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I have no words for this one,

n. 1) technically a turbulent and violent disturbance of peace by three or more people acting together. 2) an assemblage of people who are out of control, causing injury or endangering the physical safety of others and/or themselves, causing or threatening damage to property and often violating various laws both individually and as a group. The common thread is that the people in a riot have the power through violence to break the public peace and safety, requiring police action. Often a riot is declared after the crowd has been informed by police officers that the people constitute an "unlawful assembly" and are ordered to "disperse" immediately (historically in England called "reading the riot act"). If the crowd does not disperse, its members become subject to arrest for the crime of rioting, disturbing the peace, resisting arrest or other separate crimes ranging from assault to unlawful possession of firearms.
Violence is not the only defining term for a riot, it is one part of one definition.

Please feel free MATTK to post your sources. As, all the information I have on the first amendmant states peaceful demonstration. A peaceful demonstration does not require security to escort the recruiters out. Nice try buttonhead. It is obvious that your tutition was well wasted.
Hell, if it wasn't for all those latte's they'd just had headaches from hangovers and/or the munchies from being high. Damn caffiene! I wish the government would regulate it's distribution better. ;)

Question though, what constitutes serving our country? Is it only the military and Peace corp? Just curious as to what those here feel is 'serving our country'.
BigHornRam said:
Nemont, Ten , Cali, and all the rest of you who have served our country, THANK YOU!

Ditto...What Bighornram says....I-pt,...In my opinion..Anyone who puts his life on the line..or is in a "hostlie" region. whether in support [construction,supply,tech.,mechanic,etc] or as a frontline soldier... they are "serving" our country at the highest level.......[example] I serve my country by fighting against illegal immigration..... but that is "paltry" and nothing compared to the men and women in our "Armed Forces" there is a HUGE differance between the two..... there are various degrees of "serving your country" :)
TB- read your definition of riot. 1) you can not assume there was or would be violence. Violence would have to be threatened. 2) You don't know if the students/protesters had a permit to demonstrate. 3) The police had to have told the crowd to disperse and stated there was an unlawful assembly. At which time the assembly could be called a riot.

By your definitions 3 people waiting for their favorite rock star/ country star outside a concert would be a riot (as the country star is escorted out by bodyguards). Call the police on those 3 rioting teeny-boppers...Nice Try again...

Oh, there's a lot to read about the 1st amendment and protection of demonstrations... try here for starters....
Nemont said:
I won't get into the entire history of the revolutionary war but
I would say the act of these protesters doesn't have a thing to do with George Washington and whether he was a subject to the crown or not.



Would you consider Washington to have been an "insurgent"?

Ten Beers,
I am pretty sure that Idaho Code is not applicable to the peaceful assembly that happened in the picture. Nice try, but Matt schooled you.... hump
Nice try, but Matt schooled you....

Ummm not the way I see it. I would say its about 21 to 7 in favor ot TB.

One thing nobody has mentioned that I think is also important....
What about any students that would have liked to have had a chance to speak to the recruiters??? where are their rights?
huh he dont seem be scared he in army can touch em hwy should he get u expelled looks like it wa party true they shouldnt harm him they didint but tear up paper it can be printed lmao
Michaelr- I won't say I'm winning. I've really already won since the students were not put in shackles and hung for their "riot". Suprisingly enough the article didn't call it a riot either. It would have made a lot more headlines if it was a riot. Also, if they would have shown pictures across the country of this and called it a riot, "most people" would have laughed at the stupidity of the situation. Hell, half the time when police are forced to disperse a crowd larger than this one it isn't a riot.

I don't know where you get your numbers 21-7 but it does show one thing. It proves there are times when the majority knows very little and is wrong. It must be the sheep mentality that was written about earlier. Do you consider this a riot? That's what I'd call an inflated story.
Greenhorn- I think they should have called in the airforce and marines. I don't think rubber bullets and tear gas would be able to break up that formidable opponent. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
It must be the sheep mentality that was written about earlier.

Sorry pal I don't know much about sheep mentality,
I have always liked women,
shuck them velcro gloves and give a women a try.
should be alot easier on your shins. :eek:
Riot, protest, blah blah blah.
It is bad behavior any way you slice it.
I would be ashamed if my son was in that pic.
Universities should demand that students behave.
There is way to much acceptance of bad behavior in our culture today.
Greenhorn- I would probably be able to survive boot camp. I think if I were to have gone into the military, I would have went ROTC. I actually contemplated this quite a bit. At the time, I had scholarships that paid for my first two years of schooling. It was very difficult to pass up on, so I didn't. It was well worth the studying and effort I put into high school. People contribute to or serve a purpose in more ways than just being in the military. I appreciate those who are in the military but I can also appreciate many others. Sacrifices can be made on a daily basis that don't involve a patriotic act. Do you think only those who were or are in the military are brave, honest upstanding citizens? I really don't have to give my credentials and for that matter I don't want to. What I do needs no thank yous but is appreciated by many. As a dad you should know....

Michealr- I may be from Montana but I wasn't raised inside a barn. I have spent some time on a dairy farm but never did like prairie maggots. I have a wife and that suits me just fine, thank you.
Michaelr- If my son is protesting something that he believes, I stand behind his decision. I would much rather him protest and believe in something. I may disagree with what he thinks and may even argue with him. At least he's thinking. I would also rather see him in a peaceful demonstration than robbing a convenience store, battering women, doing drugs, being an alcoholic etc....Those are things I would be ashamed of! You can be ashamed of your son for being in a picture.
In reference to your post #52, at 7:36am, 1-26-05

I never used the term “Snot nosed brats” you are obviously confusing my posts with those of others.
I would feel the same no matter what the protesters were for or against, gun laws, abortion , gay whales whatever. I think they should be expelled for their actions, not their cause. These “protesters" chose to make it confrontational, chose to destroy the property of others and try to intimidate others. They chose to deny the free speech rights of the recruiter, as well as the rights of other students and the college. There should be consequences for these actions. I don’t feel they deserve any jail time or hefty fines, just expel them.
Nowhere in any of my posts have I suggested that they, or anyone else should be denied the right to voice their opinion and /or protest the military or anything else.

Regarding your insinuation that I feel “threatened” by higher education, nothing could be further from the truth. I do however feel annoyed by collage graduates who display a self righteous, arrogant attuide , and act like they are somehow superior to others.
If you go back to the original post, then review my posts and your posts responding to me I think you will see that I have consistently spoken to what is in the photograph, the caption, and directly to what you have said to me. You, however have made assumptions, jumped to conclusions, and made accusations that are mostly unfounded.
I highly suggest you enroll in two more collage classes.
Debate, because you lost this one badly, and Reality 101.

I used “spell check” on this post, I hope it meets with your approval.

If my son is protesting something that he believes, I stand behind his decision. I would much rather him protest and believe in something. I may disagree with what he thinks and may even argue with him. At least he's thinking.

What if that belief/protest was the legalization of marijuana or, in the draft era, taking the Canadian route rather than serving his country? How about gun control or animal rights issues that would directly impact the type of recreation that this board is all about? I love my three kids and would defend their safety to my death but I, personally, don’t think I could make the statement that I would ALWAYS stand behind their decisions nor be HAPPY with the fact they were “just thinking” if those thoughts were indeed a skewed.

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