Blaine Eddy
New member
Seldom Ever; did i ever tell you about the time I was out Coyote Huntin up in the Owyhee Desert and that Big Coyote jumped on me? It had Snowed real hard the night before and when I crawled out of my Tent in the Morning it was trying to break up but was still snowing lightly, I loaded up and headed out, and on about the 3rd or 4th Stand I found myself Calling down into a deep Gorge, Vision was perty poor , and I was in full white Camo. I was a blowin that little Pee Wee Critter call for all i was worth, I was looking to my left and just as I was sweeping my head to the right ! There He Was ! A huge Coyote had zeroed in my fingers a moving on the end of my call and he was moving at full speed when he impacted me! Out of desperation I dropped my call and raised my hand to Shield my Face from the Dogs Teeth. At impact I managed to get ahold of his Neck just below his chin. And Man let me tell you I had a Death Grip on this Coyote!! He began kicking at me trying to get away but I had a good hold on him and I mean a hand Full of Fur! While he was trying like hell to pull away from me I was trying like hell to get my rifle in my left hand and shoot the Damn thing, but he was a jerking around so much Hell i thought i'd accidentally shoot myself instead of him, Anyway this went on for about a minute or so and then very suddenly he quit struggling and just layed there still as could be with his lips curled back and his teeth ALL showing with a low pitched mean as hell Growl! And he was glaring at me almost as if to say : Mr !You Had Better Just Let The Hell Go Of Me and I Mean Right NOW! Right about then All Hell broke loose and he Clamped down Hard on my right arm, Hell i bet i must have sounded like a woman when that awful Scream came out of my lungs, I jumped to my feet and let loose of that Coyote and my gun! The deep snow kinda softened my guns impact i guess but at the time i really wasnt at all worried about my gun. but more for gettin that damn dog off of me, as soon as he felt me let go of my death grip on him he let loose of me and away he went. Well to make a long story short, the Dog got away and I headed back to the truck with a hand Full of Coyote Fur and thinking to myself : man what a good thing nobody was with me to hear me when I screamed like a woman(no offense crow woman)Blaine