I leave next month..

I agree that you should shoot more animals! :D It's only money.....

I wish I had shot more. Wart hogs and impala were cheap - $250 or $300.

I also wish I had more skins done. I only had the wildebeest made into a rug or throw. I was not aware of doing that until a day or two after I had the hartebeest skinned. I would have done the impala, kudu and hartebeest as rugs if I had been better informed. I just had European mounts done on everything but the warthog. I had it shoulder mounted to go with the javelina and wild pig.

You at least (it's only money...) need a wildebeest, impala, kudu, warthog, hartebeest and gemsbok/oryx... ;)
My other regret is not spending some time going to museums or other historical sites in country. RSA has an "interesting" history.

Be sure to get the back skins tanned. And I got one of the impalas tanned as a flat skin rather than caping it and the hide is awesome.

Have fun!!

Ditto...... The time at Kruger was the best part of the trip. Seeing Cape Buff's at 5 yards was something to never forget. The time at the Apartheid Museum was well worth it.

And, the tanned skins is a great idea. I brought back a Gemsbok skin, Springbok skin, and Impala skin. Along with a Zebra rug. I love all the Euro mounts, the ones with the full mount, but, to be honest, the rugs and skins get the most comments from visitors at the Double Wide. The cost of a flat skin is next to nothing, but will be something you always appreciate. (and the Impala Skin is by far the coolest.
Great suggestion on skins! Sorry I didn't think of it! If you are doing Euro mounts, get a flat skin, if shoulder mounts, get the back skin. They make great throws, furniture coverings, rugs and wall mounts and my BLM likes to nap on them!
Shooting sticks are NOT Gay! Especially when grass is too tall for any position other than standing and there is no way to get closer!
Good list, Moosie! And it is fun to watch buddies stalk and take their animals! But I took more different species on my first two trips than I had planned because they were there, excellent specimens and dared me to shoot them!

BTW, there are lots of other things you can do with tanned skins. I had a Buffalo back skin turned into wallets for self and gifts, 2 or 3 Impala skins turned into clutch purses for the ladies, a Giraffe neck skin into two gun cases and rest of skin into a rug. I cut up a variety of skins into rectangles and glued them to old placemats for "new" placemats. I have a set of candle holders made from Impala horns....etc.....buddy has a gun case and carry bag from hippo skin, another buddy has an Ottoman of Zebra skin..
I second....or third the backskin thing. I saved all my backskins, with the exception of my Steenbuck (full mount) and when I get em' back I'll have someone sew em' together some how. I've seen it before....really looks cool. Also save the tails on the Gemsbok and Kudu. Especially if it's a Gemsbok Bull.
Alright, My list has changed as it gets closer and I'm more Broker :D I still don't know what I'm going to get or hunt exactly. I have a couple on the wish list but alot depends on work between now and then. This isn't my first and last trip.

I'l lprobably end up with about 4 critters. Probably a Impala, Blesbok, Orxy and Gemsbok. MAAAyyybe a Zebra ?!?! WE'll see.

Dude!!! Lose the Oryx/Gemsbok from the list. we will take one of those in New Mexico. Take the price of that animal and add a couple more or a down payment on a different animal.
Dude!!! Lose the Oryx/Gemsbok from the list. we will take one of those in New Mexico. Take the price of that animal and add a couple more or a down payment on a different animal.

Although.... would be cool to have one from africa and one from NM side by side.
I vote for a different animal too, not an oryx, because of the NM tag. MN oryx, I gues if you backwards its an oryx in NM, get that one. Get something else in Africa. They're too big for matching bookends, there's too many species to repeat so much. That's my 2 cents.
Tom, I always like your .02 !! thanx :D :D

We'll see what happens between now and then, I still have 30 days to make some money ;)
I still have 30 days to make some money
Run a fundraiser on the Internet to raise some money. You know any websites that would allow that? ;) Hell, I'd bet we could all raise enough for a trophy fee on something...
Since he already has the NM oryx tag, then I'd suggest an impala, warthog, kudu and either a wildebeest, waterbuck or hartebeest - whichever the bush gives you. BUt I bet you shoot more than 4.... remember the first Texas trip? Something about it was your birthday?
Caribou Gear

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