Caribou Gear

Hunting Video! Want to see?

Ok I got the DVD last night and watched in right away (much to the wifes dismay, since it was during dinner), and I've got to ask... IDBugler, how do you still have a job? Seems you must have spent 3 solid months hunting!?!
Great video, thanks for sharing!!!
The wife says next year, avoid standing in the wind so much... ;)

So, who's next? Give me an address and I'll get it off to the mail.
I could be getting closer to the top of the list. Let me know who to send my address to when its time. thanks
Where we at on this guys? Do you have it jkhunterid? Just wondering so we can keep it moving.
I didn't get a chance to see Schmaltz's video, but I sure wouldn't mind getting on the list to see yours! (video, that is) LOL!
I would like to see it as well must of missed this the first time it was posted due to the fact I was moving lol. Let me know who to send the Address to thanks.
I sent it to hunt2921 he was on the list after me. I'll check and see when the wife mailed it. Working 12 hour night shifts I dont see the post office much.
I got it yesterday I've watched it and it was awesome. You might want to take another quiver of arrows when moose hunting. Who is next on the list?

Nobody has pm me with there address.

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