I have no words for this one,

Seattle 2005


Fallujah 2004

You have no idea who I am nor the sacrifices I have made for this country. So KMA. What kind of service have you performed for anyone other then yourself? I know what it means to serve I bet you never will. So continue to be a user.

I have right to label whom ever I want a whiny liberal. Want a bet any one of the protesters know of sacrifice in any way? Most of them probably think a sacrifice is going with out one more decaf latte.

You are so full of shit is dripping out of your ears.

Tell me where I said this any of these guys were whiny liberals :
If you want to call the Einsteins, George Washingtons, Thomas Jeffersons, Ben Franklins, Abe Lincolns

Everyone of those guys made a sacrifice for this country. I don't think one of them ever hounded a military man until he had to be moved from a job he had been giving.

Don't tell me a thing regarding how troops are deployed because I have been there done that and got the medals to prove it. So get off my ass because you are a snotty nosed liberal.

You may wish to speak to congress, senate and president when you talk about whiny kids that should be sent to Iraq. It sure is easy to send someone to a desert to be killed, if you have nothing but words at stake. Would you send your relatives in support of this war?

You may need to go back and reread my post. I never once said any kid should be sent to Iraq. I said they should be required to serve their country in some form. I even said the peace corps, or Americorp, would be acceptable. Again you are responding to something I never said. I also said that they have a right to protest. So again why don't you tell all of us what sacrifices you made for this country? Ever have to leave your wife for 18 months? Ever have to be hot, cold, tired, dirty, hungry and still work through to complete a mission? Ever been mortared, took machine gun fire or sniped at? Ever have to go on burial detail to bury enemy bodies burned beyond recognition or left in 100 degree heat for a couple of days? Ever fly relief into a country where people were forced out of their homes because they were from the wrong ethnic group?

I am no sheep and I would defend these students right to protest. I don't have to agree with them.
FWIW: My youngest brother leaves for his second tour in the sand box in March, I spent two tours in the mid east. one during Op. Desert Storm and 11 months flying relief to the Kurds for op. provide comfort. Another brother of mine was in Kosovo and in the intial assault on Iraq. What have you done?

Nemont said:
If you want to call the Einsteins, George Washingtons, Thomas Jeffersons, Ben Franklins, Abe Lincolns

Tell me where I said this any of these guys were whiny liberals :

Everyone of those guys made a sacrifice for this country. I don't think one of them every hounded a military man until he had to be moved from a job he had been giving.


I would offer that General Cornwallis WAS hounded by Washington until he had to be moved from a job he had been given....
Nemont- You're right about a couple of things. 1) I don't know you or the sacrifices that you or your family have made for this country. 2) The students have a right to protest. My point was not what your sacrifice was or is. I was pointing out that congress, senate and president have little at stake with children or themselves. I believe one congressman and no senators have relatives in Iraq. Thank You for your service as well as your brothers. It may not seem like it but I really do support the troops, I just wish they were home instead of being in a desert to free a people who don't want us there.

Calif-Hunter I was pointing out the people I listed all were heavily into being activists during their time all part of the modern era. Einstein, one of the greatest minds of the modern era who was highly responsible for nuclear weapons, later became an anti-war activist.

People look at protesters as being snot nosed kids because they disagree with what they are saying. If you agree with what they are saying then they are "minds ahead of their time". If you like guns and you March on Washington stopping people and slowing traffic, then you are just fine in some people's minds. If you do the same thing wanting gun control, you are a mindless sheep. Which would you call a snot nosed protester?
Fine line between Protesting which I'm for.... and Harassing which I'm not for.

Someone clarrify what happened in the Picture...........
I think Gen. Cornwallis was an enemy commander and not a fellow countryman attempt to recruit more of the best and brightest to suffer through the winter at Valley Forge.

People look at protesters as being snot nosed kids because they disagree with what they are saying.
No, they look at protesters as being snot-nosed little pricks because they are rude, foul-mouthed, spit-in-your-face jobless ass hats. Peaceful protest? Get your message out without being offensive? I'm all for a peaceful debate. And no Matt, I don't mean offensive because of disagreement. I mean offensive because of their tone and vile crap that is spit all over passers-by.

