Caribou Gear

I leave next month..

How about whatever is big and standing in front of you? That would be important, I mean, if a huge something or other is standing there, you have to decide to shoot it or not? If you passed on a big thing to get a small thing later, that would not be so good.

I revise by earlier post now, if its big and its in range (price and distance), then shoot it and keep shooting it till it stops moving.

NM doesn't have as many big oryx, like they used to, so if you have a big one in front of you in MN or Africa, then take it. Like Cali said, if opportunity knocks, you should shoot. Something like that, keep shooting too, till it stops moving.
Maybe there will be a huge wildebeast or hartebeast or some other big something or other beast, eh? Shoot that, if the price is in range too, eh?
Think I will hunt my next Cape Buff in FL, on a fenced preserve, with grazed off grass! Got to be easier than 10KM stalks in Jess and tall grass!
Yeah, I know , NM Gemsbok roam free and are hard to hunt, harder to draw a tag but there is still a lot to be said for hunting an animal in areas where it is indigenous . Some, e.g. Blackbuck, Schmiter Horned Oryx, can't be hunted anywhere but game ranches in the states---those I may hunt here.
Those long white tales of Black Wildebeest make great fly swatters!!
What do they have to hunt in Soddy Daisy there Tom in TN? Anything for an out of stater? Do you make your own sipping whiskey, I know TN has some good stuff there, don't they?
Tom, we got Turkey and Whitetails around but most land is tied up in leases. Quite a few WMA's tho. Got Black Bear and Boar in the mountains bordering NC but it is tuff hunting.
Got a cuppla quart jars of sippin spring water in my fridge!
Leave in <6 days. I still haven't put my Dang list together let alone sight in the rifle or start packing..... I'm having a feeling Friday Night I'll be up late. I'm gunna relax today and start tomorrow I think.

Look up procrastination in the dictionary and you'll see me :D
Don't sweat it. I loaded up 2 boxes of bullets the night before I left. I couldnt' find the powder I usually shoot so I used some old load data I had. Everything worked out just fine.

All you really need is a wad of cash. Worse comes to worse you can borrow a rifle, and buy cloths.

Are you using one of the rifle services in Jburg? We didnt' find the permitting process to be any more/less time consuming than it was 3 years ago, but the guys that used Air 2000 were in and out in about half the time. 20min vs 45min.
Good luck Oscar. We will almost be in the same time zone...almost.
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