Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Hunting Video! Want to see?


I didn't think the video was bad at all. You definitely have the voice (cool narrating job) and I think once you start getting more tape you're gonna be one busy dude cutting it. Good luck with it all, as well as this next hunting season. Thanks for allowing me to check it out.

On another note, I pm'd TheTone yesterday requesting his address, but haven't received a response as of yet. I'm heading out of town Friday and will not be back until Monday. I'd like to get this in the mail to someone before the weekend. Do you want me to pass it off to the next guy after TheTone or sit on it for a few more days?
To JoseCuervo I have got a new mac with the intel chip and love it. I do a lot of editing video and havent had any problems whatsoever. If you have the money get Final Cut Pro HD it is the best out there, but iMovie still gets the job done without any problems. If anybody is interested in letting me edit some video I would love to put your hunts on DVD. I need the experience with the editing for my resume.

As far as cameras go I need to invest in one of my own here soon, which models have been tough enough to take hunting the west?
Ovis, send it to the next guy. TheTone will only be one behind. Thanks for the quick response and the comments.

Remember guys send your addresses to the guy in front of you so they can get it out quick.
IB- I pm'd Ovis my addy if you want to keep it moving. I can watch and drop it back to Tone or whoevers next on the list....
The disc is postmarked for MarvB. I'll drop it in the mail tomorrow. Thanks again IB!
Sorry guys I was out of town working this week. I just sent my address to Ovis, so let me know if its coming to me or to MarvB. I think I already have Marv's address.
Either way is fine by me. I'll get my address to you so that either way it will be coming my way. Looking forward to seeing it.
Sorry Tone...I knew I wasn't going to be around over the weekend and I was just trying to keep it moving. MarvB should have it in another day or so.
Hey its no real problem. I think Marv's sending it to me next so I'll get to see it. Looking forward to checking it out.
Tone...It's coming your way today!

IB- Nice vid and way to stack up the chit there bud! See that you didn't get Moosie edited out of all the tape but there is always next time ;)
At least I didn't have to put up withe handstands and the "flex" :D

Best part for me was the Moose hunt with your Pops....something I always wished I could have done with mine before he passed. Your Dad was BEYOND excitied! The rest was good as well, only suggestions would be if your cam can take a wind screen to cut down on some of that mike noise?

Thanks again for sharing!
Any chance of updating the list to see where some of the rest of us show up on the list?
I would suggest doing what i did and start a seperate thread for the "list" and seperate one for constructive critisism. That way the "list" isnt so confusing
It has not showed up yet. Hopefully soon, I'm looking forward to it.
I'm looking forward to seeing it too. I'll watch it over at WH's house. Do I have this straight: TheTone will watch it and then send it to Schmalts and then Schmalts will send it to WH? So, we should be able to see it in about 2 weeks, if WH has given Schmalts his address? (unless the mailman lost it between Cali and ID)
Curly- Maybe the mailman out in ID-HO is watching the Moosie-Gunner-Bugler bear baiting/snack eating thread and waiting for the sequel....
It came this week. I was working in the field (keeps office weight off) this week. I watched some of it last night and will finish it today and get it moving. Is Schmalts next in line?