Go take a gander at DU. On every thread about a protest, I have yet to see someone say "I can't make it because I have to WORK"

I give a huge amount of respect to the recruiter for not kicking the shit out of someone. I couldn't have done it when treated that way.

Both Cornwallis and Washington were subjects of the King. One just happened to be more loyal to his King, the other dis-respected the Commander in Chief (George) and destroyed government property. How is Washington's behavior not worse than the students in the picture?
If you look close you can see Buzz , he's the short guy behind the angry black lesbian in the pink coat , and that's gunner , she's the tall skank behind said lesbo .
After reading whats been posted in the last six hours, I wanted to respond, but others have made my points for me.
MattK, with all do respect, please do not compare these so called "protesters" to ;

"Einsteins, George Washingtons, Thomas Jeffersons, Ben Franklins, Abe Lincolns.."

Your point about the court saying protesters must stay 8 feet away really makes my point for me, thanks.

THROW THEIR BUTTS OUT OF SCHOOL, it's not that harsh. They can go back next semester, and will probably learn more on the street for six months trying to get a real job than they will sucking on a bong at some piss ant JC.
This is a very good debate....
I love all of the points given....
I would add though that I have been around, and seen how some of these idiots in the pictures act, it is not meant to display any dignity towards those that are doing what they have a right to do.
They show out right contention and open hate for those that don't agree.
They will go to any extent necessary to make their points known because they have not been shown that there is any accountability to any actions they put on to their victims.
No matter what the arguments from those that condone what happened here, they don't seem to get what these people in these collages will do to make sure only their points are put out there and any one else’s is quashed.
The reason the recruiters were escorted out of the building was because the security people knew what was coming next, and the line was definitely crossed on the recruiter’s rights to do what they were there for.
If any one should have been escorted out of the place would have been the students that were creating the ruckus and if they put up any further commotion, then should have been expelled from the school.
This only strengthened these whiny little liberals own agendas and showed them they can still get away with this type of behavior...
A-Con I can barely tell you didn't go to a University. I've been around a lot of people who feel threatened by Higher Education. How do you know these people won't be the next Einsteins, Washingtons, etc. etc. Do you feel as strongly when those snot nosed brats are protesting against a new gun law? How about against abortions? How about when they protested Bill Clinton being president? I wonder if you were against those snot noses brats that protested NAFTA by creating problems at the borders for US Citizens and legal visitors coming across? I could go on but I think you get my point. Are they snot nosed because they protest, disagree with your point of view, or because they are in College (This would be the correct spelling).

My point about protesters being made to stay 8 feet away from women going into a clinic is to point out the right to protest still exists. They were not in trouble for protesting, they made a specific law based on continuous harassment of specific people. In wording, it sounded more like a stalker law. I believe this is how it was meant to be worded. Not only that, those wing nuts that protest abortion were getting out right dangerous. Damn snot nosed brats!

I do not have any issue with a protest. I have a right to dislike what the protesters position is. Just like people who may be afraid of higher education, I find liberals are afraid of anything that is considered patriotic. Ever read the book, "Why the Left Hates America"; maybe you should.

You say you support the troops, have you sent any comfort items to them? They appreciate things like: Koolade packets (pre-sweetened), AA batteries, M&M's, Copenhagen, new socks & underwear, LETTERS OF SUPPORT, prepaid international phone cards etc. Do this fill a cooler with items like this and ship it to any of a number of units. If you need specific names I will give them to you.

In addition you are wrong about the Iraqi people not wanting us there. Of the people I know who are over there all of them say the same thing: It is only about 5% of the population that doesn't want us there. You may need to watch something besides CBS news.

Did you support President Clinton's air war over Serbia? Or the KFOR mission to Kosovo? Did you protest the genocide in Rawanda while President Clinton sat on his hands and watched? I bet if Bush were a democrat you would be in full support of every action he made. So when should the military be used? Only when a democrat sits in the white house?

