 2010. The petition drive effort must collect at least 24,337 signatures since it is a proposed state statute.

Status current as of 7/7/2010: ...Total signatures received and tallied by SOS: Total signatures received and tallied by SOS: 18,687 signatures, 26 qualified house districts.
Something here does NOT make sense -
Status: Petition has been approved for signature gathering.
As of 07/7/2010???
I apparently do not understand something here as it would seem, using the info available... They failed to meet the 34 districts REQUIRED... with at LEAST 5% from each of the legislative district...( Total of 24,337 )

Re: Western Montana... Call it "Central Montana?" :) Here is the 1 single public "strategic event" announced by this monkey group of "Footloose" PETA bobbleheads - held to collect signatures...
Campaign tactics and strategies
Supporters had planned to collect signatures on June 6, 2010 near the Bozeman Brewing Company, and had also planned "to educate, enlighten and entertain to promote trap-free use of state and federal lands" while collecting the signatures.

Just for the additional info - Opponents:
The following groups have claimed opposition to the measure:[5]

The Montanans for Effective Wildlife Management is main campaign against the measure.
Montana Trappers Association
U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance of Columbus, Ohio

So is this a done deal or is it not? By all accounts from what I gather, they failed to meet the deadline as perscribed by Montana law.

If anything can be gathered from this - ANOTHER MAJOR REASON to VOTE! :D

Apologies Nemont - I see using this map - we have 50 legislative districts... I understand your point that IF the western side wanted to place something on a ballot - It, in effect could be done WITHOUT Eastern MT having any say inthe matter... That seems sooo darn wrong, it was hard to believe. Why not make it for every legislative district? Why only 34 or the 50 are required? It effects all of Montana... That is simply disapointing.
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http://www.mttrapfree.org/pdf/Guidelines for signature gatherers.pdf
“Montanans for Trap-Free Public Lands” (MTFPL) is the name of the Ballot Initiative Committee, formed by Footloose
Montana (www.footloosemontana.org). The deadline for us to submit 25,000 valid signatures is June 18, 2010. Contact
information for MTFPL is: [email protected]; Ph: (406) 274-4791 or mail to: P.O. Box 431, Stevensville, MT 59870.
Going to call SOS today and see if this is the case... Though from everything I can see - The deadline for the 25k signatures and the minimal districts was not met.
Counties have until 7/16 to submit verified signatures to the SoS. The numbers you see on the SoS's website are what have been submitted so far by the counties. Thus, final numbers won't be shown until after 7/16.
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