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Seeth's 2020 Hunting Log

Congrats on the moose. I really enjoyed the story. I hope you have some more good adventures in ID.
Pulled into our camping area and got the trailer semi situated. Loaded up the sxs, dressed and away we went. We are in the area that had lots of moose but we also saw so many deer in here that we figured it was the best place to start. Plus I wanted to check my camera in here.

My wife went to sit up a small drainage and already texted me that She has seen 3, maybe 4 does.

I got the sd card into my phone and Almost the first image is a monster bull moose...I don't even want to look at the rest...
Sorry the recaps are so short, I'll try to do a more full and complete job later but just wanting to note down the days major happenings as they go.

Yesterday was thrilling as three different times while hiking I took the scope cover off, chambered a round and began looking for a horn. Three different times I was disappointed. First a doe and two fawns, then 2 does and 2 fawns and then a doe and two fawns again. So close to making it happen on the last day yet so far away.

No elk spotted, lots of moose as always.

Did get a pair of grouse for supper :)

I missed yesterday but that was really because there was nothing to tell. We could have shot two bucks had season been open still...o well. Zero elk spotted, barely any tracks found in the snow.

Today wasn't much better. I did get another grouse. That always makes my day. This afternoon I did find an area the elk were in heavy yesterday, tracks everywhere, dozen or more beds, area where they fed heavy on aspens. Not sure if it's worth checking that bowl out again tomorrow but we really have no better options. I'm starting to get the feeling that there just aren't many elk here at all. All the locals say that come mid november, tex creek area has so many elk you can't drive without seeing one. We have checked every area from their summer range to there and all reports from the locals are "no elk around".
No tags punched and giving up. Toughest hunt I've ever been apart of. Got those 4 mallards and 6 ruffed grouse and 2 dusky grouse. We a mix of fun and misery lol Will continue to report more on this hunt but we are just drained and done. 9 days straight of hunting is a tough thing to do and we have never gone past 7 before.
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