So MattK since you are an all knowing democrat tell us what the president should have done when people are saying things like this:

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real"
"One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line."
"If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program."
"He will use those weapons of mass destruction again, as he has ten times since 1983."
"[W]e urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs."
Letter to President Clinton.

"I think that we were right to go. I think we were right to go to the United Nations. I think we couldn’t let those who could veto in the Security Council hold us hostage.
And I think Saddam Hussein, being gone is good. Good for the American people, good for the security of that region of the world, and good for the Iraqi people."

First off I will give you the names, dates and sources of these quotes later but I want you to guess who said them. Second what should have President Bush done, remember you have the advantage of hindsight but what should he have done? He was in possession of intel that said plainly Saddam is a threat to the region and can destabalize the region and threaten strategic U.S. interests.

I won't get into the entire history of the revolutionary war but
I would say the act of these protesters doesn't have a thing to do with George Washington and whether he was a subject to the crown or not.

Like NEMONT, I too have served in our nations active military.

Now MATTK, while you did a good job of a condensed version of how our nation was established, you failed to show any "right to protest". I on the other hand would like to say that those students are lucky not to have been in Idaho. I would also like to think that WA has similar laws as this one from Idaho.
18-6401. RIOT DEFINED. Any action, use of force or violence, or threat
thereof, disturbing the public peace, or any threat to use such force or
violence, if accompanied by immediate power of execution, by two (2) or more
persons acting together, and without authority of law, which results in:
(a) physical injury to any person; or
(b) damage or destruction to public or private property; or
(c) a disturbance of the public peace;
is a riot.
From my limited legal knowledge and less then high school education, I seem to recall that laws are created to regulate those things NOT protected by the constitution.

MATTK, just a clue for you. The students have a right to free speech, nowhere is there a guarantee of a right to protest. To keep claiming that there is one, without foundation, is a mental stumbling block. BTW, a protest that results in the disruption of public peace, or destruction of publis or private property seems to be a RIOT by definition. Please now locate and post the "right to riot" clause.
|oo |oo |oo
Moosie said:
Fine line between Protesting which I'm for.... and Harassing which I'm not for.

Someone clarrify what happened in the Picture...........
Moosie it would appear to be "harrassment"... the recruiter was "forced" to leave at the overwhelming "disturbance" by the protesters

Matt your "proof" that College isn`t for higher education.[as intended]

Matt you are a "whiny Liberal" and you do it [portray it] on every thread.

Then you try to be politically correct and are all over the place as usual l|oo |oo
Ten Bears- Prove to me it was a RIOT! Nice try though. Are you saying there are no protests in IDAHO. Nice try again.
MATTK, you are the one refuting the point that it is not a riot. Please review the definition of riot and the Idaho code for riot (I have supplied both). I'm saying that we have protests, but they typically have permits forthe protest (legal), and I have been present when illegal disrupters of legal protests or assembblies have been taken to jail. You on the other hand (much like big brother BUZZ) like to believe that because your blinders are on, others can't see thing for themselves either. Open you eyes boy, read the definitions and relate the incident.

BTW, I'm still waiting for the link to a "right to protest". You will find the right to peaceful assembly in the Bill of Rights.
First Amendment

An amendment to the United States Constitution guaranteeing the rights of free expression and action that are fundamental to democratic government. These rights include freedom of assembly, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech. The government is empowered, however, to restrict these freedoms if expression threatens to be destructive. Argument over the extent of First Amendment freedoms has often reached the Supreme Court. (See clear and present danger, libel, and obscenity.)
freedom of assembly

The right to hold public meetings and form associations without interference by the government. Freedom of peaceful assembly is guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution.

I'm still waiting for your proof.

Sorry, no right to protest in an unpeaceful manner.
BigHornRam said:
Nemont, Ten , Cali, and all the rest of you who have served our country, THANK YOU!

Coming from someone who jumps thru every hoop possible to avoid paying taxes to support Dubya's Imperialist ambitions..... :rolleyes:
TB- The first amendment protects the rights of people to engage in non-violent assembly. Show me where these students were violent. Your definition of riot says it must be violent. There are many 1st amendment judgments to uphold the right to demonstrate.
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