Yeti GOBOX Collection

Hunting Video! Want to see?

HAHA.. I didn't go that far, But the sound is the ONLY thing lacking in my opinion. I think the editing , the fades, the slow shots, (ME), ;) , and seriously everything else was good.

The sound went from you couldn't hear it to me jumping for the Remote not to wake the neighbors.

The other coment I have (Since I'm on the "box") is the NM hunt. You should have gotten some of Brandons footage too. I wobbled the camera on just prior to the Kill shot but then when you fade to the Pictures I think my picture was up first then your buck. For someone that didn't know we had 2 tags it might have been confusing ? Anyways, Since I know you're sensitive about it I'll log out now :D
Hey, IB, you should bring a copy of it up during bear this spring, I promise not to be as tough on you as Moosie.... ;)
Got the video an watched it today. I thought that it was great! Got me all fired up. I made my ol'lady watch it with me to show her that I wasn't as die hard as she thought. Who is next on the list, lemme know and I will get it sent. Great video Bugler!!!!
I saw the vid one night (actually morning) after work....3 AM, and I didn't fall asleep. Somehow I think the spring bear tracking was staged.... HA HA HA!!! Everyone should enjoy it quite a bit. Dang, that SOB IdahoBugler shot a lot of chit last year. My favorite part was the blood gushing rifle elk and the nearly dead tree from Steve's archery deer hunt. Good Times!!!!!!!!!!
My addy is :
Patrick Schmitt
W276 N9238 redwing rd
Hartland, Wi
So sonce i have my addy posted... send it on over
Somehow I think the spring bear tracking was staged....

Whatever............... You think that bear Died on the top of the Hil land We walked over and Found it ?!?!?! HEll it took dang near 2 hours of HArd tracking. Who would have known it was heading back to the Truck. that was the Shortest PAck I've ever had ;)
So who am I sending the video to? My bro Hunt2921 wants to see it, and I am trying to get him to get him out here hunting next year!!!!!!!!!!!!! THis video would do a greaqt job of recruiting for me!!!! Can I send it to him??????????
he left me a message saying that he was going to be out of town for a few weeks.....
If he is going to be there then I will send it there. I guess I should have mentioned that.
Send it please. You never replied to the message. Next after me is Wyodeerhunter, who has already sent his address to me. Thanks!
Somehow I think the spring bear tracking was staged.
I had to make sure that I could walk in those snow shoes I had on. I guess it would of made for better video if I was only in my sandals. :eek:

Here is the order that was posted so far.
Mtmiller - Done
BKillin - Done
Oak - Up next
Washington Hunter

Guys in line after the 100+ posts guys

Wylee and Gunner can get the video from Moosie or myself to view so don't worry about sending it to them.

So the guys on the request list make sure you send the guy in front of you your addy so they can send it to you after they are done. Let me know if you have problems with playing the DVD. I believe the format I sent out was dvd+r. Some players may have problems playing that format. My cousins in Hawaii had to use a mini dvd player to watch it. |oo
Tone's already been Pm'd my addy and I'll drop it to T-Bone ASAP when I've seen it..let's Git Er' Done Boys!!!!!!!