Caribou Gear

Hunt Talker Hunt 2014

My question is (for all of you going on this grand adventure), will there really be some SERIOUS hunting going on, or just a BS story telling fest? One guy gets a shot on one and the other ten of you discuss at length the merits of each others way of doing things, then hero shots, then discussing the angle of the projectile, the fact that the shot was a little high, little low, for the given load, wind speed, yad, yada.

All in jest gents. Can't wait for the stories which are printable, to be published here.
Well...neither of the bears I saw yesterday graced me with their presence today. I did get to watch a griz sow with two feisty little cubs as well as a medium sized black bear for a couple hours.
There will be serious hunting for sure, there will be even more serious BS too.

We should start a pool of how many bears, beers, fish and turkeys die.

I'll put money down on dead beers being at the top of the list. :D
I was hoping I would be able to join in the festivities, hoping to juggle some filming projects. But, Mrs. Fin has abandoned me for the next ten days, leaving me on dog duty, in between filming tasks.

Are any of you coming through Bozeman on your way out?

Reason I ask, is I have some Hunt Talk items I wanted to send over to the camp for each of you. Don't know how to get them there, unless by some miracle the dogs die while in my care and the camera crew cancels all of our filming for next week. If her dog died while in my care, I may as well go to bear camp ....... and stay there for enternity.

If one of you are coming through, send me a PM and I will give you these items to take to the crew.

JR (or any other local guys) - just confirm, I can get my tag when I'm in Missoula Wed. morning,,,,,,correct? Dustin made a reference in a earlier post about the tag not being a "true over the counter", I guess that got me wondering a little. What exactly does that mean anyway "not true OTC" ? Is that due to the quota limitations?
the tag is not valid until after the day of purchase. So if you buy it Wed, you cant hunt on it until Thurs.

JR- as I thought. I don't think we planned to hunt Wed. evening. I figured those of us there will be setting up camp & the skinning station :D plus checking for proper temperature levels on beverages! :hump::
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